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Posts posted by BaldingBogger

  1. No takes Back - i sincerely hope you get where you want to be. The good news is a touch up to the hairline should probably do that.



    Very interested to hear what Dr feller has to say about this one. This just reinforces what i have been saying all along. There are NO GUARANTEES with FUT or FUE despite what Dr Feller would like to project on his threads. And this just proves it implicitly.


    Reading his marketing threads would have prospective patients believe a sub par result with FUT is a practical impossibility!!

  2. Dear Dr. Feller,


    This is an interesting "olive branch" that is being extended. An olive branch with conditions attached is not olive branch, sir. It is a prickly thicket that serves your interests alone. You'll understand my hesitation.


    If you are referring to the "baseless" rant, comment there is no proof that you have presented. It is simply your opinion. You are assuming that the challenges you have experienced and have not ovecome in your FUE procedure are equally insurmountable by every other physician in the world. To apologize for this is to endorse your position, which I do not. In fact, the very idea of an apology for this, of all things, is humorous due to the sheer volume of insults and bulldog attacks you have made on not just me, which is of no real consequence, but my patients (Sethicles) and the respective readers and participants of this forum that dared to disagree with you.


    And I also see no need to admit any mistake with my video. You have zeroed in on my original post which is over sixty pages back, in the middle of this thread as it stands now, while you posted the original video in subsequent posts, five times no less which negated your "cover up" claims. The mistake was yours, sir; yours because you did not pay attention to your own posts that have the original unedited video but for some reason you felt you should reach back sixty pages to attempt to shame me and call it a "cover up". Had you not attempted to wrongfully embarrass me with your accustations of subterfuge no one else would have given it much thought because you have been free to post the original, as you have, multiple times, just as you are still free to do so now. Do your five (so far) listings of the original video not negate any clandestine operations you accuse me of?


    The apology I will give is to the readers and members. I feel that this thread is unfortunate and I do apologize for any misunderstandings or if I came across as rude. The true agenda of this thread is to tear down the merits of FUE and all that exercise it daily, a procedure that has already been through trial by fire during the early days of the online forum world where epic FUT vs. FUE battles have been waged. FUE has emerged, hardened from the experience, and validated by more and more clinics not only adopting the technique but converting to it 100%. Currently there is not a single reputable hold out doctor, that I am aware of, that is FUT only.


    The agenda of this thread does not stop with the teardown of FUE. This thread is designed to discredit FUE while another, initiated by Dr. Feller's new partner, is designed to introduce mFUE as the perfect patent pending solution to the problems presented in this thread by FUE. It would be too obvious to have both arguments in the same thread but if two separate individuals initiate the strategy from different angles then it is more easily digested. Call it the "good cop/bad cop" routine, again patent pending.


    To summarize what we have all learned:


    1. No proof has been presented to show that the three physical forces described by Dr. Feller are insurmountable. None. There are no videos showing these forces, there are no photos showing these forces much less direct results of such forces directly tied into poor yield from any specific patient.


    2. A "new" patent pending procedure has been introduced in the same time frame by Dr. Feller's partner that combines the "yield of FUT and the scarring of FUE" but Dr. Bloxham shares that FUE scarring is what people want while Dr. Feller says that FUE scarring is horrendous. I'm not clear on the difference but this is what is being stated but regardless of how you look at it, mFUE is here to save the day.


    3. Dr. Feller did not make a single post, not one, between Janaury 2014 and June 2015. His account, "Dr. Alan Feller", had zero activity on this forum. When mFUE was announced by his partner, Dr. Feller's posting frequency rocketed through the stratosphere to discredit FUE. Why now? Why has Dr. Feller been completely and absolutely silent for a full year and a half before the announcement of mFUE, the proclamation of FUT being more popular than FUE, the mFUEvs.Stripvs.FUE thread, and the announcement of Dr. Blake now being a partner of Dr. Feller?


    4. Dr. Feller attempted to create drama by saying that my editing of a video I posted sixty plus pages back, with the permission of Bill Seemiller, was a "cover up" like this forum had never seen before. This was said while five copies of the original, which I could have altered on Youtube at any time, rest untouched and unedited in his own posts. Did he overlook or choose to ignore? We'll never know.


    I will close in saying that I agree the tone of this thread should return to a more healthy debate but I believe it is clear that if a more amicable level of participiation can be achieved it will most likely devolve again once another disagreement erupts. I will personally do what I can to refrain from such problematic posting and I will simply stick to the facts as I have continued to endeavor. However, as a question to the readership; How many clinics can you name in the past year that have switched to FUE, either partly or in whole? Now how many clinics can you name that have switched to or incorporated FUT into their practice, partly or in whole? The answer is what it is, the truth.


    Good day.


    Bravo Dr Bhatti. Could not have it put better!

  3. Dr Feller,

    I have no idea what happened with this behind the scenes but the below thread is one of the examples I was referencing that you termed another lie (still confused where any lies came from as they were direct quotes). As a prospective patient it was a bit alarming but to be frank & fair I have no idea what went on behind the scenes other than what was posted.





    Dr feller threatened me with legal action EARLIER in this thread !!

    It's how this man operates. Ludicrous.


    I have seen those previous unhappy cases from his clinic and saw how they were handled.

    And he expects us to believe with his personality he is only here for the patients bests interests to Inform them the pitfalls of FUE. Lol

  4. It all adds up, I've been saying this since the beginning, it seems almost tactical how his partners and him have all teamed up to discredit FUE whilst presenting their "new procedure" what's even more alarming is how previously when Blake was a mod he would congratulate members on their results and tell them they did good by picking a recommended FUE physician, now the 180 turn. In a month span there have been several threads created by Dr.. Lindsey, Dr. Feller and Dr. Bloxham all of which either present a poor case of FUE which they state "buyer beware" and threads of "good FUT scars" it's clear cut marketing, when I asked why is it that you don't see FUE physicians slamming FUT, their reply is always "because they know FUT is superior" however why don't I see countless threads employing scare tactics regarding the scar? Repair threads never seem to bash FUT even if the scar is bad and the growth is poor. The reason why is because FUE is in fact becoming increasingly popular amongst young men, just take a look at the question section of this forum, more than half of the questions are about FUE or FUE physicians, like it or not this will only increase in time.



    Agree 100%. Its a classless thinly veiled marketing campaign from said actors to coincide miraculously and drum up business for the 'MFUE' technique and their FUT business which is taking a hammering.


    Do i really believe they are doing this because this is in the patients best interests? Eh no. Its all being economically driven. Only the very naive and uninformed will think otherwise.


    I actually think its done them more harm than good though.

  5. Bill,


    The point is that Dr. Feller was saying that bad FUE scarring is a normal occurrence. I offered an opportunity to show these cases as they come in, in real time, as he must be seeing these cases in person else he would not have any legitimate reason to make such a statment. This is what I have been doing to show the mix of cases I get on a daily basis, verified with the newspaper date in the images. These are not "results" as you put it but rather pre-operative photos to show the state of the donor region as the patient comes in. They are not cherry picked, they are not selected. They are what they are, random and mor importnatly, daily.


    That is the very crux of the argument by Dr. Feller, that there is so much bad scarring from FUE so I have set the stage for him and I to back up at least this part of our respective points with the necessary visual evidence.


    When he asked me to take up his challenge to disprove the 3 forces I did participate. Now it is his turn to reciprocate.

    That would be a gentleman he is.

    However, if you wish me to stop posting, I will honor the forum; but with a note of dissent on record.


    Bill, As far as marketing is concerned, I don't even use a link to my website in my signature block.


    Also, it is also a fact that I was not too eager to join this thread. You know that.


    Best wishes.


    Dr Bhatti, Thank you for your input on this thread and daily cases which are highly relevant IMO in refuting some of Dr Fellers claims. I also recall Dr Feller stating earlier his work frequently consisted of repairing bad FUE work with horrendous scarring.? Its quite telling that he has not offered any real time daily examples like you have. All we have had is hot air.


    Your posts are also very valuable as it seems to show lots of sub par FUT results coming in for repair. My main problem with the impression coming off these marketing threads is the claims that FUT is a guarantee 'gold standard' result. It is not and is subject to lots of variables (surgeon choice just being one) just like FUE. The difference being after a failed FUT your options are decidedly more limited in your inability to shave down without being 'branded for life' with a linear scar on display.



    This is the truth that the FUT doctors on this thread are not telling prospective patients and very much downplaying from what i can see. And are being just as 'disingenuous' in the same way they label other FUE doctors.

  6. How about a prerequisite of 50-100 published online successful results of 1500 + grafts.


    There's so much talk about yield. How about asking Recommended FUE practitioners to measure grown in density on Repeat patients when they come in for a 2nd surgery and are shaved down again.


    Surely this is not difficult to do if

    They know and record the density the original procedure was transplanted at. ?

  7. That is an horrendous strip scar. Despite of a lot what you will read online lately the risk of a terrible strip scar , permanent shock loss , nerve damage , crown /scar stretching, scalp tightening etc absolutely exists with FUT. Add to that a risk of awful yield as in this case which also exists with an FUT. Although FUT doctors are not going to tell you that.! They will only tell you how terrible FUE is.


    Research , research , research.


    I am sure Dr Bhatti's FUE will yield well and also commend him taking on this case. I wish that patient well.

  8. I do not think of the FUE graft as "injured," unless an FUT graft is also "injured" during dissection. They do need to be handled carefully, inspected for being intact, and keep moist during the procedure. They are also more subject to desiccation than FUT grafts. The point is not that FUE grafts are superior to FUT grafts, it is that when the procedure is done properly, they are equal in survival to FUT grafts. Obviously studies need to be done to clarify these remarks, and no one should be taking my words as gospel.


    But I do feel the need to report what I have seen with performing FUE surgery daily, and compared to what I have seen performing FUT surgery for the past decade. I do feel that some the physical forces described occur during FUE surgery, but I do not believe it matters much when it comes to graft survival. When we began FUE procedures, we placed grafts with forceps, and even with experienced placers, the results were indeed variable. However, when we switched to implanter pens, we saw much more consistent results, and in my opinion, slightly better than when we were doing FUT procedures.


    Finally, when it comes to discussions like these, I believe that a picture is not worth a thousand words, it is more like ten thousand words, and we should let the results speak for themselves.


    Let the results speak for themselves.. This is the phrase of the day and one in which people seem to be losing sight off getting caught up in the hyperbole of this thread offered up by Dr Feller.


    Dr Feller has proved NOTHING with this thread except offering subjective conjecture of HIS experience of FUE. He makes no concession to the fact other Dr's from leading clinics have excelled to a higher standard of FUE than he has and mitigated these '3 detrimental forces' to a level where they can produce consistent HIGH YIELDNG FUE results.


    If we are wrong where are all these failed FUE results? On the Dark web perhaps?! Do you not think this and other forums would be FLOODED with bad cases all in which patients are trying to negotiate their money back from the clinic like what happens when we see a genuine sub par case.? These clinics are booked out 6 months in advance. That would be a huge volume of potential bad results creeping online..



    I think this thread has lost any relevance and one man ranting is getting pretty old. It should get back to the business of sharing and evaluating results and the resulting engaging debate from there.


    I would simply implore people to do their own due diligence and view as many cases online and crucially IN PERSON to see the reality of both procedures and what FUE & FUT can really do. And not just take one Doctors view (on the FUE or FUT side) as gospel.

  9. I have to agree..im just a normal poster considering a ht, and I'm totaly confused about everything. There's a doctor writing how wrong it is to have large fue procedures, and yet all I'm seeing on every forum is large fue procedures.


    From just observing through this thread, I haven't been impressed with Dr Feller's way of getting his point across, I personally wouldn't even consider going to him, even if he was the greatest surgeon on the planet.


    Without meaning any offence to either dr feller or dr bloxham, all I can take from this is two doctors pushing something, and in my opinion, in quite an arrogant manor.


    Sorry just my opinion and I'm just a nobody.


    The main problem with this thread is it has not been a geniune comparison of both the procedures. It has basically been Dr Feller/Bloxham on a business pitch acting as Defense Attorneys for the Strip procedure essentially trying to destroy the credibility of FUE. Whilst never acknowledging hardly anything remotely negative around FUT.


    And continously deflecting any geniune drawbacks to FUT posters have made in a totally impartial way. When we all know both procedures have their downsides. When a white wash like this occurs you ask Why such An Agenda.? Then look at Dr Fellers book of business which is all FUT. When was the last FUE result from Dr Feller anyone has seen.? We then see a new technique MFUE thrown in the mix of conversation regulary also being elevated above FUE. When no one has ever seen a grown out result on this.?! Which looks like just mini Strips again. You do not have to be Einstein here to put 2 & 2 together.


    As for Dr Fellers manner people can make their own mind up on it. I will say the comments on Dr Bhatti and his supposed reps were a disgrace and Bill was correct in intervening on this thread.


    This whole thread has been cooked up as a PR Offensive but has actually been a PR disaster IMO.


    Stick to sharing results folks and let quality hair restoration do the talking like all the other top Docs do. Or at least lets see a balanced debate between surgeons from both camps so readers are not just getting one side.

  10. Dr Feller/Bloxham,


    Something that really crops up amongst all these threads.


    How does the dynamic with your own patient representative work? When there seems to be such a conflicting opinion now from you all on the validity of FUE.?


    Spex has said the below in reply to Mickeys thread a while back. How does a prospective patient get any kind of aligned or consistent course of action or consult when there is such a conflciting position on FUT / FUE between you all?



    A very well written topic. I am a big advocate of FUE and had several sessions myself.


    Educational topics such as this are great. Education is vital when it comes to all aspects of HT surgery.


    I think FUE and larger sessions in particular are becoming more consistent by particular Docs and FUE in the right hands can be great. My opinion on FUE is evolving and im looking forward to the future of FUE. :cool:


    Thanks for the post.




  11. Here's my head CLOSE UP a few days after being shaved unguarded . 6 months after my last surgery.


    3 surgeries , over 6000 Grafts FUE.


    I will add I believe my head looks even better now as it was still recovering from very slight

    Shock loss here which has all grown back.


    You be the judge .


  12. 1. Absolutely incorrect. There are NOT as many "dud results"in FUT as FUE. Not even close. Love to know where you get your "data" from before you irresponsibly posted on this thread something that is blatantly untrue.


    2. I didn't write that FUT results COULD look better, I wrote that they indisputably WILL look better. And for the reasons I've listed enough times in this thread already.


    3. Your quote of Dr. Vories is interesting. So, you are saying that he's saying that IF an FUE graft survives it will grow as well as an FUT graft? That's if it survives, right?! This was a weak and disingenuous statement.


    4. The "retreat" option is not an option at all. It is a self fulfilling prophecy of failure.If patients wish to fade buzz their donor area after a strip surgery, they can. So what's the problem?


    5. "I even recall a recent FUT case from Dr Feller Taclinowest which was not a success." Another completely false statement. Putting aside the clear attempt at libel on your part, did you point out the indisputable failure of FUE results on the part of any FUE practitioners? Of course not, you singled me out.


    The last I saw Taclinowest was years ago, not recently, and he was growing and healing fine and his transplant was successful. I have had no contact from him to the contrary nor have I read anything of the sort online, so what are you talking about? Regardless, is it your position that he would have grown BETTER had he had an FUE instead of FUT?


    The problem is that the real and true reason that people want FUE is NOT the haircut options they may have afterward, nor the linear scar it leaves. Rather it is FEAR of the strip procedure itself. Fear is what's driving FUE and it's proponents, and there are no shortage of people who are willing to take advantage of that fear.


    No you are wrong. This is all just your swayed opinion to allign with what your clinics offers - FUT. Yes the patient can of course shave their donor after FUT. The difference is they will have a massive linear scar on show. Not a big deal is it.? Go ask the prospective patient and ask him if it not a big deal.


    My quote of Dr Vories is no disingeneous at all. It is pivotal coming from another recommended surgeon who performs FUE to a high standard. As it totally contradicts what you Blake and Dr Lindsay are saying regarding the graft quality and supposed superiority of FUT grafts over FUE grafts.


    So Dr Feller now resorts to sending out private messages threatening legal action over my comments!! This is an open forum Dr Feller where we are free to comment on results and there is nothing libelous in my posts. The last post i read regarding Taclinowest he did not seem to be growing that well and stopped updating. If you are saying otherwise thats great for him why don't we see an update to clear this up ? I make the reference to this case as you are giving the impression to everyone FUT is almost a cast iron guarantee of great results. It isn't and prospective patients should be aware of that. There are without doubt lots of sub par results out there from both procedures. Which is one of the crux of my points, there are no guarantees with either technique.


    You really are making yourself look more and more ridiculous with these posts and threats.

    You think your bully boy tactics will make everyone go away and agree with your opinion. Pathetic.


    Again everyone would be better off getting back to letting their results do the talking instead of propaganda campaigns.

  13. Dr Feller, do you happen to have any literature in which you are able to share that proves your statements correct? You have been so steadfast in your postings, that surely you must have something that you can share with the community. As someone that has undergone a strip surgery and will have another surgery at some point, I am extremely interested in this topic/debate. Based upon what we all see on this board, there are amazing FUE results being posted almost daily.


    There are amazing FUE results being posted because they are being carried out daily. I totally disagree with Dr Fellers statements in the results could look better with FUT. I would agree that a higher norwood's final result could look better via FUT purely with the amount of grafts able to be harvested. However I think as Dr Vories also agreed there should not be a difference graft for graft quality once they have matured and cycled.


    What is not being mentioned here is there are just as many dud results in FUT out there as there is in FUE. The impression been given is FUT is a guaranteed gold standard result which is not the case. There are no guarantees with either technique, I even recall a recent FUT case from Dr Feller Taclinowest which was not a success.


    The difference in this case is this guy cannot go and shave down his head without obvious scarring on display and move on with his life. THIS IS THE HUGE DEAL FOR PEOPLE. More so than the thought of having the Strip extracted. It is the thought that the surgery wont be successful and they have removed the retreat option as they now have a huge tell tale linear scar on their head and are branded for life as a failed HT patient. If he had FUE and it was was sub par he still has the option shave down without visible scarring. And possibly with a framed hairline.

  14. Blake would say that because he pro FUT period....that's okay that's his take on things.


    Let's talk about people who had a FUT & the damage nerv& the loss of feeling in the back of the head which some but not all say haven't returned to normal after several years of so called healing.


    What if a guy in his 20s early 30s has FUT scar & over the years his donor gets thin & what happens then that big ass ugly scar shows its face? So what? Dig some FUEs out & waste more donor hair & have more depleated back of head?


    I personally don't think there be a lot of demand for FUT in say 5/10yrs because customers simply don't want that SCAR

    At least with FUE it won't be the end of the world, shave down & move on with your life.

    You can't say that about FUT can you blake if some poor soul lost more hair & tapped out of donor?


    Ontop you are never going to hear anything negative towards the FUT procedure from Blake, Hairjo or anyone else connected to Dr Feller / Lindsay. As this procedure is their bread and butter and they are unable to perform large FUE sessions to a high standard. If they are i certainly haven't seen any results recently to confirm this and would welcome to see some.


    This is all fair enough. I would just hope certain potential patients have the foresight to do their research and realise they could be FUE candidates should they wish to have that procedure. If they went to Dr Feller they certainly would not be told this. If i went to these guys unprepared and was persuaded in to FUT and then realised after the surgery i could have got an FUE i would be furious.


    I keep an open mind to MFUE but from what i see so far i have big question marks regarding scarring as it looks like mini strips. Again best to keep an open mind until their are grown out results. I will say i have never seen anything as hyped in advance without an end product to display.

  15. I am also confused as to why these clinics need to be pre screened with a seal of approval from a non medical professional. If they are recommended here.


    Surely their results and patient care will speak for themselves as this will be all

    That matters.


    I am sure Joe brings some good experience to the table for the online world to clinics. And am sure that can

    Benefit all parties.


    It just seems a bit odd to me

    that his plans orginallly laid out to be a totally independent advisor have changed so quickly with all these affiliations. Or maybe I've

    Missed something.



    However Its seems we are entering a situation

    Where patient advisors are considering themselves almost more important than the clinics they represent.


    I think a reality check is needed

    In this regard. HT surgeons are the ones who produce life changing results not patient reps.

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