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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. His brother Tristan is pretty honest about getting an HT.
  2. I saw the screenshot of the patient saying something like, 'these pictures are mine, I sent these via private message, but I didn't authorize him to share them.' I have asked for screenshots. Jim took down the post afterward but continued disparaging Dr. Bicer. How about you ask Jim if what I'm saying is true? What does Adrian have to gain? Edit: I was just sent this photo of Jim hyperlinking a patient from this forum, someone who I’ve personally been working with and helping. Someone who is a multiple repair case and is having a VERY difficult time. This absolutely despicable. I’m at a loss for words that this kind of behavior is allowed. As for Cyberbullying, if you think my stating someone isn't telling the truth is cyberbullying, as opposed to someone posting pictures of me constantly and making disparaging remarks about my character isn't, then we have different views of cyberbullying. Ultimately, I think we have fundamental differences in what we view as appropriate, which shows in our communities. I wish you luck. If and when I receive the screenshots, I will post them. Onwards and upwards,
  3. I think we need to be clear that no one has been threatened aside from @Wallaby_Upstairs. Secondly, it’s a fallacy to believe that you would win some big settlement as a surgeon or a patient. The reality is that these lawsuits are very hard to prove, ultimately, the ones that win are the lawyers. Because it’s a huge drain of money and finances. It becomes question as to who can burn up their funds.
  4. I don’t know the full story, but from what I was told by @Gatsby a reddit user sent Jim a private message sharing his pictures to get his thoughts, as he’s listed as a “knowledgeable poster” on the subreddit. From my understanding, Jim took those pictures and posted them publicly without his consent to disparage Dr. Bicer, and make claims that she was lying about the number of grafts. I’m not 100% sure if my recollection is valid so @Gatsby correct me if I’m wrong. But if that’s true it violates the patient’s privacy. It’s absolutely egregious to say the least. If that doesn’t warrant a banning, then we have fundamental differences in what should or shouldn’t be allowed in a community. Protecting a patient’s privacy has nothing to do with financial biases either, it’s about protecting the member. As for the post about me. I don’t care what this individual says about me. He can post pictures of me everyday until he’s blue in the face. I posted it because it was ironic he claimed to be the victim of cyber bullying when he’s in fact a cyber bully himself. The people who recommend Dr. Bisanga are his patients. He’s claiming the people who recommend him are shills and bots. I fail to see how that is an opinion, when there are literally dozens of verified reviews on this forum. Again, I’m not asking you to take it down. I was merely providing an example of something I feel a lawyer could argue is defamatory. But I’m no lawyer, it’s just my understanding from our own suit. Jim posted his last update in December 2022. It may take me time to approve because I have million things to do. I’m one moderator for a large community but a valid post will be approved. That said, he’s permanently banned and will no longer have access to post anymore. Guys, I will make this my final request I don’t care what this person has to say about me or the community. Stop sending me dms with screenshots. If you feel it’s egregious reach out to wallaby, it’s his decision what he will or won’t allow. Sharing someone’s pictures via a private message and posting it publicly shows his true nature and character. I’ll leave it at that. Good luck on your legal issues. Onwards,
  5. Boldify is what I use. It’s cheap and just as good as toppik and caboki.
  6. I mean these doctors are at similar levels of skill and cost. As I said the best thing you can do is look up reviews yourself and draw your own conclusions on whose best for your situation.
  7. It’s called “you’re not done growing” this is a great example of why the “you’re done growing at 6 months” posts are nonsense.
  8. It looks like Jim has since crossed my name out. It’s ironic that Jim is claiming to be a victim of cyberbullying when he constantly posts disparaging and harassing posts about me and multiple surgeons. I didn’t even know about this until someone sent me the screenshot today. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned quibono, he’s not relevant to this case. At least I don’t think he’s ever said anything about this particular doctor that could be considered slanderous, but I could be wrong. I only brought him up because he’s posted things that aren’t true on multiple occasions. But it’s not relevant in this situation. As for speculation, this is what other users tell me and what they send me via screenshots. @Gatsby was also attacked by Jim claiming he is a rep, and that he’s me. Adrian isn’t a rep, nor is he paid. He volunteers his time just like you. Do you see a pattern of behavior? Here Jim is attacking Dr. Bisanga, making outlandish claims that his patients here are bots. https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/search/?&q=Dr. Bisanga &type=forums_topic&search_and_or=or&search_in=titles All you have to do is search to see that Dr. Bisanga has dozens of actual reviews by legitimate patients. Claiming these are bots/shills is defamatory. Community members, I’m no lawyer, so this is just my layman understanding. But to bring the Dr. Bisanga post again as an example. Jim claims that Dr. Bisanga is an invention of the forum i.e., not legitimate. He claims that the positive reviews and posts about him are shill/bots. That is a false statement that can be proven to be false. It is said with the intent to damage the surgeons reputation/credibility, which could lead to financial harm. You can get sued for that. Now, the second part about the temple work is a critique/opinion. It can’t be proven to be false because it’s that’s persons perspective. I bring this up because many of you post on Reddit as well. Anything you say on a public forum can be used in court. How many of you have 100k to blow on legal fees? Just because a surgeon can’t win a case, or has a low chance of winning doesn’t mean you won’t spend thousands upon thousands of dollars defending yourself. Be mindful and most of all don’t be a bully. Wallaby, I’ll close this out by saying, I’m not asking you to do anything. You run the community how you see fit. I’m bringing all of this to light to show our community the reasons why your community could be threatened with a lawsuit, and why our community isn’t. We’ve been there and done that, we have a duty to verify claims made on the forum, something I told you via pm months ago. I want to also add that Jim claims to be banned on this forum, he’s not. His posts were being moderated to ensure he didn’t post anything defamatory or harassing. I think you can see why as demonstrated above. However, given my recent discovery of his cyber bullying behavior. He will be permanently banned.
  9. For full transparency. I have banned both of these accounts. Apparently, this person claims I banned them because they said Dr. Pekiner is better than Dr. Bisanga. That's absurd. I disagree, but that is their opinion. I banned them because these accounts logged into the same IP address simultaneously. Duplicate accounts are not allowed.
  10. I’m not asking you to do anything. I’m simply pointing out my observations on your platform. I gave you a few users I suspected were duplicate accounts of the individuals via pm before. I bring these two people up because these are exactly the type of people that would post slander on a platform. Basically, Dr. Bicers rep was replying to him and he accused them of being me. I have not ever been a rep to any surgeon. I would have to dig up the screenshot from a pm I received a while back. I bring it up because this is exactly the kind of thing that goes on in your subreddit, and if that’s happening about me, it’s probably happening elsewhere. I don’t know why you’re gatekeeping what is useful or productive to our users. I think it’s both interesting and useful to see the kind of behavior that will get you sued. Complaining about a doctors skill, bedside manner, or results is an opinion. You can’t sue for that, it gets thrown out. Making false accusations about a surgeon’s education, medical background, and or license/certifications is something that can be construed as defamatory. Again, I’m not on your platform so I don’t know what’s being said, I’m only pointing out the instances where false accusations have been made against me that would be construed as defamatory. It’s just an example. I’m not asking you to take it down or anything about me down. Ultimately, you’re a volunteer mod. I don’t believe you have any responsibility to protect these users.
  11. It’s not that simple unfortunately, we’ve been in nearly a dozen lawsuits. If there’s a good lawyer that could argue malice and intent to cause financial harm, it probably won’t get thrown out right away. Without divulging too much of our own suit. We weren’t even the one’s making these statements. We were simply hosting them, and we didn’t get the suit thrown out right away. That said, I don’t think you have anything to worry about. I’m not worried about our community. We’ve been pretty fair and balanced.
  12. Hard to judge by this picture. The angle, the lighting, the styling. He could also be wearing concealer.
  13. I’ve said it before, if I were balding topicals would be my first option. If the topicals don’t work, then consider low dose oral fin or dut.
  14. I used to get posts almost daily of these two particular individuals making claims about me and this forum. Honestly I don’t care that’s why I never reached out to you. But yea I think their behavior goes unchecked, especially since both of these individuals have a history of creating multiple aliases and accounts to push their narrative. Apparently Jimcraig accused me of being Dr. Bicers rep, which is a flat out lie. I was sent a screenshot a while back. Overall, I don’t think this behavior is being moderated. Fair enough, I’m a mod and somewhat of a public figure, so I suppose it comes with the territory. But you better believe that eventually there will be lawsuits from surgeons that are being attacked. Our forum has been around for 22 years. In the beginning, Pat let everything fly, people said whatever they wanted about whoever they wanted. But he quickly learned that all it did was make the community a toxic place. Pat learned that a forum is like a garden. In order for the garden to flourish you need to pull out the weeds. Otherwise, the weeds take over. I’ve had the privilege to be mentored by someone whose seen it all. This is just my 0.2 cents. You have every right to run your community as you see fit.
  15. There have been lawsuits against Reddit, but they’re futile. What would end up happening is supermods would take over the sub and probably ban the posters and remove the mods. Wallstreet bros main mod sued Reddit cause he was removed and banned from his own sub. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/digital/reddit-sued-wallstreetbets-trademark-settlement-1235327626/amp/ Could the surgeon sue patients? Yea. It’s probably a hard case to win for the surgeon. But it will be very costly for both parties. Our lawsuit ended up getting dropped. But we spent tens of thousands of dollars in legal fees. I don’t know everything that has been said cause I don’t go there. But I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a lot slanderous posts and unsubstantiated allegations. If posts are done with intent to cause financial harm, the doctor has a case. Especially if it’s speculative in nature. Overall, I think it’s gonna be hard to prove and expensive. But it will be expensive for both parties.
  16. We have not had any threats, and none of our posts have been inflammatory. Anything published on a public forum can be used in a court of law. We were sued in 2009 by Alvi Armani, claiming that we were creating these aliases to attack him on this forum. At that time, we were not vetting these posters. Since then, we have reached out to patients to obtain their names and date of surgery to confirm they are indeed the surgeon's patients. Threads from legitimate patients will not be taken down because we have done our due diligence to ensure these patients are legitimate. Unfortunately, there have been cases where a handful of unhappy patients create multiple aliases to attack a particular surgeon. This practice shouldn't be allowed, and it isn't in our community. There is a poster, jimcraig152, aka lopsided, on Reddit that was caught creating another alias on here, str8npluggy. He posed as an interested patient of Dr. Diep to hide his identity, but his IP address turned out to be the same. Qui Bono was caught creating two separate aliases as well. I no longer visit your platform because these types of individuals go unchecked. I had to ask our community to stop sending threads and posts about our community and me, mainly from a few profiles that only post about this forum. I can only imagine what has been said about Dr. Diep. Whether you believe he's bad or unethical, there is a responsibility to verify serious allegations, especially given the anonymous nature of Reddit. That is just my advice. We have learned that freedom of speech doesn't mean you're free to say whatever you want about anybody; it could be very costly. Good luck,
  17. Have you submitted online consultations using that link?
  18. I've been on it now for over 6 months, no sides at all except my body hair grows quick and my leg hair is longer.
  19. Hard to judge without before pictures. You may want to add more density even after a successful procedure.
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