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Everything posted by m0dthispny

  1. here are some new pics. 9 months 3 weeks opt out. hair is in grow out stage
  2. here are some new pics. 9 months 3 weeks opt out. hair is in grow out stage
  3. looking good. just give it time but the hair will suddenly start to flourish.
  4. i agree to what you guys say, my left side is a little more zig-zag than the left, but overall i'm very pleased with the results. the hairline location is perfect though, and i wouldn't want it any higher.
  5. for me the issue was nobody would comment, so figured nobody cared. i still posted a good amount of pictures though and still update it once in a while. I reply to PMs if anyone has questions though.
  6. are you saying it might look better grown out? i like the temple point to be square, so if you make it square you need to shave down the hairs thats are close to the temple...it's probably $80 worth of hair though LOL
  7. no why? it is the hairline the dr. drew right before he shaved my had and started the surgery.
  8. i cut my hair with a closed 1 guard about 5 days before i took the pics. and yes, it looks fine without blow drying it, the first 2 pics are actually without blow dry, just towel dried in the morning then at night i combed i and took the pics.
  9. looks good, just give it time. sometimes certain parts grow out earlier than others, but eventually should even up.
  10. how about now? i checked w my cellphone and it loads fine.
  11. when the Dr. drew the hairline, it curves out when it reaches the temple point, which is fine, but when i go to my barber he squares out the point between the hairline and temple, i think the squared off look is nicer, but ya the hair grows out 3-4 days after the haircut.
  12. how about now? should show up fine. you can use this link too. http://s16.postimg.org/wddeqtlyb/Full_Size_Render_1.jpg
  13. it looks fine! the results will be great (for the amount of grafts the dr. did) you can then have another HT to fill the rest in.
  14. here are exactly 9 month post-op pics. HT has made such a dramatic difference in my appearance and my confidence, best decision ever! 2,781 grafts via FUE. amazing how this pic was just taken 9 months ago right before my HT. here are 2 pics from further out so you can see the hairline design, which i think is very natural and perfectly placed. used the blowdryer to get nice volume
  15. here are exactly 9 month post-op pics. HT has made such a dramatic difference in my appearance and my confidence, best decision ever! 2,781 grafts via FUE. amazing how this pic was just taken 9 months ago right before my HT. here are 2 pics from further out so you can see the hairline design, which i think is very natural and perfectly placed. used the blowdryer to get nice volume
  16. episode4anewhope, i didn't mean to say the dr. shouldn't have any accountability. As you said, when you pay for the surgery, you expect results from it. surgery is not 100% fool-proof, and in the instances where things don't plan out the way you had anticipated, you hope that the dr. will make things right. End of day this is why you pick the good surgeons, because you know they have the accountability and reputation because of the way they treat their patients.
  17. this is unfortunate as this surgeon yields great results, but your donor did heal very well the first week so i think you will be ok. we always assume that were perfect candidates for surgery and often blame the surgeon if were not a good candidate, not to say your blaming the dr, but unfortunately these things happen time to time. the work on the recipient area looks good, hopefully the donor area heals well so he can finish up the rest of the surgery. keep us updated
  18. thank you. i'm definitely growing out the top but the sides and back i cut short, going for that front pomp hairstyle with short sides. density is definitely there and overall im very pleased with the results!! it takes patience!
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