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Everything posted by m0dthispny

  1. so there are plenty of videos on youtube showing FUE hair extraction, but i can't find any videos of doctors implanting the hair in the bald/thinning areas. does anybody have any videos they can link? thanks
  2. Unit, any updated pics? booked fue with Dr. Diep end of January. also, did you start taking any meds? Dr. recommends propecia but i'm starting to worry about the sides and not sure if i should take it or not once i get my HT.
  3. been fighting hair loss since i was about 22, never took any medication to prevent it from getting worst. Right now, I am at an advanced norwood 3, age 29. Had a consultation with Dr. Diep earlier this month, really felt good vibes, and looking at all of his youtube videos, I really like his work. Put in my deposit last week, and set the date for January 24. I will go anywhere from 2,000 to 2,250 grafts (Dr. recommended between 1,500 to 2,250). I figured, if I'm going to go through the whole process, might as well do it right the first time. I have pretty full/thick density everywhere else, so I am going to go for a youth hairline, with a slight arch due to my facial structure. I'm really excited about this, and I know the first month will be difficult, but I think once it's said and done, this will all be worth it. Will also opt to go with a-cell as well. Will post pics later on, since the surgery is still 2 months away.
  4. did you get the A-cell shot? might book surgery with Dr. Diep as well. results look fantastic! also, did you buy Graftcyte kit as well for your recovery?
  5. Hi everyone, new member here. I am about 90% decided to book a FUE procedure early next year, and in my consultation, the Dr. suggested A-cell, which he says is a 'growth factor derived from pork'. Apparently this is used to increase hair density, improve growth, and reduce scarring. They inject this into the scalp during surgery. Has anybody ever heard of this before? Or is this just an up-sell gimmick? thanks in advance, and excited to join this network!
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