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Posts posted by BaldingBogger

  1. Ha ha ha ha that's embarrassing baldingblogger you're clearly a hypocrite or really confused I suggest you make you're mind up your self about matters you want to criticise others on. Seen it all on here now!


    What's embarrassing is your inability to see what has been going on in this industry for a long time! Thanks for validating my above statement btw ex H&W patient


    That is All I have to say on the matter so I shall leave you guys to continue your love in

  2. I knew there would be a few individuals that would take my move as an opportunity to utilize the anonymity of the internet for mudslinging. I can take it. But what I won't take is being called a hypocrite by a hypocrite...


    By Baldingbogger - 07-11-2013, 08:14 PM...




    I agree 100% with your statement above with regards to the need for FUE and FUT. However, your duplicity is astounding. My stance on FUE has "EVOLVED" which was not overnight as I clearly laid out earlier in this thread. Now that I've done EXACTLY as you indicated FUT only proponents (clinics) should do, "evolve", I'm now somehow being vilified for exactly what you said should happen. It certainly does appear that the cat is out of the bag.



    Must say find it quite amusing being called a hypocrite but obviously take no offence!


    I totally concur that both procedures have their place in the industry and stand by that statement fully.

    The statement you pull is conveniently out of context to this discussion and refers to FUT clinics offering Strip only having to evolve what they offer to also perform FUE if they want to stay profitable.


    I have no issue with clinics and people making money and a living. We all got to.


    What i have an issue with is a couple of supposed industry experts and online reps denying and bashing the capabilities of the FUE procedure for years despite clear evidence to the contrary and privately and publicly influencing guys in to getting FUT just because the clinics they worked for only really offered FUT.


    I'm sorry i just don't buy your and Spex 'evolving opinions' that occurred dramatically with a change to representing a different clinic offering large FUE sessions. I am aware the FUT bookings are taking a hammering due to the advent of large FUE clinics. Therefore what springs to mind is akin to rats jumping a sinking ship after years of singing from a different hymn sheet.


    In any event my point of view on these matters is completely irrelevant. Why? Because i am not a paid industry 'professional' in a position of having massive influence on new impressionable people to the HT scene . AND having the influence to guide them to decisions which will affect them the rest of their life and potentially leave them in a worse situation than being bald with strip scars.

    All in the name of monetary self interest and keeping the bookings flowing in to my clinic .


    I am just genuinely glad that the above has happened and the two of you are now representing FUE clinic's and not peddling around misinformation and misguiding people new to the scene anymore.


    Onwards and upwards.

  3. After all your strips..

    ...yep, you and thousands more.


    In all my years on these forums, I can't think of a rep that has had more pervasive force than Jotronic, as we now know as Joe Tillman. I count Joe and his similarly robotical name-sake Spex, as being the two "generals on the front", an immensely formidable unit that managed to create so many rhetorical obstacles to the progress of FUE in this industry, for so, so long, that I thought the cat will never make it out of the bag. I won't bore you with the details, perhaps you can imagine. Even Lorenzo's success was qualified because ha had predominantly "Spanish patients". In the period since Dr. Evil from Sydney made its way into the north American consciousness (about 10 years after the Sydney operation started) until well into the teens of this century, it was remarkable, dismaying and fascinating all at the same time, to watch, to listen, and to read, and to accept the power of these two and the inevitable tidal wave of empathy and support that would would barrel forth, as you retired battered into your bunker of self-loathing, accepting that you, a fool, accepted the russian roulette stakes of an ear-to-ear strip scar, and a deal with the devil that is Propecia- or can be propecia. And I hav made a fool of myself countless times during that time too.


    And yet, Joe has always been informed, judicious and yet also humble and generous in his advice. He has helped me in my research and if we learn something, it is that whilst nobody is unbiased or objective, and surely we have to at least try to read the stakes. Obviously we don't have perfect knowledge and so it is a game. The good reps don't actually say that much. They are re-assuring and reasonable and they are expert enough to let their patients do the talking on these forums, (and boy-oh-boy I have run into them, both FUE and strip).


    So Joe, for all the times you have sat up telling the "bald truth" why FUE is a croc, you now will have a chance to tell us why FUE has so changed so much recently. You and Spex, wherever he is.


    Good luck.


    This x 1000000


    The cat is truely out of the bag .


    I also never bought these polar switches from people who were so vehmently against large scale FUE despite knowing otherwise. Anyone who did their research and homework could clearly see it was self interest because the clinics they represented did not cater for this market.


    Next then we saw the 'evolved opinion' which coincided with a move to represent an FUE clinic !


    Apart from the usual set of unobjective people (mainly ex patients of these people) who will jump in blindly defending them it is plain for all to see what was going on for some time.


    The biggest croc i ever heard was because Lorenzos success was down to his patients being Spanish!!


    I would find the whole thing laughable if it wasnt for lots of young impressionable guys who were shipped off with strip scars when FUE would have done them perfectly.

  4. Age appropriate and conservative is the way to go IMO.


    It is hard to envisage a hairline outline once hair is grown out on it but it should look considerably better than the initial outline once hair grows out and will give the illusion of a lower hairline and fuller temples.


    I would concentrate on filling the temples and temple angles and also reinforcing your original hairline. Lowering i think is asking for trouble.


    In each case you also make the presumption you will have 100% yield. Yield is a big variable and many many guys end up going back for 2nd ops due to less than optimal yields. Bare in mind the cases you see online are the showcase ones in the main and the ones the clinics want you to see. Or where guys have continued updating blog due to their good results. A lot of guys abandon updates online when it dosent work out.


    There are a ton of cases that dont go online with less than decent yield.


    Bare all these factors in mind but conservative planning is the key word for any HT IMO.

  5. The percentage of below par HT's is far greater IMO than reflected online.


    Many many bad results vanish or don't make it online as patients need to keep the clinic 'onside' to get free repair.


    There are a Ton of results out there in the 60-70% yield.

    What you seen from clinics online are the home runs and not generally the norm.


    It leads to false expectations and people then wonder why me when they get average or below average result .

  6. Both good questions. I'd be interested to hear the answer on this also.

    I'm no expert but if I was to to take a guess. It may be subject to what 'yields' the most Canadian dollars.


    Wait a minute haven't we had this all before ? Well known online mentor suddenly changes his stance and goes to work for another clinic after being vehemently against large FUE sessions?


    Give me a break! :rolleyes:

  7. I'm new to this whole hair transplant world but can someone explain to me why a doctor would perform a surgery knowing the density of 1800 grafts would not be enough?


    There's something about that that rubs me the wrong way about this. If a patient can only afford, say, 1500 grafts and you KNOW they'll need something like 2500 grafts, is it not dishonest to perform the surgery and take their money for all they got?


    I don't know anything about this doctor, he's probably very good at what he does and I'm not doubting that, I just don't understand why that happened.



    Agreed. I really hope the situation for the op improves. However I struggle to see the sense in 1800 with fut and a scar now on the head which removes the ability to shave the head and walk away in light of a failed procedure.


    My advice would be to ensure you do not let this Dr do any more FUT on you.


    Try and get fixed via fue and maybe even FUE in to the scar so you can shave down short if things don't turn out good again .

  8. Precisely. The majority of results online we see are the 'home run' and showcase results.


    There are a ton of below par results out there. The 60-70 % yield.

    I believe this is far more common than reflected online.


    These results don't make it on in the same numbers.


    People don't want to post about a failed HT. they also don't want to alienate a clinic with bad PR that they need a repair from.


    That's life and that's the murky world of hair transplants !!

  9. Yes i concur. Very frequently each time we see a sub par result after the initial complaint the OP then asks for the thread to be deleted or closed after discussion with the clinic.


    This goes back to my earlier point i made on one of the threads for this case. That bad HT's are FAR more common than the results posted online reflect.


    A lot of the cases posted online are the 'Show case' results and are not necessarily the norm. Then when someone has a below par HT they think 'why i am only one'. 'I have seen so many home run results online!'


    It is my belief there is a TON of below par results which don't make it online due to the patient needing to keep 'onside' with the clinic in order to get the repair.


    I really wish these threads were not deleted but were allowed naturally come to a amicable solution. These are important examples of when HT's are below par and would be helpful for people who do have a bad experience as a guideline to follow.


    And most importantly to give peope more realistic expectations when entering the HT world.

  10. Sorry for the OP here that results are not working out.


    This is why personally FUE would be the only option for me. If things dont work out you still have the option of buzzing down short with no scar and forgetting bout HT's.


    I will also say to the poster that bad results happen a lot more than you ever read online so do not think you are just the 'one off' or very 'unlucky one'.


    The bad results dont appear online for lots of reasons. Mainly due to people needing repairs and touch ups and dont want to rock the boat.


    The good results posted online are the selection of 'show case' results but are not neccesarily the norm.


    If you have the money i would go to Dr Lorenzo for a repair and FUE only. DO NOT put any more strip scars on your head. You could even be able to FUE in to your scars now.


    Good luck with it.

  11. I really wish people would stop making posts trying to dismiss people reporting propecia side affects as physcological or 'all in ones head'.


    The fact is a lot of people get powerful side affects from this powerful drug. People can go for a few years before they kick in or a few weeks. Everyone is different. I also accept some dont get side affects. And good for them.


    I just wish people would stop trying to dismiss people's valid concerns re this hormone indoctrine altering drug just to try make themselves feel better because they are taking it.


    Personally i think it is a ticking time bomb that could hit people later in life . You cannot play around with hormones like that and accept no consequences.


    But that is just my opinion based on personal experience and awareness of previous medical scandals. I obviously hope im wrong for people taking it. There are clear physical ways these side affects manifest themselves that ensure they cannot be affected by someones potential anxiety.


    The 2% figure on side affects also is a nonsense. These studies were funded by Merk whos track record in this area is extremely dubious. The likelyhood is a lot of men with not the most active sex lifes who dont notice anything wrong with their libido.


    I will state one major phsycological affect propecia does have and that is the reluctance mentally it instills in people on it to ever come off it. The user simply does not know how much it is to credit for his existing hair and becomes paranoid of coming off it for fear of losing lots of hair.


    When in reality it could only be having minimal benefits for the user but causing him issues.

  12. Hopefully you have gone FUE. If things get quite bad. At least you can buzz your hair down short and sport the buzzed look even if it was thin in places it wouldnt be that noticeable.


    AND you will have a framed face and hairline (transplanted) which makes a world of difference. You can compliment this look then with additional small FUE or even tattooing.


    This should be every young guys approach IMO.

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