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Posts posted by BaldingBogger

  1. Yes agree with the above, you have too much to touch at the moment .


    Think I seen your procedure on another forum. You had a good result in the hairline.


    You should really have enough donor to address the mid scalp in another couple of years when the thinning becomes more noticeable . And as long

    As your crown dosent drop at the back too much. I would have thought you would have enough to sort that too down the line.


    Maybe just beef it up with some nanogen in the meantime or you could buzz to disguise thinning

  2. Hang in there. Still a few months growth to look forward too .


    Personally though this is way too big a session for one sitting from my perspective.

    Is there any documented 5000 FUE in one session which have had optimal growth.?


    I am seeing a lot of large scale results from Turkey now with growth issues.


    There seemed to be a better canvas of results when the sessions were smaller.

  3. To be fair, it's only been a couple years that I have felt comfortable with fue. When I started to check out transplants, there were not a lot of options. Dr. Feller being probably the top guy in the US at that time at 10 bucks a graft and no one was getting the yield that they get now. Things on the fue front have drastically changed in the past 2 years. It's pretty remarkable.


    I think if you were only to read this forum that might be your opinion.


    But the Belgian Drs and Lorenzo have been churning out consistent FUE results for a lot longer .


    Maybe they have just not been members here and not showcased here. up until the last couple of years there was a considerable transparent anti fue campaign from people with vested interests.

  4. Sorry buzz to hear about your bad result .


    You got a refund but it's still won't replace lost grafts.


    Did you have any growth at all? Or have you any recipient pics?


    Do they use motorised fue?


    I'm of the opinion there's a lot more unsuccessful results than we ever see online.


    With the advent if cheap procedures in turkey I hope it's not a trend that's going to start but I do fear.


    Best of luck anyway and hope dr safai can get you where you want to be.

  5. I actually think this thread is quite useful for people to see when a procedure dosent work out and how this is handled.


    There is no doubt the result is sub par and I would not be happy with it. Nor the hairline design.

    That said it looks like it's very repairable if the op had a successful 2nd op.


    By the sounds of it appears the OPs main gripes are the clinics conduct and particularly that of its former rep.


    I will also say comments made by other people connected with the clinic against the patients mental health are totally out of order and below the belt.


    This is not the correct way to represent the clinic in a public forum. This

    'Mental health' card is something that's been thrown at unhappy patients over the years on forums and it stinks trying to discredit people who have genuinely sub par results.


    Maybe a patients and clinics expectations are not aligned or handled properly. This is certainly not cause to try accusations at someone's mental being on a public forum.


    It sounds like someone senior at H&W needs to get hold of this case and work with the OP to hopefully an acceptable conclusion.


    Best of luck.

  6. Hi all,


    It is funny watching the premier league these days and watching the guys that are having HT's done. I seen the earlier thread re Fabregas suspected procedure.


    Here is Christian Eriksen of Spurs. Do you think its a transplant? Or Advanced hair studio weave?


    His hair looks good which was thinning massively. It was thinning more than even the attached picture shows. Cant find one at the moment that reflects it.


    It looks like it appeared very quickly which is why im not sure its a HT.?



  7. Hi guys ,


    Sorry to be cynical here but I don't buy this hair transplant recovered in the way that is being portrayed here.


    I actually think the OP has been back for a repair from the clinic and is now presenting it as final result. It's a bit naughty if this is the case.


    That's just my opinion and if this is genuine then it's the first case of it kind I have seen in seeing thousands of results.



    In any case the main thing here is the patient is happy and i am happy he got there in the end.

  8. You make the assumption that the only variable is the doctor / technician fatigue.


    There are a TON of variables to a successful transplant.


    One of the main ones is the 'take' or blood supply in bedding new grafts in.

    The higher numbers going in the more competition for the vascular attachment which leads to dead grafts.


    Its very noticeable on a lot of 2 day procedures the 2nd day has been less successful

  9. I personally think that 2500 grafts over 2 days is the max that should be carried out.


    Any more and the grafts are compromised.

    A lot of top dr's concur with this approach also.


    Unfortunately I don't agree at all with above posters that it is early days.

    Most viable grafts should be through the surface at this stage and at least in the early signs of growth. Post month 8 it's about maturing really.


    Good luck and I would go with smaller sessions here on in to fix up.

  10. Congrats on your procedure, It looks like you have had some growth in the hairline although it is impossible to tell the result on the rest of your scalp as your pictures are front on only and not in the same lighting as your pre op pics. And you did have some hair in the hairline pre op already.


    Also you say 'a flat hairline would look weird if you ever lost hair in the crown area'. And your 'balding pattern is hairline and corner recession only'. I would beg to differ as although your crown hasnt dropped low yet at the back you have lost most of your hair in the frontal 3 zones and the most of the frontal crown area too.


    Would be good to see some better pics to assess the result overall.

  11. Wow. This is definitely an unusual case. Looking at your pre ops pics it seems that you did not have that much hair there in the first place in the frontal third.


    I honestly don't think you have had gained that much hair at the 6 month stage by minox alone. It seems like a lot of the transplanted hair may have come in but shed again. There are cases around where this has happened. Have you used minox before and have you noticed much growth with it?


    Ive always been loathe to commit to minox. Id rather let the loss get to the max and then replace with transplanted hair from there. Hopefully another procedure can add density for you . Good luck,

  12. This is looking great. Congrats. The crown takes prob a good 12-15 months to come in fully.


    It looks like you had 100% yield in the front, I think you will definitly need work down the line in the 'eyes and mouth patches as baldness is progressive and these islands of hair will not hold fully. You should have a good 3000+ left in the FUE bank though along with any crown touch up that may be required.

  13. BHR are a very good clinic and good to hear to hear they are looking after you. Maybe smaller sessions will be the way forward to get you where you need to be.


    Typically it is my opinion whatever growth is through by month 9 is pretty much it. After that it is thickening.


    However looking at your pictures it does seem the placement looked a bit low density back in the mid scalp area where there is no growth now. I know this is typically intentional in a HT and where higher hair groupings (3's,4's) are placed to add density.


    Looking at your pictures the grafts which stayed in place longest (prior to full shedding) after the procedure are the ones in which the growth has come through. I have seen this in many examples.


    But i have noticed a trend in 2 day surgeries where the mid scalp area does not come through as well. It seems to me that perhaps the blood supply is dominated by the grafts going in on day 1. And then the lower density area (mid scalp) with the higher hair groupings suffer for survival on day 2 with a lower yield.


    Would be interested to hear any professional opinions on this as it does seem to be a bit of a trend.?

  14. I'd steer well clear .


    I came across their website the other day and was amazed at their prices.

    They are scandalously overpriced.


    I have not seen one documented good result from a patient.


    Also for the Jason Gardner concealer fiasco they should be discounted immediately.

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