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Melvin- Admin

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Everything posted by Melvin- Admin

  1. Wow bro you’re looking incredible already 🙌🏼
  2. Completely agree. No one is telling anyone to buy anything, taking medication is a personal decision. Any side effects?
  3. Dr. Bicer, Dr. Yaman and Dr. Turan are all recommended by the forum. My suggestion is to look at the reviews posted on this forum, that will make it easier to decide on which doctor to choose.
  4. I believe Dr. Barghouthi said this is possible. Again, more studies are required. But to simplify things, he feels it's better to start on a virgin scalp.
  5. Well at least Jordan isn’t pushing some nonsense product. He may just not want to tell the public and be attacked for it.
  6. Its gonna be streaming from our YouTube channel. Once you click it you’ll see us live. https://youtube.com/@HairTransplantNetwork
  7. Dr. De Freitas I feel would be the best choice given your hair characteristics. It’s very similar to thick Spanish hair.
  8. You’re referring to strip surgery. Prior to FUT, minigrafts were harvested via strip. It wasn’t until the 2000s that refined follicular unit grafting became popular, and this forum was at the forefront in those early days.
  9. Follicular unit transplantation uses follicular units. They do not harvest follicular units. They use minigrafts.
  10. OP do you mind sharing some pictures? Dr. Umar is another surgeon you may want to consider, he has a vast experience with afro hair as well.
  11. If you're taking an insane amount of creatine, it could raise your DHT levels. But the recommended dose shouldn't make a huge difference.
  12. They do mini graft surgery with huge chunky grafts of 12+ hairs. Follicular units have been the gold standard for 20 years, but they perform a technique from the 90s. I would not recommend going to them at ALL.
  13. Honestly, I don’t see a benefit in getting surgery at this stage. Your hair looks great and it looks like the meds are working. Keep at it 👍🏼 maybe reconsider in a few years.
  14. Wow that is shameful. Have you asked them why they tried to charge you? Also, why would they be charging through Zelle? Shouldn’t they have a legitimate charging system. That’s already sounding shady.
  15. Unfortunately, you are not a good hair transplant candidate. You have a large crown dipping downward and retrograde alopecia dipping upward. This leaves you with a very fine line of suitable donor hair. I don't know whether you are on medication, but my advice is to get on medication for at least a year to see if some of the miniaturized hair in the crown can recover. If you're happy shaving your head, you should continue. It will be a LONG and EXPENSIVE road if you decide to get surgery and remember, there are no guarantees.
  16. You've been on our forum for a while now, happy to see you pull the trigger on one of the best surgeons in the world. I can't wait to follow your progress. Happy growing.
  17. Pm me your name and infor, I can find out what happened for you and make sure you receive a call.
  18. It’s a marketing strategy used to give clout to a doctor by making it look like it’s regular patient’s talking about them, as opposed to paid or incentivized patients. That said, guys we’ve de-railed this legitimate review enough. Please direct further questions via pm.
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