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Everything posted by m0dthispny

  1. it looks great. if you look at my 4 month-ish post op pics, you'll see our hair looked very similar, but as the hair grows and starts to sprout it really comes to fruition. the issue is when the hair is short, even if the direction of the hair is correct, the hair goes all over the place which just makes it look weird and as if the density is not good, but once its long to a point where you can comb in the direction you want to, it looks fine
  2. how many months post op are you with the most recent pics?
  3. i unfortunately don't, when i buzzed my hair with a #2 at 6 months post op, there were definitely some areas that seemed weak. for the most part the grafts were there, but it just didn't look as dense. my hair has grown back and it looks good now. so to answer your question, yes! length definitely plays a significant role in density, but looking at your pics you have pretty good length. it's important that all the transplanted hair is at the same length as your native hair, so if you had some stragglers that are shorter than others, you won't have as much density. are you happy with the results so far?
  4. well its straight up because i blow dried it that way. if i just towel dry it, the hair kind of goes forward, more like the natural direction.
  5. i wouldnt call it weak by any means, if the left side is 100/100, the right side is a 92/100.
  6. any updates? curious to see how you're doing.
  7. i'm about 8 months 16 days post op, very pleased with results so far, but noticed that the density on my right side is a bit less than my left. when the hair started to initially grow, the left side definitely had a jump start, but at 8 months 16 days post op, is there still time for the right side to catch up? it looks as if though all of the grafts have grown out however.
  8. Dr. Diep numbs the scalp before he injects the tumescent fluid. I know there is some talk of his use of zig zag, after surgery it looks a bit like hounds tooth but once the hair grows it looks good. is it perfect? no, but it's just another approach to make surgery look as natural as possible. i've examined hairlines up close in person, and they are zig zag too, so i see where he is getting this approach from. please see pics of my hairline, the right side looks better than the left in terms of the zig zag.
  9. its way too early, i'm trying to remember when i was about 7 weeks post op, some areas showed a little dot , while others didn't, so i wouldn't be too worried. just give it time and try not to focus on it, i know it's hard but worrying about it won't get you anywhere.
  10. Dr. Diep for sure. check out my progress thread. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/173759-2-781-grafts-dr-diep.html
  11. looks good!! and the untrained eye wont really notice the difference in density.
  12. so here are pics before i went on vacation, 6 months 3 weeks post op. a week after these pics, on vacation, for some god awful reason i shaved my entire head with a #2.5 guard all over!!!!!!! needless to say, when you have HT, you get the full effect when the hair is long, so needless to say, i'm going through a mini ugly duckling period again. one thing i noticed though, is i feel that not all of the grafts have come out yet, i guess as the hair got longer, it either hides the missing areas or the hair needs to be long for the grafts to come out straight and not curl around, so some areas are lighter than others. i know the hair will grow back, but just sucks since the hair was finally getting nice and long.
  13. i think the issue is there are a few members here in this forum that have constantly bashed dr. diep, so generally i feel his work has been shunned on this forum. is his work perfect? nope, there can definitely be some improvements, but overall I feel he is a great doctor.
  14. yep, the hairline height and position is perfect. a lot of HT doctors use a cookie cutter hairline height and position, but Dr. Diep really changes them based off your facial characteristics.
  15. so here are pics before i went on vacation, 6 months 3 weeks post op. a week after these pics, on vacation, for some god awful reason i shaved my entire head with a #2.5 guard all over!!!!!!! needless to say, when you have HT, you get the full effect when the hair is long, so needless to say, i'm going through a mini ugly duckling period again. one thing i noticed though, is i feel that not all of the grafts have come out yet, i guess as the hair got longer, it either hides the missing areas or the hair needs to be long for the grafts to come out straight and not curl around, so some areas are lighter than others. i know the hair will grow back, but just sucks since the hair was finally getting nice and long.
  16. thanks, appreciate the kind words yep, i got the a-cell. as far as the zig zag, overall i would rather have this than a straight hairline because if you look at natural hairlines, you notice that they do zig zag as well. i prefer the zig zag on the right side over the left side as i feel it's a bit softer on the right side. his zig zag method can use some refinement, but overall i think it looks great. When he draws on the hairline he already implements the zig zag, so i'm not sure if you can request less zig zag or not.
  17. yes, exactly. less surface area to cover, so less grafts. when i got my HT, i'm a pretty tall guy with a big head, so i needed more grafts for my NW3 loss than somebody that is shorter with a smaller head.
  18. thank you. yours will turn out nice too, you just have to give it time. and the recovery is like a roller coaster, so many times i sat there regretting the surgery in the 2 month, 3 month mark, but every day things improve, and just know there will eventually be light at end of tunnel. do you know if he placed more emphasis on the hairline area. vs the crown?
  19. nice updates, just give it time, its a long process. i had my fue HT with dr. diep in late january, check out my thread to see the updates.
  20. hi everyone, here is 6 months 2 weeks update. still seeing improvements on a daily basis, hair is getting thicker, straighter, and filling in quite nice. it's funny at work how noticeable my hair growth has become, at least one person a day comments on how nice and full and thick it's looking. best investment ever, my confidence has skyrocketed. density to native hair is matching up quite nice too, my right side is lagging a little behind the left side but guessing things will eventually even up.
  21. hi everyone, here is 6 months 2 weeks update. still seeing improvements on a daily basis, hair is getting thicker, straighter, and filling in quite nice. it's funny at work how noticeable my hair growth has become, at least one person a day comments on how nice and full and thick it's looking. best investment ever, my confidence has skyrocketed. density to native hair is matching up quite nice too, my right side is lagging a little behind the left side but guessing things will eventually even up.
  22. thanks! just remember, it's a long road, just be patient!! as far as meds, not taking anything, only vitamins. b-complex, biotin, fish oil, and mens 1 a day.
  23. thank you! i know since this HT was done by diep and not rahal or shapiro, i'm not expecting a lot of replies here, but i know there are other patients out there that find my threads useful, which is why i do it
  24. i don't have the density info unfortunately. he did say that the more hair you put, the more dense it will be, but i don't plan on doing another HT to match my native density, but down the line if i do lose more hair i will probably go in for another HT, but who knows, as of now i'm just looking forward to the next 6 months, will think about the future down the line.
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