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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Yes, more solid information before any of us can give any opinion. FUE or FUT, how many grafts, before and after pics, etc... where and with who? Have you been in contact with the clinic/Doctor?
  2. Take heart you 5, 6's and7's - This pic says it all.
  3. Both the Maserati and the Victoria's Secret Model will spend half their time in the shop - so enjoy the hair. All I want 10 years down the line is this hair, a good bowel movement and a nice afternoon nap.
  4. I am sorry but this forum is not a place to try to market your unknown firm - you have to pay for that. Mods? COUNTDOWN 5 - 4- 3- .....
  5. That a good transformation and given the state of your head in the before photos, quite a good change for you, Congrats!
  6. I second the notion that DR. Mohebi is top notch. I am 18 months past my procedure (my 2nd) and am extremely satisfied that this 68 year old man can wear his hair any way he wants. Dr. Mohebi will also fully document your hair and procedure and has an extensive follow up program - 3,6,12 months.
  7. I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT INDIA WAS IN NORTHEN CALIFORNIA. Again, another hit and run desperation attempt at marketing an unknown India clinic from someone who doesn't understand marketing or the simplest website etiquette. Or even how to read a post. OR...maybe the guy discovered a wormhole between Big Sur and Maharashtra.
  8. Arod77ld, this post is over 10 years old now and the OP never came back. I do not think you will get an answer to your question on this thread. Try starting a new one.
  9. Go up to YOUR INFO and click on it - then under SETTINGS you can EDIT SIGNATURE.
  10. Thanks for coming onto the website two years after your HT. I'm sure you've been just itching to tell the world about your HT and, well, after two years, it seemed like the right time, eh? It seems that a lot of guys like you have great FRIENDS who have had a HT done at some unheard of clinic and then you get one and it's amazing. I know I'm amazed.
  11. I did too, but a little bit of old school parenting was needed, and I believe sarcasm would have been lost on him. He's nowhere to be seen though, huh?
  12. Hey Zev, why didn't you mention in your story the fact that you are their Rep? It's right on your profile. The one you submitted. Your 'testimonial' comes across now as just a cheeky advert for the company you get paid from. Being honest about your motive for posting and introducing yourself properly would have gone a long way towards your credibility. You had one opportunity, mate.
  13. Be careful - they mainly speak English in Vancouver and have a strange sometimes odd accent - ordering a Pint of Ale may just get you a Quart of Oil. Of course, I guess Scotland is worse. No matter what you order you get Scotch. But I see nothing wrong in that.
  14. Okay - then let's get to the heart of your real question. Expect a good outcome and then if you don't get it, make them follow-up on their promises.
  15. When you put money into a slot machine, the only guarantee is that you will get to pull the handle but you must live with the outcome. You can enter into the contract with reasonable expectations of the outcome based on the skill of the surgeon and his track record of the procedure but your own body may sabotage you. Do your research, find a reputable professional surgeon with a good track record and you minimize your risks of failure
  16. I agree with that - but like I said it could have been a tooth of an eyelift - unscrupulous people are rampant in the cosmetic surgery business. Three words: Brazilian Butt Lift.
  17. That is a very sketchy and badly written news article. To blame his death on the HT is irresponsible reporting without more facts and a thorough autopsy. He could have gone in for a tooth extraction and things could have gone awry as well.. But it made the headlines and can feed paranoia so I guess that all that counts.
  18. Just having fun - looks good now!
  19. I don't know - but why don't you apply some critical thinking to this 4 year old post that never got off the ground except for two questions a year after that that never got answered?
  20. Obviously, you are so happy that you are dancing on the ceiling.
  21. In that case, I don't need pictures of you or your hair to give you general non-specific to your head advice and that is that that some clinics will accept patients and some will reject patients based on what they see AND what they think they can do for you. You'll have to take them for their word and proceed accordingly.
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