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Everything posted by mosd

  1. if this would turn out as a failure, shouldnt the doctor make a second surgery free of cost? A discount woudlnt be enough in my world. Opinions?
  2. Your hair looks amazing. What a transformation from where u started! Congratz!! Question: How many grafts do you think you have with fut and fue combined? Question 2 : Isnt it better to thicken up what you have and not lowering the hairline? Tips: Dont know what kind of products your using, if its pomade or gel. But i would suggest that you try using some clay, maybe hanz de fuko claymation or something. These kind of products dont give the hair the "wet" look so helps little with the see throu.
  3. did the doctor who messed up the first time the guts to charge you for a second op? Why does this forum recommend that kind of doctor?
  4. Looks good! Some questions : 1 how many hairs was that? 2 any grafts left? 3 can you take more pictures at hairline and from above?
  5. try clay instead of gel. Also try dryshampoo it gives a good volume boost.
  6. My thought exactly. If my recipient gets good after this op hopefully I can accept the scar. Then take it from there. Thanks for your answer!
  7. Hopefully it will improve a bit then. The doctor told me I had good lacity when we did the operation. If i would do a second operation would I be able to do another fut? Since one of my sides is perfect maybe both will become like that after a second operation.
  8. Look at his hair at 8 month. It looks thin even thou he had much regrowth. And then u look at his result at 14 month. Looks so much better
  9. So if 6.5 won't cover the scar I have right to be disappointed?
  10. thanks for your 2 cents The thing is that my scar on the left side is perfect, i cant its hard to find even for me who knows where it is. So maybe both sides get better after second time. I dont know. I think that my plan is to wait for results in the recipient and at that time grow the back little longer. Actually im not a big fan of short hair but since my recipient is still thin im forced to have short hair. In that case i will wait for fixing the scar until/if im doing a second OP in the future.
  11. Here are pictures with and without flash with haired combed downwards. Dont know exactly how long my hair is, maybe about 2 cm??
  12. how can you se that the donor is over harvested!?
  13. the after pictures is a little darker, can you take a picture at the top with some lighting on? And how many months after operation are you now?
  14. just looked at your pictures. You did indeed se some growth after 8-10 month. But it looked pretty thin even at 1 year? Did you think so also at that time? David : I have some questions regarding your operations, can i ask them here or should i message you?
  15. On your previous post did you mean that the hairs around the scar can still get thicker and more regrowth there? that would also do much for me i think
  16. Strange my other side is perfect and impossible to find. I hate my scar at the moment can't hide it even with 2 cm hair around it. Also my hair won't grow downward so have to style it through out the day to try and hide it.
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