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Posts posted by BaldingBogger

  1. Ezel. Sorry to hear bout your bad result. Dr Feriduni is one of the best though and i would give him another chance. There are so many variables to hair transplantation so i always say it is a gamble regardless of FUT or FUE. Transection or damage to grafts whilst implanted is a big factor which remains 'invisible' until we see the grown out result. In my case i also believe excessive scabbing or trauma to one area was responsible for a small area of poor growth in my first procedure. (I was given a lot of anethesia in the area).


    My subsequent procedures were great though and near 100% so i would get back on the horse if i were you and try put this behind you as soon as you can. You still have donor as you have not used too many grafts.

  2. From what I have understood ( please correct me if I am wrong) FUT has a higher yield and leaves donor area intact, yet linear scarring will be visible to some extent, FUE doesn't have the same yield - at least not from surgeons here in Europe which I can afford but is quicker to recover from with less noticeable scarring. mFUE provides a comparably high yield with FUT with the other benefits of FUE - a kind of panacea...yet is only performed my a few surgeons in the US.


    So based on this, a strategy I am considering is to go for a strip session now, wait to see how my hair loss progresses and get another procedure in the future by FUE/mFUE.


    As far as we are aware MFUE is a proposed new technique in which we are

    Awaiting grown out results so you cannot speak in absolutes about this technique as yet.


    Overall it sounds like you're quite young and have plenty of time. Some of your assumptions seem a little off.

    I would do lots more research if I were you with regards your options and consider waiting 1-2 years before doing anything

  3. My whole life I have never wanted to shave my hair as I always thought it wouldn't suit me. I only realised after having FUE that a shaved head looks OK on me. It's not something I want to go back to in the foreseeable future, but I guess it's reassuring to know that if I do choose to buzz later on (which will prob not be till second HT) that I can do so with a much less noteaceable scarring (to the average Joe) than had I got a strip. In that respect, it gives you options later on in life to go really short even if its not something you wish to do in the short term.


    Something else i would mention as we all know hairloss is progressive so those on the higher Norwood scale will not have the means (either donor or financial) to keep up with their Hair loss and would have to retreat to the shaved look.


    There is a world of difference between a Cueball bald guy with a buzzed head. And a guy with lets say a transplanted FUE hairline to frame his face and not much visible scarring at the back. The hairline frames the face and gives the individual facial symmetary and angles someone totally bald would not have transforming their appearance. Giving a much more 'asthetically pleasing' look IMO.


    The picture example shown here is not very useful unless it showed the patient shaved down to a low grade . With hair that length on the patient you would not expect to see much anyway in terms of a scar.

  4. Very interesting i didn't know the area below the strip/strips could be affected it does make sense if im honest. So does this happen with every patient with one/two or multiple strip scares. Because some doctors say get strip until your striped out and then go for fue

    But if the scar affects the surrounding area for fue. Most doctors don't tell you about that.



    Hello Wwiizzkkiidd24,


    There are three main reasons why Strip and especially multiple strips affect the available safe zone donor area for FUE. The minimum effect that one strip can have is summarised in the following 3 points:


    Firstly when a Strip is removed the two ends of the skin are pulled together and stitched. If let’s say hypothetically the Strip dimensions was 1.5cm X 30cm then already the actual donor surface for FUE harvesting is reduced by that 45cm.


    Secondly, the skin stretches in that particular area and will have approximately 20% less density than prior to the initial Strip, therefore the available FUE from that area is reduced.


    The third reason has to do with the pulling and stitching the wound. The skin is pulled together and stitched which in many times results to the change of the direction of the hair follicles under the skin especially near the sutured area and below the scar. This is something that can affect FUE extraction as it can result to higher transection rate in the area that the direction had changed.


    Overall Strip and especially multiple Strips affect negatively the FUE safe zone area and reduce the number of grafts that could be harvested.





    Very interesting and as I expected seems at odds with a lot of pro FUT information posted on this forum recently.


    Would be great for readers to have other clinics chime in also with their opinions and experiences on this subject.

  5. I would suggest reading Hairjos's posting since the creation of his profile on the day of Dr Fellers first video. It certainly looks very strange to me. Obviously how do you expect me to prove this from here. Its impossible.


    i guess people are not stupid and can make up ther own minds on this. For the record im not anti strip. Ive clearly stated it can get great results but the scar was not for me. Im anti the recent anti FUE propaganda that i see as misleading to prospective patients.

  6. Properly performed FUE, using proper punch size and Implanter Pens for placement, actually have little variability in the result. Fine hair extracted gives fine hair results, coarse hair extracted gives course hair results, just like FUT. The true variability with FUE is with African hair, where cases of extreme curl can lead to massive transection and abandonment of the procedure. That is why patients with African hair should undergo test grafting to make sure the tissue is coming out intact.


    I would have to agree with this Dr Vories. I have never seen a final FUE result have a discernible kinky hair look once the hair has cycled and blended with the native hair post 12 months.


    I would think all new hair post a transplant regardless of technique can be 'kinky' in the early

    Months but generally blends to match the native hair.

  7. Yep it made me stop think a few years back before 1st surgery.


    I was always prepared to have a slightly smaller yield to avoid a strip scar . In the end I don't think I did overall over 3 ops.


    The thing is despite the chosen Dr there are no guarantees with EITHER procedure so I steered on the side of caution.

    There are lots of unsuccessful results both FUE and FUT that don't make it online IMO. Or posters disappear to get repaired.



    Don't want to derail this thread.! So kudos and great to see such quality FUE in the US

  8. @baldingbogger it seems a lot of people think a fue session of 4/5000 is a bad idea. Is the general rule that this produces less than acceptable results?


    The scar is my only issue with going the FUT route. As of right now I think I'd cover it easily - it's just that fact of knowing if for any reason I need my hair short in the future it would be pretty damn embarrassing have a smiley face across the back of my head :)


    Appreciate your input - I'm looking into Feriduni now too.


    I think a lot of these 4-5000 procedures may look good for a certain time. But in some cases i dont think they are getting maximum yield and use far too much donor in one hit. When the loss progress's there is not enough left in the 'Bank'.



    This is just my opinion.

  9. Hey Blake,


    The only concern I have with the 3000 FUE route with Dr B is how the crown will look and if I'll still be able to cover it. Knowing it maybe be a couple of years before I could return for another surgery.


    This is why I'm intrigued by Dr Erdogan's 4500/5000 option which would give some crown coverage. I'm trying to work out if this is a viable option. I'm seeing very impressive results from him for similar cases to mine and his clinic appears to be outstanding. On the other hand, I am also am wary of being left with enough donor incase needed in the future.


    It seems there's always going to be pros and cons with any route you go.


    It is a game of Chess not Chequers ... Slow and Steady although inconvenient is the way to go to give yourself the best chance of maximum yield. The less grafts transplanted the better chance of them 'Taking' from what i have seen.

  10. Personally i would not entertain a 4-5000 FUE session even over 2 days. Far too much trauma on the scalp in one hit.

    The maximum i would consider is 3000 FUE split over 2 days.


    IF the scar is not an issue for you and you will never shave short FUT is an option with one of these Dr's who are both very solid.


    Just remember if it dosent work out you cant shave it off and move on without the scar showing.


    Either way with Bisanga and Feriduni with either procedure you are giving yourself the best chance.

  11. Mickey85 has been a tremendous asset to the online HT community. He Has always been composed, helpful respectful of others and tremendously informed. Yes sure he probably says a lot of things a pro strip clinic won't like. Tough. It's facts.


    Despite what Dr feller says he is not an FUE clinic. No one has seen an FUE result in years.


    To label Mickey an 'Online bully and stalker' is totally bizarre and alarming coming from a recommend Dr.


    His threads informed many and Dispelled several absurd myths around FUE/FUT comparisons which no Dr certainly not

    Dr feller has managed to dispute.


    Dr feller it sounds harks back for the days when online on certain forums anyone who rocked the boat or ruffled anyone's feathers would be banned from a forum. Things have changed

    Now fortunately and improved with far more options in terms of viable clinics and transparency I believe in the online




    Also Funny how Dr Feller is not asking for 'Hairjos' credentials whose profile was created the day of his first

    Video and echoes everything he says.

  12. Hi

    having researched hair transplants for the last 4 years and literally looking at thousands of results and the different techniques offered I am shocked that Dr feller is making such blanket statements which actually seem to do nothing but show him in an very unfavourable and also unprofessional light due to his seemingly arrogant and patronising manner!!

    Firstly with respect regarding fue results I can categorically state that both Dr Lorenzo and Dr endogan regularly and CONSISTENTLY produce far superior fue results to almost anything I have seen from Dr fellers strip surgeries both in tens of naturalness and yield!!! In fact in the last 4 years iv seen very little strip results of any good/excellent growth from Dr feller and zero via fue!! When Lorenzo was in Manchester we had regular cases shown with amazing results and Dr erdogan posts almost weekly great fue results one after another almost all show donor shaved down without a guard as several are 2 stage procedures, hd videos, comb through results and honest presentations although Dr endogan has come under fire for wet per op against dry post ops which he is now addressing!!

    With all due respect Dr feller is very rarely mentioned these days regarding who's who of surgeons by experiences educated posters or newbies looking for advice on surgeons!!

    Chrisdav and Irish sailor both got great results from dr feller via strip and Qdos for that, however correct me if I'm wrong but the only other poster I can think of is a guy called taloconwest or something similar who seemed to be having a pretty bad result upto the 8 month mark then just stopped posting! I believe he was a Dr feller patient who had strip, I may be wrong and apologise if I am!!

    But it's really annoying to see someone who can influence people's decision spouting what I consider total rubbish with regards to fue results in general! Yes due can and isa give poor results but so does strip, fact!! Poor yield from both, yes absolutely, excellent yield from both, yes absolutely, both a gamble again yes, both leave scars, yes!! But without question s strip scar is by far worse then the shotgun blast look Dr feller obscurely describes, iv had fue by Dr feridiuni who I regard on a par with the best of the best in fue and I can and do shave down to a grade 1 regularly, has anyone ever noticed or commented on my donor,? No!! Could a experienced Dr or ht patient tell? Maybe, but do I care if some expert could microscopically detect IT, no absolutely not! Do I care if I'm everyday life your average person would detect it and ask about the strip scar on the back of my shaven head then yes, I abbsolutley would!! I am 100% happy I chose fue and I think most strip patients if honestly answered if they could turn back time knowing how good fue results have become they wish they had gone fue then most, not all would!!

    Also it's very big of you to not be anonymous given that your a Dr in this industry dr feller as you have no option, it's your job it's what you do, you can't be anonymous so I think it's laughable how you keep trying to get anyone who critises you to man up and reveal their identity?? What difference does that make?? I think you have come across unprofessional, rude and to be honest you seem to think your option is gospel and hold yourself in much higher regard them most people ever would of you on this forum!! It's a shame but I can assure you your attitude and rants will have caused the opposite of what I think you are trying to achieve because they say and publicity is good publicity but I think you have proved this wrong as business I'm sure won't get better due to this and your other recent thrreads!!

    Last thing are you saying them that Dr feriduni, Lorenzo and erdogans results are fur are sub par to your strip ones?? As anyone can clearly see that they are not!!


    Agree totally. If you have a new technique good for you but let's see the results and let them do the talking. Otherwise it stands solely as a marketing campaign and no better than infomercials.


    The untrue BLANKET claims on FUE results need to stop from

    dr fellers side for this new technique to have any

    Credibility IMO .


    The reason people are riled by these falsehoods is they are recipients of excelent results and can recognise an agenda when they see it.

    If we were all here sitting with 60% or poor yields we would all

    Be on here saying 'you know what Dr feller is dead right '.

  13. This is a joke if you ask me. People come on here to learn things. Nit to see american doctors bash fue and present silly photos like these,LOL.. Do you see the european doctors having a rant over fut and bashing the massive scar you can get if you go down the fut routte? No you dont. Maybe they got much better things to do and are very buzy pushing out amazing fue results.


    Totally agreed. This is now bordering on a disgrace to the community if you ask me.


    For the life of me I don't why MFUE was not just presented as an alternative technique and a lets wait and see approach.


    The accompanying anti FUE campaign which everyone can read like a book. Has clearly riled a sophisticated audience here and Is a PR disaster if you ask me.

  14. wow business must be booming to be able to spend that much time having an internet rant like that one. impressive


    The internet connectivity must be very poor in his neck if the woods..


    As i have certainly seen far more successful FUE results than that. Lorenzo alone nearly hits that amount. If FUT is so successful and so busy for Dr feller why even bother come on here with his ridiculously arrogant posts and his modified strip technique.. It's no surprise though having read earlier threads in how he has handled his unhappy patients.


    successful Clinics are working with a 6-12 month waiting list.


    Are you telling me with this volume of FUE procedures with 60% yield we would not be hearing about it on here DAILY. This whole latest campaign has been a PR disaster. If you have a new technique lets see the results and judge from there. To come online and orchestrate this campaign that flies in the face of actual results people are getting daily is just embarrassing.

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