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Everything posted by zyzz

  1. I notice you drew his hairline and then curbed down to his temple points. Was SMP also inked to his temples?
  2. MrGio, Any pics of what it looks like healed? Will there be pitting?
  3. If you were to razor shave the back, would you see white dots?
  4. Thought about Thailand once but not after seeing this. Anyone know what happened to this guy? He was supposed to get repair with Feriduni but disappeared http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/172143-19-years-age-norwood-2-3-there-anybody-out-there-8.html
  5. That is one of the best smp work i've seen. Is that temporary? When will it fade and need to be redone?
  6. Their website and forum is completely down now. Thought they were just restructuring
  7. Any recommendations for clinics and SMP practitioner in California, preferably in the Bay Area?
  8. How is it possible to extract so many grafts on the face and have no visible scars but when other people previously went through fue and shave down to skin in the back of their head, you can see white dots? Can ugraft be used to extract donor hair from back of head?
  9. Nice hairline and good that the doctor didn't touch your temple points
  10. Yes you'll most likely shed native hair on first few months of meds. Surprised the Dr didn't ask you to be on meds at least a year to make sure no side effects before going into a procedure.
  11. Which one has less side effects? Which one should be tried first?
  12. Are you on meds n did you notice any shockloss to your native hair in front?
  13. Why is it that most FUE scars in the donor area leaves noticeable white dots if hair is shaved completely but when a repair procedure is done on a previous subpar transplant patient where grafts need to be removed either at the hairline or below the intended hairline, rarely any scar can be visible? Can't the same measures be taken to make sure scarring isn't noticeable in donor area as well?
  14. Looks good. What are your thoughts on taking meds for only 6 months? Wouldn't you end up losing what you gained?
  15. Probably shock loss and I believe its more apparent when not on meds. Did the doctor explain the importance of taking meds if you go through with a HT? I wish all doctors would caution patients as I also did not know meds was so crucial and suffered huge native shock loss. Probably wouldn' have gone through a HT in first place if I knew meds were this critical as I'm one who can't be on the meds. I'm now trying alternative methods to meds to try to retain my native hair.
  16. Do they just stay dormant inside your scalp forever?
  17. Don't wanna get into a debate about Propecia vs Acell+PRP since we already know meds have a stronger history of effective proven results. But for those who couldn't be on meds, are there any studies or patient feedback who had occasional Acell+PRP therapy to retain their native hair after a HT? Or even before a HT?
  18. I would also try not to put too much expectations on a specific hairstyle especially ones with dense bangs like a kpop artist. After reading many posts by more experienced people here and going through a procedure I realize that Hair transplant should be a last resort to improve your balding appearance and at best it gives an illusion of more density but you can never get back the density you had 10 years ago, and certainly not what you see on specific hairstyles with a full head of hair. Be realistic with your expectations.
  19. I've had ED issues even before starting meds so I'm not sure if it's the meds that's causing it or not. Doctor recommends I stop but wanted to see if anyone continued with meds even with the sides? Can continue use permanently damage ability to get an erection even with meds like Viagra?
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