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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. @DeltaV I had a closer look, and it appears that the hair wasn’t extracted all the way to your nape. It’s very hard to see given your skin color and punch size. But I’ve outlined up to where the hair was extracted, which is just above the nape. Based on your photos I think this is okay. Again, it’s hard to judge retrograde alopecia by photos. If you get a fade where the hair is the shortest at the nape and gradually gets longer towards the occipital. It can appear like retrograde alopecia. In reality, it’s just the nape hair appearing thinner because its shorter and the hair is finer. I looked at the longer hair pictures you posted, but the angle didn’t really show the nape hair very well. Did you take any other photos at the clinic? Perhaps some different angles would help as well. EDIT: @DeltaV Please allow the clinic to share additional pictures.
  2. We have compiled a list of surgeons approved by our community. You could use this as a starting point, but you should still research these names here https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
  3. It’s hard to judge from these pictures. Do you have any pictures with your hair longer? It looks like you have a taper fade, which would make the nape appear thinner.
  4. It’s honestly baffling. I have no idea why this is an issue in Europe. It’s easy to get in the US once we have a prescription. It makes sense that side effects occurred when it was compounded incorrectly. Thats why I tell people to not try and compound their own dutasteride. Last you want is to absorb a large dose all at once.
  5. Folllicular unit grafting is essentially transplanting hair as it naturally grows on your head. Refined follicular unit grafting makes a transplant look indistinguishable from your native hair. Minigrafting is an outdated technique that hasn’t been performed industry-wide since the 90s. Think of it like VHS vs. 4K streaming.
  6. I’ve been on it almost two months no sides. I have seen some anecdotal reports that their fin has caused side effects. I spoke with Dr. Vaño one of the leading hair loss doctors in Europe. He said topical dutasteride makes more sense, in term’s efficacy and safety used topically. The main thing is the vehicle. Liposomal silicone based vehicles appear to be the best option. Are you staying on TRT doses or are you blasting and cruising?
  7. There’s enough anecdotal evidence to suggest oral is far superior to the topical. I took topical minoxidil for almost a decade before switching to oral, and hands down it’s more effective.
  8. Because that’s what he’s observed in his large scale clinical trial. He’s not just some doc, he’s one of the leading doctors in Europe whose participated in dozens of clinical studies. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33639244/ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergio-Vano-Galvan
  9. I will ask him about getting it in Europe. It’s not so easy in the US either. Most dermatologists don’t want to prescribe it since it’s a topical over the counter.
  10. Yes, definitely realistic. You can achieve a good hairline. You’re choosing an excellent surgeon as well.
  11. Dr. Pinto is one of the best in the business. You’ve obviously done your research. What are your expectations? I get your a musician, but realistically you’re almost 40. Having a juvenile hairline isn’t realistic in my opinion.
  12. I'm going live at 10 am pacific time with Dr. Sergio Vano, the author of the largest low-dose oral minoxidil study. Dr. Vano has extensive knowledge of hair loss treatments and pipeline drugs. He has treated hair loss via medication alone and achieved incredible results. Don't miss out on this one.
  13. Verteporfin is an injection. It stops the pathway to scarring. In mice, it was shown that it would regrow the hair follicle where the wound was created. It has shown similar things in this human clinical trial. Per the most recent biopsy, the pathologists noted double the amount of hair in the test site vs. the controlled site.
  14. I’ve been notified that this case may be going the legal route. That goes beyond the scope of this forum. I’m locking this topic to protect all parties. The clinic provided a refund, which is rarely ever done. But in my opinion, shows they were not happy with these results either. I’m not sure you could ask much more from a clinic. No surgery is guaranteed. Even the best strip surgeons have stretched scars. This is an unfortunate situation by all accounts. I believe Curious25 summed it up well given the placement of your FUT scar, it is right in the sweet spot in terms of a ‘safe zone’, so regardless of whether you have taken medication or not, you’d still expect to see more hair on the top of your head 13 years on than what you appear to have now -scar is bad -your native hair loss has seemingly progressed , which dramatises your current situation now compared to your pre op photos in 2010 -Hair restoration surgery in 2010 (regardless of clinic) was unfortunately not what it is today, that goes for both FUTand FUE -the comments regarding other Bisanga patients you know with unsatisfactory results, and other surgeons claiming to have lots of former repair patients of his should be dismissed as hearsay until they come online and speak for themselves providing evidence .
  15. There always have to be a first. Do you know what everyone thought about FUE when it first came out in its new form back in 2000. Dr. Barghouthi will go down in history. Mark my words. Also, doing these trials cost money. Most surgeons don’t want to front their own money on something unproven. We all owe a great deal to Dr. Barghouthi, that’s why members here created the Verteporfin.org site for him to help crowdfund. I know a number of surgeons interested in doing trials now.
  16. This clinic does not perform follicular unit grafting, they use an outdated technique called “minigrafting.” Lists are only starting points for research. This forum has a list of recommended surgeons, but remember it’s not a definitive list. The most important thing is looking at independent reviews. Hair transplants do not cure hair loss, you need to take medication to stop further hair loss. Getting a hair transplant without stabilizing your hair loss is a bad idea. If you took oral finasteride with side effects you can try a topical. In mu opinion, topical dutasteride is the best topical. Oral minoxidil is better than topical minoxidil, but be sure to speak with your doctor first. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons https://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/forum/24-hair-transplant-experiences-and-surgeon-reviews/
  17. I would avoid blue magic group. We have a list of recommended surgeons that have been vetted and approved by our forum and community. You can use our list as a starting point for research. https://hairtransplantnetwork.com/best-hair-transplant-surgeons
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