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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Ok this is bad. The best hair transplant strategy if you’re not a candidate is NO surgery. Also, it needs to be clear whether he’s receiving any commission by referring you to a clinic. The not financially motivated is not true, even if he isn’t receiving commission because he’s charging for the consultation. I have no problems with him monetizing his channel or services. But he should be transparent. He could say “I work with surgeons I trust, based on research. I receive a commission for referrals, so if you trust me and value my opinion, let’s work together.” At that point its clear, it’s really up to the individual to decide.
  2. @NikosHair Your accusation against @Gatsby was unfounded. Anyone with a financial interest is required to disclose that in their signature. I can understand accusations against me. The forum pays me, so it's a valid concern. But you lose me and most of the members of our community when you start throwing out conspiracy theories and unfounded accusations against one of the most respected members of our community. There is zero financial interest with Gatsby. He posts here of his own free will. It's clear to me that you are someone who has been previously banned. Your so-called debates are veiled attempts to diminish the community and those participating. I will be ignoring you from this point forward. Onwards and upwards,
  3. Maybe people aren’t interested in arguing or being accused of having ulterior motives like you did with @Gatsby
  4. I'm not sure what you're trying to insinuate. Four people said no, and yet only two posted about it.
  5. Minoxidil and finasteride have a synergistic effect. Combining both is always optimal.
  6. Saw palmetto can help, but no where near as much finasteride or dutasteride. I guess it’s better than nothing.
  7. I stopped taking their finasteride. I decided to ultimately switch completely to dutasteride.
  8. Actually, when I compare your photos, it looks like you have more vellus hairs now. I think your perception of it looking thinner is a result of seeing more vellus hair. January March I have to say your hair looks freakin killer. Looks like meds are actually working for you. I wouldn’t recommend getting surgery.
  9. Our community looks at independent reviews. I haven’t seen one review of his work. I don’t believe anyone here would fall for YouTube hype. He gained popularity by making interesting videos mainly about celebrities. He didn’t become popular by posting his results, unlike Dr. Couto from Spain who gained popularity based on results.
  10. I have to disagree, the correlation of side effects and efficacy are not combined. Some get no sides, others do, it has no bearing on efficacy. Its common knowledge based on studies that 0.2mg can significantly reducescalp DHT. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10495374/ Now, everyone has different sensitivity to DHT. For some 0.2mg will be enough, for others it wont. Regardless, 0.2mg is better than 0.
  11. Can you post pictures? It would be very surprising if it got worse in such a short period of time.
  12. I’m way too cynical. I hope something comes of it, but that’s what I said about breezula years ago and still nothing.
  13. I don’t agree with this perception. Have there ever been any studies on hair transplants performed by anyone other than the surgeon themselves? No. Yet, we know they work because of independent reviews. We need more independent reviews on these topicals. I do not believe large scale studies are necessary. For one, they will never happen. A large scale independent study costs millions to finance. Only big pharmaceutical companies can invest that much money. Two, these medications are already FDA approved through the oral version, so no big pharmaceutical company would ever waste their time trying to get a topical approved. In the end, it’s not necessary. All you need is enough detailed independent reviews. Unfortunately, I’m employed by this forum, so my review may not be viewed as independent. That’s fair, that is why I pinned Toronto man’s thread, and not my own. You will never know if a treatment works unless you try it. Claiming topicals only work for those who don’t get sides from oral versions is pure speculation. I think it will unnecessarily scare others away from trying a topical. I know I was scared, and I’m happy I tried it. But do not take my word for it, talk to others.
  14. I wouldn’t trust compounding a strong medication like Dutasteride at home. If cost is an issue just take it orally. You could take .5mg of dutasteride a week and it would be better than potentially absorbing 10mg at once trying to concoct your own topical.
  15. I can understand you're reasoning. My only issue is that hair transplants do not stop hair loss. You must treat the root cause of the hair loss before getting a hair transplant. You can't fix all of your hair problems with transplants. If cost is an issue, micro-dosing on oral finasteride or taking oral dutasteride once a week would be the optimal solution. There's no need for topicals. They are a luxury in the industry. Oral medications are still very effective and very cheap.
  16. I haven't tried it, but @FinallyHT says he uses it daily with pomade. I would apply it first, let it dry, then apply the hair products.
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