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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. You have what I would categorize as intermediate diffuse hair loss. It's not severe, but given your age it can progress rather quickly. You are definitely not too late for medication. I would say you're actually primed for medication. You could probably save a lot of your hair in the next decade. Sounds like your brother wasn't as fortunate. For some, the hair loss is slow, while others it's fast and aggressive.
  2. Too bad the only German I know is auf wiedersehn lol @Gasthoerer is our resident German speaker.
  3. How's the hair looking @nick1111 would love to see an update.
  4. A big reason why big pharma doesn't get involved is because anyone can basically compound finasteride. You don't necessarily need a prescription. Therefore, they cannot patent it. How these pharmaceutical companies make their money is through the patent. For a long time there was no generic Propecia, you either had to get Propecia or Proscar. Having a monopoly on a medication is how they make money. Some pharmaceutical companies can raise the price of a medication by an insane number, and if they're the only ones who can make and distribute the medication the public has no choice. However, over-the-counter supplements are not as lucrative.
  5. There is a case very similar to you by a forum member @duchaine now is it safe? That depends on the surgeon, their staff, how many grafts you're receiving, and whether you're on medication like finasteride.
  6. There have been some questions on the forum comparing DHI and FUE and pitting these two techniques against each other. It's probably because of all the massive amount of misinformation and marketing nonsense going around. Let's break down the differences. I will consider making this a pinned post, if we get some good replies. Interested to hear the communities input. DHI vs FUE Is There A Difference?
  7. Wow that is incredible, do you have pictures of how it looked month to month?
  8. Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep Sethi have been recommended on this forum for years. In fact, we were the first western organization to take notice of their quality.
  9. DHI is the implantation technique and FUE is the harvesting technique. It’s sorta like saying what’s better a washer or a dryer. They both perform completely different functions and you can have both FUE and DHI.
  10. He’s got hair for days, sorta like his fellow countryman Pelle. I can only dream of having that hair lol
  11. How do you know that was shaqiris surgeon? Doesn’t look like shaqiri had FUT.
  12. In my opinion, Arshad and Reddy are both excellent choices. Even if reddy charges 2.50 per hair, broken down it’s about 5 per graft. The average procedure is about 2 hairs per graft. It’s not that high.
  13. In this video Dr. G explains why its best to shave
  14. In my opinion caboki is the best in terms of quality and affordability.
  15. Personally, I can’t vouch for any surgeon in Mexico. But ive seen good reviews from Dr. Nader, I’ve also heard good things about Dr. Cortez. But that’s the extent of the information i have.
  16. Showing the face makes a huge difference. When I see my face before balding and now the change is drastic. Thanks for doing this 👏🏼
  17. She does the extractions and creates the sites. Her technicians place the grafts. Some surgeons feel techs do a better job placing the grafts. I think extractions are important and the creation of the sites are the most critical.
  18. He probably dropped by to do a review and left. Most guys don’t stick around, I’m sure he wrote this review as a good gesture to Dr. Diep. We can’t expect everyone to stick around or be as thorough as @jjbluejeans it would be nice, but doesn’t always happen that way.
  19. Take a look at Dr. De Freitas https://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/physician/Spain/Rafael-De-Freitas/693
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