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Everything posted by voxman

  1. Nice. We have something in common...here's my 1-10. Most comic size are graded now but I have 1-300 complete.
  2. Your 1st post - the pic on the far right - on top of the cabinet....MADS.
  3. It is going to be fine - take it from me - I was 64 when I had my first HT. That scar will never be a problem for you. What's with the MADs in the 1st post photo?
  4. ORIGINAL QUESTION ANSWER Such insight is immeasurable.
  5. YOU, sir, are the predatory presence you claim the industry is. Your LINK is not allowed here. Your total of two (2) posts to date are horrible examples of companies using this website for personal gain and selling snake oil. You best leave now before the mods deactivate your account. This shit makes me furious.
  6. I rarely use the same barber - but the one guy I did go to a few times and knew about my HT was keen to admire it and see it's progress. Other times, I just go to whatever salon has a quick opening. I did find a local cool 'hip' barber shop to get my beard trimmed and I'll go back. It's nice out today.
  7. This is a typical ONE AND DONE poster.
  8. Even if one does not grow 'Rock and Roll' style long hair, a person with a 'normal' type style should have little to no concerns about a scar. I know the military shaves and faded sides and backs are popular but even though, it's a consideration about maximizing grafts and achieving possible results.
  9. You can get 2500 graft from Strip easily without any other shaving. If you are a long hair guy this is optimal and should be your 1st choice.
  10. I think my answer is better for this particular poster.... Upon reflection, it dawned on me that the OP may actually be suffering from the malady known as Folliculitis Trollitus Extremis. There is no known cure. Please give generously to fight this debilitating disease.
  11. I have found that the best medical treatment for Hair Loss is called a Hair Transplant. Information regarding this can be found on this site. For Home remedies, sitting at a computer and asking bland vague questions about the cost of a HT, a HT in Delhi, eyebrows, PRP, Alopecia Areata, How to Grow Hair Fast, and other topics can definitely lead to additional hair loss. Something you may want to avoid. How about asking a question in regards to your own personal situation instead.
  12. Go FUT, then if you want more, do a 2nd FUT, then if you want more, go FUE. For all the reasons above. A good surgeon will excise the old strip when he does the 2nd - especially if it was a Tripto closure. I basically have one tiny scar after two HT's.
  13. Good for you. I am astounded that 8000 grafts resulted in such a minimal result - 8000 grafts in the hands of a recommended surgeon should have had you reeling with joy. I have a feeling you wish you would have found this forum years ago -
  14. Spanker sounds about right - no way is that 8000 grafts - more like 2000-2500 at the most. You look like you have a very good donor area still - in the hands of a surgeon with a good track record, you could still achieve a very acceptable density and look. It is what it is and you have a choice now to move on. At 53, you are still 11 years younger than I was when I had my 1st HT, so get it going!
  15. I agree - you don't have years to commit to multiple surgeries so get the most out of it 1st go-round. You can still wear your hair relatively short in the back if that's a concern. Although someone who came of age during the Bay City Roller era is allowed to sport a mullet.
  16. I agree - fashions come and go fleetingly. The Hipster Beard will be replaced by some other thing. My beard has nothing to do with the current movement - I'm just anticipating that my time machine will work properly so I can visit ancient Rome.
  17. Disgusting. This poor fellow spent all of his money on HT's and now he hasn't enough to even afford a decent haircut. I've started a GOFUNDME account to help out this homeless bum. Maybe some good will come of it. Please contribute to the GOFUNDME account called "Roger is Going to Hawaii this summer and Wants to Stay in a 5 Star hotel on the Beach and Eat Kobe Beef Steak and Poi".
  18. Hey dude, all seven (7) of your very first posts are the same thing. We get the message. You need to learn how the whole Forum System works. Bad start.
  19. Like I said on my reply to the original post - I saw nothing untoward on either side and would wait for follow up. I have always respected both the original poster and the mods so - in the words of The Eagles - Take It Easy...
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