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Posts posted by BaldingBogger

  1. This is a good topic. The real FUE (or FUT) yield is not clear for me. Although we see lots of online great yield FUE results these days. After conducting a lot of more in depth research my impression is a lot of FUE yields (Lorenzo excluded whose results seem amazing) are actually somewhere around 70-80%.


    A lot of these results dont make it online fully as the patient inevitably does not want to rock the boat with the clinic and needs the repair. (Hopefully offered free by the clinic).


    I think most people can expect to go for a second procedure or 'touch up' in order to get a satisfactory result. It seems there are a lot of cases where there is always a weak area after a first op that needs addressing.


    Im of the opinion that a lot of these cases dont make it online. I'd be interested to hear if people had a 'home run' first time.


    I actually feel the above also applies to FUT results.


    Btw i still would only personally go for FUE even if it did mean less hair in the long run.

  2. I have to agree with the above. 19 years of age is far too young for a myriad of reasons. The main 2 being the future escalation of the loss. My hair at 19 & 27 was incomparable with the loss suffered. Being Norwood 1 at 19 with massively thick area which all of a sudden around my mid 20's starting falling out. With finasteride and minoxidil i might add.


    The 2nd main reason being the patients mental maturity and life experience in decision making. There is no way a 19 year old can make these key decisions which will impact the rest of their life. i.e Having an FUT scar and not having the ability to buzz hair short in the future in the event that the result is sub par.


    Also the implication of going the FUT route instead of FUE due to overhavesting concerns is lame in my opinion. No ethical clinic will over harvest FUE over a certain threshold to leave signs of obvious scarring in the future. This same logic would apply to FUT overharvesting in which the patient would look a hell of a lot worse overharvested on FUT then he would post FUE still having the option to totally shave off hair.


    This patient was far too young in my opinion and not in the right mental state for a procedure.

  3. Aaron, i would think you are best off to stop this worrying and flapping about and face these issues head on.


    Give the clinic the chance to discuss your case. You are clearly not happy with the results.


    Worst case scenario for you the result was a good one but your expectations with the clinic were not alligned.


    You may well have a point that your results was sub par. In that case the clinic should explain why. If you delete this thread now it is going to look bad for you and the clinic.

  4. The vast majority of hairs should be through by month 7/8. After that its all about just improvement in the hair quality and diamater for another 12 months.


    You should really have a good idea where of your final result soon . Nothing magical is going to happen between month 7 and 12 in terms of a massive growth spurt. I believe its exceptionally rare for that happen.


    Best to accept that now and prepare for the next steps instead of a further sense of dissapointment at 12 months again. Good luck.


    Edit - Have just seen that your not 'virgin scalp' and have had numerous previous procedures. The scar tissue can slow down the growth so could be cause of delay. Still i think you should have a good idea of where your gonna be at and what areas need addressing by month 8.

  5. All speculative. Its primarily down to genes. Its more probable you will have a combination of your mothers and fathers hair characteristics.


    It just plain bad luck if the MPB gene from one side. I had my fathers good quality hair but inherited the MPB gene from my mothers side but thankfully it only affected a small area at the front. The rest has remained strong robust hair. (My mothers brothers are top Norwoods where as my father is norwood 1).

  6. I've always thought that must be a tough thing to experience-- having a full head of hair throughout most of your adult life and then in your late 40's/ early 50's to go seriously bald.


    I have known guys like that-- now maybe smugness is the wrong word to describe their attitude, but it's not far off. These are the guys who for decades have made cracks and jokes at their balding friends and family members-- all the while supremely confident that hair loss was not an issue for THEM. Hair loss was an issue that happened to the OTHER guy. "



    Boy oh boy i know some people i would PRAY for this to happen too. Ultimate Karma. These guys were always the first to insult the balding person and highlight it in a group with no regard for that persons feelings. Mainly becuase their hair was one of the few if only things they had going for them. Proper ugly guys. Purely as a form of self elevation and help their own shitty self asteem.


    I also love how they look at me now and cant work out whats going on that i have full head of hair again. I wasnt overtly bald before but had receding hairline. They really cant work it out!! Needless to say any comments from them stopped.!!

  7. As said not really a valid argument if he went to decent surgeon. A reputable surgeon would not harvest over 30% in the donor which is enough to leave in the donor to leave no visible signs of thinning.


    Also the logic of the argument does not stand up as if he had FUT and his donor thinned to that extent he would be in a lot worse position. At least he has the option to buzz it all off. He would not be able to buzz it down with FUT.

  8. Originally Posted by David - TakingThePlunge View Post

    .....there are no reps in this community that attempt to sell...... That type of behavior would not be tolerated......



    Thanks all for input on this one. Its good to hear from the HTN community on this. And its good to hear HTN are 'on this' topic somewhat.


    However I do think comments like the the above are slightly naive. Selling wont take place via posts on a public thread. People are smarter than that. It can take place in a one on one situation offline after contact is made on the forum. I know this from personal past experience which i suppose is one of the driving factors behing this thread.


    I also agree whole heartedly that the website is a great tool for the HT community and that each individual must do their own due dilligence and do their own extensive research before committing to anything. It is up to each invidual to decide for himelf and make the best informed decision.


    Ultimately I also don't agree that this topic overall is a non issue. I think its a very real potential issue that prospective patients and those new to the HT world need to be aware of. And hopefully this thread has gone a small way to aid that.

  9. Thanks for your comments Hair there. I have noticed several others recently in addition to those you mention. (ex posters / patients now reps).


    As i said im sure most mean well but im rather more concerned as to what could potentially happen in the future. I.e A Feeding frenzy on new posters by people not really qualified to be in the position. 'Just there because they had a procedure or 2 done and read the forum everyday.'


    PS I'm aware of all these online reps but interestingly the most informative and knowledgeable person i have encountered online is Mickey85 who has no affilation to anyone.

  10. Hi All,


    I would just like to write an open letter to the HTN network moderators and the community itself for feedback on the below topic.


    Having been a long term reader i am now amazed at the amount of 'online reps' operating here on this HTN.?


    It seems even lots of guys who have regularly post in the past have now become these 'online reps'. This concerns me slightly as i am sure most have good intentions but in the interest of transparacy is it possible to know what business arrangements they have with their respective clinics.?


    Are they on commision etc.? I think these are important facts as people new to the HT scene can be easily directed and often far too trusting of people who may recommend things not in their best interests.


    The website is an amazing source of information for people in the HT world no question but i think a balance and controls needs to be maintained on the commerical side.


    I would be very interested to hear from the HTN network management and its members and if anyone else has any other comments on this issue.?

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