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Everything posted by zyzz

  1. After a hair transplant procedure, are all recipient hairs visible before they fall off after the first month? Or are there usually a percentage of grafts that doesn't have hair follicles extending past the scalp until a few months? If they are all visible, should a patient be able to tell what their results will look like after a year?
  2. Has someone answered the difference between the Choi vs Lion implanter pen?
  3. Yes, get it checked asap. It concerns me that the doctor even states it is healing well when he well knows he messed up. I would be cautious of even letting him doing any further work or getting any revision to fix this. An emergency visit to top strip surgeon like Hassan/Wong should be your best option to fixing that if you want it done fast. (Given they aren't the Dr you visited) Also, please state the doctor's name for the benefit of everyone including yourself.
  4. Did you pay in USD or did you go somewhere to exchange to Euro? It's tough because I've been planning this since the beginning of the year and I even booked the flight and scheduled an appointment 8 months ago
  5. Dr Dogonay is in Antalya which is closer to the Syrian border than Istanbul but still far away. Good thing my connecting flight is from Germany and Istanbul so will be out of danger. I'm more concerned of last minute travel restrictions. How big is your surgery?
  6. Anyone went to Turkey from USA? Anyone ever use https://www.evisa.gov.tr/en/ to get a visa? or tips on visa? I don't want to carry a bunch of cash while on travel. How did you pay? I have 1500 graft surgery w/ Dr Dogonay in December.. is leaving the next day in the evening after surgery a bad idea?
  7. Looks good but I have a question on growth. Does your hair naturally grow straight up like that before hair loss? When it grows longer, will it cover your forehead?
  8. Nice job.. but why would this patient leave their bangs long while the rest of his head is shaved during procedure?
  9. I guess I should have been more specific with my question. Can a HT give someone back their natural hair density?
  10. Are you on meds and does that have a huge factor on shockloss?
  11. Any photos of patient results from someone who went from low/medium density to higher density?
  12. If I am fine with where my hairline is and already on meds, can a HT help to increase hair density on thinning areas? Will the trauma to the recipient area cause native hairs to fall off which would eventually defeat the purpose of getting a HT for higher density?
  13. do you have photos level to your forehead to show the hairline design? thanks
  14. Before your repairs, did you discuss with any of the doctors about removing those unnatural recipient hairs via FUE as an option vs doing a brow-lift procedure? Did they say that was even possible? 14 years is a long journey. Hope you great success w/ Dr Rahal.
  15. Isn't the purpose of PRP to speed up the healing time and not improve hair follicles?
  16. At this point would it be safe to buzz your native hair but not touch any recipient area?
  17. I have an appointment w/ Dr Hakan in a few months and I'm still deciding whether I should ask him to do manual or motor. He says he prefer motor. Manual will have the same results but it costs 25% more because it takes a longer time. Anyone have Dr Hakan do manual before?
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