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Everything posted by zyzz

  1. From the safe zone of head, how many would be available total for the average male?
  2. I'm no expert, but wouldn't the additional 600 grafts implanted in such an already dense zone result in a zero sum game? Refer to this guy http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/178460-input-needed-fue-2521-grafts-1-year-post-op-results.html
  3. Why don't you post photos? Could be an issue with natural angle of transplanted recipient hair.
  4. I see most photos have their hair styled combed back and not forward. Is it difficult to style the transplanted hair to cover the forehead after a year? Sort of like this photo attached.
  5. Definitely fue for 1700 grAfts and if you buzz your hair short. I think depending on punch size and doctor skill level of extracting everything evenly you might bee able to pass with 1700 grafts extracted and number 1 buzz if it doesn't turn out to look like a moth eaten donor. Perhaps check out some pics of his donor work from patient reference?
  6. What's the best alternatives if someone has side effects or does not respond to propecia/finasteride/dutasteride?
  7. Unnatural recipient angles? Unnatural hairline? Over harvesting donor sites? Low yield? (Is this a doctor mistake and can be in his control?) Also, is there a certification that a doctor needs to pass in order to practice hair transplant surgery? I see a lot of repair done due to unnatural angle where the hairs would be perpendicular to the scalp and I wonder why? Do they blindly punch holes without proper training of how to do lateral slits?
  8. If someone who had a FUE procedure done in the past and decides to completely shave their head, can SMP be used to cover the visible donor area punch holes?
  9. Nice results. Were any of the grafts from first procedure removed or were they just covered up?
  10. Why are top doctor's mostly in Europe? Do they have some technology or abilities the West does not have?
  11. Looks good. How difficult was it to communicate exactly what you wanted to Dr Hakan and his team and feel confident that they completely understood what you wanted?
  12. On your 11 month pic did you use any styling product to get it to stay up like that? What direction does your hair grow naturally?
  13. If I were to buzz all around with a number 1 guard after a year, would any donor scars show, or could you see the difference in hair texture, density and angles with native and recipient hair since you can't style your hair at all with a buzz cut?
  14. If someone had a procedure with a really aggressive hairline and their crown starts to thin badly after 10 years or so and they're out of donor hair, can some transplanted grafts from the hairline be replanted back to the crown to create a more natural recede?
  15. When the recipient hairs shed after a month can you see them shed on your pillow or during shower?
  16. Out of curiosity, why isn't Rahal on your list if you speak so highly of him for fue?
  17. Interested in knowing more. What's the difference between ACELL and PRP? How often is it typically administered if a HT is not done? How is it administered w/ a HT?
  18. What punch size for donor? Was it done w/ manual or motor?
  19. I'm on day 7 and my recipient area is really dry still with scabs. Is there a safe scalp hydrating lotion I can use for my recipient after day 7?
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