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Posts posted by BaldingBogger

  1. This is very much a not one size fits all question.


    I've seen a ton of successful transplants (long term also) in which the patient is not on meds.


    I would say the younger you are and more native hair you have the more relevant the question. Not everyone will progress to the upper Norwoods. A lot of people will have a pattern of loss which will establish and not progress that much past making meds less important.


    People should also plan transplants on the basis of no meds Imo as propecia can stop working or cause side effects at any stage even after years of working.

  2. If I had listened to so called 'experts' In this domain id now be walking around with an unwanted strip scar on my head.


    I'm glad i didn't . The key is not rushing in to anything educating yourself and become your own expert while consultating with numerous reputable doc. And taking years if required of daily reading on forums and of others people's experiences.


    Like any other open market place the cultivation of your own knowledge will be key independent and sound to make the best informed decision.

  3. I have to say this looks great improvement on this patient.


    I would think perhaps this procedure is ideally for women though.?


    Although I would love to have my own lowered a little bit. I would be afraid of progressive thinning in the front exposing a scar. Which I imagine would be even far worse than than a back of head scar exposed.


    Would be good to see some pics of the scarring left behind. I would assume a buzz or short cut would be ruled out also post this op.

  4. It just seems interesting that so many patient submitted cases are from certain regions of the world. Perhaps they are encouraged to by their clinics? (ie. monetary incentive, etc.). Similar to businesses here that doing that here. For example, my dentist has a raffle every month for patients that submit Yelp reviews. Perhaps there is a similar phenomenon there.


    I think there are clearly cases of clinics posing as patients. You will typically see these cases post only when the result is grown out at the 12 month + mark. Therefore never a bad one.


    You can generally tell from the tone of the posts and most genuine patients will post progress as they go from the beginning not wait until final result and post up lots of pictures.

  5. I think it's also a piece for sure. It takes a bit of looking but I have no doubt.



    The bad thing is the chap will feel enslaved to it now. And can't really go without it now .


    He looks like he has decent donor so could probably get some good work done.

    He's still young so needs to be careful.


    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  6. Hi 1966,


    Agreed looking at those pics it is easy to say he may just have a creative style and styling over his recession.


    However i seen him recently on the strictly dancing show and studied some other footage/pics and i'm convinced its a piece. Looking at older pics he was trying this comb over approach but even that wasn't working as the recession was still showing. It looks like he's gone on a frontal piece as even the colouring is slightly off.


    I'v noticed a couple of footballers hit this route too (jose enrique) before they had transplants. Must the advanced hair studio scam people fall for early on.


    In any event i don't think it will be long before this guys is booking himself in . As he has a lot of recession for his age. Interestingly his sister in the program also has a very asymmetrical hairline and quite recessed for a woman so obviously hereditary.


    This was him trying the comb over where the recession still showing. Where as now its a solid wall of hair,


  7. Hi,


    Those of you uk based may be familiar with mark wright of towie 'fame'.


    Reality show trash here in the uk. However his hairline seems to have more mystery and twists than any of his shows!!


    I read before he was really concerned with baldness so drew my attention. It looks like he has had a frontal piece fitted ? Maybe advanced hair studio?


    Any thoughts/opinions??


  8. Sorry to hear about more bad results from Turkey .


    I have seen some impressive work from turkey but the problem with it is most has just posted by the clinic themselves.


    There have been a lot of results I have seen posted by patients which has not been good or in fact very poor.


    I personally think the session sizes are way too large and I do not think this number of

    Grafts are being used. I fear people donor areas could be over harvested for just one poor procedure.


    I would like to see smaller sessions going forward and more emphasis on yield.

  9. I've stated on many threads that the % of bad results we see online is a tiny fraction of what is reality.


    Many many guys are required to go back for touch up ops and repairs or even refunds which do not

    Make it to the public domain . For the obvious reason of bad publicity for the clinic and the patient trying not to jeopardise their refund or free repair.


    This is the murky area of hair transplantation that guys relatively new will be very surprised to read about if they form an opinion from all the 'showcase' threads.


    Due to their risky nature one of the first opinions I formed of HT's was it was FUE only for me. As of if things wents belly up I could always shave down with some kind of framed hair line.


    Failed transplant with a strip/s or significant future loss you are unable to chase and you are up shit creek without a paddle .


    I also think 12 months max with a sub par result and the clinic should be providing a refund if needed. Have never seen

    A result which has improved in any significant way post 12 months.

  10. There are FUE cheerleaders, but I was referring to cheerleaders of clinics. I remember one person posted a disappointing result of Dr Rahal, and one of the early posts was from spex, who starts with "First of all, Dr. Rahal is one of the world's best surgeons. Period". ("Period"....I'm sure the guy feels good now?) If you criticize H&W, you know Shampoo is going to come on here and tell you about how he "went from Texas to Vancouver and got a life-changing results". (Good for him)


    I would have to agree with this. This 'cheer leading' IMO really comes to down to people fundamentally trying to validate with themselves and others the nature of procedure they chose.


    As long as people arent being misled and sold a donkey on forums by shills I personally couldn't care less which procedure they chose. I just know FUT is not for me.


    H&W strike me as an excellent clinic but some of their ex patients on here do them no favours.

  11. nonsense! then how do u explain the THOUSANDS of happy patients from this clinic? or are u trying to say that this clinic damaged thousands of grafts that day? if u believe that I have a rusty old bridge I will sell you dirt cheap......:rolleyes:



    unlike the marl clinic this doctor actually performs the HT's so ur theory hold no water.



    Well explain people with bad 1st transplants which get successful second procedures?


    Having spoken to a lot of people in the industry about this my opinion is still swayed with them

    Rather than yours so keep your bridge and get over it!! Lol

  12. Generally speaking personally I don't buy patient X factor excuse for most sub par results.



    Seen too many poor results which got good results on a 2nd pass. I do however think session size on certain people is a factor and maybe at play here.


    However from speaking to a lot of people the consensus being one of the main causes of lack of yield is follicle damage at clinic end.

  13. graft damage? to 3000+ grafts that never took? not a chance! especially with a clinic that consistently produces world class results. its the patients biology and nothing else.


    Agree they are a top clinic. However all clinics

    Have bad results and can have an off day with transection. It's not 3000 failed drinks also. Looks like around 1000 upwards took in hairline.

  14. From what i have seen , theres a fair amount of examples around of 2nd day surgeries which seem to suffer from major yield issues. So many poor mid scalp yields out there yet the hairline work seems to come in well( which is invariably done on day 1.)


    Personally i think its due to the grafts on day 1 dominating the blood supply. It seems smaller sessions of around 1500 a time seem to be the safest way to go.

  15. Agreed, This yield isn't going to get any better, I believe whatever is through by month 8 is all there is After that it is just hair calibre maturing. Anything different is RARE.


    Feel for the poster here. Its a very poor yield but not uncommon at all. I think with the vast increase in HT bookings we will see more and more poor results as regardless of the clinic there are way more poor results than ever make it online.


    Clinics never really give a reason either you will notice for poor results, They are either clueless why or they know it is probably due to graft damage on their side and don't want to compromise their position.


    My personal advice to to the patient is NO MORE Strip but stick all he can via FUE alone in midscalp first working backwards to crown.

    And FUE in to scar, and try keep a short buzzed look with a framed face with decent hairline.

  16. I can see your point of view. My initial thoughts were similar. But this is a conservative and safe approach, a suitable hairline as this guy gets older and safe-guarding for further hairloss. Not the top result I've seen, but pretty good. Overall it's a solid foundation for a second HT in the future.


    What you have to realise with hair transplants is no one generally comes out of Them with more hair than you had before hair loss had started as MBP is progressive.


    So you have guys like this who probably had recessed temples like this since teens or before

    Are never going to have enough donor for Norwood 1 hairlines and to cover the rest of their loss. It's a numbers game and you have to be smart and careful with your numbers .


    This is good planning and he can easily have 2 more procedures to see him set long term.

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