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Everything posted by MrGio-WHTCClinic

  1. Are you referring to the brand of multi-vitamins or group of vitamins which are most beneficial for hair maintenance? There are multiple B vitamins that are helpful for healthy hair.
  2. When Dr. Patrick Mwamba extracts the grafts, we don't leave them out of the body for a long period of time. We insert them into the recipient sites right after. This occurs in a matter of minutes.
  3. Are you trimming without a guard with electric clippers or shaving with a straight razor?
  4. Hi. I would prefer to see your scalp. You are motivated by hairline augmentation, so you may be fine if you pursue this with absolutely conservative goals. Practically, you can be a candidate but caution is imperative as you research your best options. Surgery should not be your first option.
  5. Hello. I would like to get as many opinions possible on the outcomes of those who've had PRP with no hair transplant surgery. Opinions of those who chose PRP and don't want to take finasteride are also very welcome.
  6. Excellent post, Bill. Informed consent is crucial for individuals to recognize each element of the hair loss condition and the process of surgical hair restoration. There shouldn't be any secrets locked away or hidden about credentials. The public should be protected in this case.
  7. The local injections are traded among the doctor and assistants. There is a crew of assistants with the lead taken by the most experienced. The doctor, who is the medical director will take the donor hair grafts. This is the most important and critical part of the procedure. The doctor will perform the incision sites within the recipient areas. The transfer of the grafts in the recipient is overseen and partly done by the doctor. The assistants and the doctor share a given amount of time to complete this work. During this time, the procedure is phased because, in our protocol, we limit the amount of time the grafts are out of the scalp or without blood supply. Hair transplant specialists and hair transplant doctors should be exclusively dedicated to hair transplant surgery.
  8. A conservative approach is good. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Measuring and documenting your specific density in these recipient areas would have helped determine whether subsequent hair loss may have occurred. Could the clinic have recorded the placed density of the hairline or of the 2400 grafts?
  10. You may want to send the clinic a photo and ask the doc to draw in a hairline. This may ease your concern about what to expect.
  11. Think about how you will prefer to style your hair after the procedure. FUE is a less invasive surgical procedure, but FUT is less expensive. The U.S. docs perform the majority of hair transplants, but Belgium has good hair transplant resources too.
  12. Yield looks acceptable at 14 months. Hopefully, you're happy with the donor as well.
  13. You may want to travel out of town. This will require you to develop a unique treatment plan and contact with a specialist who can treat your case. Any decision will require research. Unfortunately, not all hair loss sufferers can find a good doctor in their area. All the best...
  14. Scalp hair is always preferred over body hair. The characteristics between the two are highly visible to a trained professional. We perform donor re-stocking, also known as 'recharging' or 'farming', the purpose is to extend the use of scalp donor supply. The process is not commonly practiced by most FUE clinics. Mapping and examining every individual patient's donor statistics are important. In the donor area, body hair can minimize the appearance of an overly harvested donor area, reduce the appearance of scarring, and add changes to skin pigmentation. There are positive and negative aspects of using body hair. These cases are unique, and not all individuals are candidates. Not one case is the same, but BHT into the donor can offer benefits with its limitations. On the road to surgical hair restoration, starting off with proper FUE and effective donor management is important.
  15. This patient had temple and hairline lowering prior to coming to us in Brussels. Attached are pre-op and immediate post-op photos of the removal.
  16. Did your doctor remove the previous linear scar at the same time the latest strip was removed? Have you measured or seen your donor scar(s)?
  17. Your specific treatment plan is unique. How much loss have you experience since your initial assessment? The date of your surgery should be advised by your doctor.
  18. Tomorrow won’t take care of itself… If it has been said once, it has been said many times. Make the most of what donor resources you have because hair loss is impeccably progressive. You can undergo hair transplant surgery if you are managing expectations and goals that are realistic. Caring about your donor resources is almost entirely your responsibility. When you seek consultation for hair restoration, take each opinion as if it is one single opinion. No two surgeons have the exact same opinion and skill set. Just like no two patients are exactly alike, medical therapy and surgical hair restoration also have unique limitations. Remember, hair transplantation will not restore one hundred percent of your hair loss, however, it can be performed to create an incredible illusion of coverage. Hair loss typically occurs at puberty and is highly unpredictable. Regardless of the disposition and circumstances, every single follicular unit in the donor area is genetically blessed and very precious. Having your hair density measured is very important, especially when you start noticing the hair loss. Approximately forty percent of a male’s hair will be gone before it clearly becomes noticeable. Knowing your donor density and being proactive with periodic hair evaluations may effectively provide the necessary motivation to maintain a strict regimen. Not only do hair loss treatments implicate economic effects in individuals’ lives, they may also impose mental and physical effects as well. Spending the time to explore the perils and benefits of available hair loss treatments is a meddling but necessary process. It’s difficult to face the fact that hair transplant patients and patients on medical therapy will follow this problem much further than they may anticipate. At least by knowing their best interests, individuals can make important decisions about their future. Hair loss progression can be delayed but not stopped.
  19. Hair loss is not predictable. Minoxidil provides a thickening of your hair miniaturizing hair. You should take Propecia to slow down the process of hair loss and reduce its effects as much as reasonably possible. Typically, in the vertex (top of the scalp toward the back), this drug improves or maintains the quality and volume of your hair. Everyone is unique with this progressive condition.
  20. The hair in the temples can be removed with a price. We have many patients who’ve been previously treated with misangled, pluggy-looking grafts in the hairline and temples. The hair has to be fine and placed in proper order to create a soft hairline and temples. The issue of concern with removing previously transplanted hair grafts is the healing afterwards. There will be a chance of scarring that may or may not be visible after the removal process occurs.
  21. Take good photos periodically and give it at least 12 months. Hopefully, if you give it time, you will see the benefits with the commitment. All the best...
  22. The contrast between your light fair skin and dark hair color is a significant factor. Your donor density looks weak because your hair is fine and straight. There are no guarantees that you can restore even 80% of what you may lose as a class IV, potential class VI. Did the surgeon tell you what your donor density measured? The available medications might stabilize you and allow you to better calculate where you will be on the hair loss scale. You want to do surgery with a more conservative approach. Pursue surgery with the mindset that it will continue until you can better plan for the full extent of your progressive hair loss. What is important is the future, not 12 months from now. The surgery should be your last resort. You should consider using lipogaine with finasteride for at least a year, and at that point, your doctor and you might better manage your donor resources for the future. I would prioritize your goals and research the doctor's long-term plan for the future. Also find out what density is planned for the areas of concern. The crown will expand, so you should expect it to be bald and the frontal third to have a certain measure of density, depending on how your prioritize goals. Surgery is usually a long-term commitment, as well as medical therapy. A 'one and done' view point is not realistically the case with solely hair transplantation as the treatment plan for hair loss.
  23. We prefer for patients to wait about fourteen days after the FUE session. If using a razor, we prefer that they wait until thirty days after the FUE session. All the best...
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