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Posts posted by BaldingBogger

  1. You're right i don't think he's bothered in the slightest but he's a good example of what happens when your donor thins with FUT.


    Heres a pic of him at a recent event. It looked even worse from TV angles and a real give away.....


  2. Very interesting case. Best of luck with your procedure... I've been sceptical generally about session sizes going over 3000 for FUE. Based from what i have seen 3000 and under has historically been the optimal session size. But hey like everything treatment efficiency is improving all the time.


    Everything i have seen so far from Dr Vories has been very impressive so i am sure you are in for a great result..

    It appears the hairline outline is already coming in.. Keep us posted.

  3. @HairJo,


    Man, how obvious is it that you are shilling here? You pop up in every topic and message that acts in a critical manner towards Dr. Feller.


    What a clown you are.


    Thank you Swooping for also pointing out what i have also been doing since this 'HairJo' appeared . If you see his profile it was created ON THE DAY of Dr Fellers MFUE marketing posts last year.


    His not very articulate posts which are only Pro everything Dr Feller have been continuing ever since. I've previously labelled him the most transparant shill ive seen working on a forum and its good to see he's not letting me down.

  4. whats the odds that raymond van barneveld has had a hair transplant. he's on sky sports 1 right now playing darts and he's sporting what looks like a FUT scar.


    Yes Barney had FUT. he now has a very visible scar as his donor has thinned. And he's limited as can't shave his head. Exactly the reason I didnt go FUT

  5. WTF happened to the other thread?


    The other thread was deleted by the Mod's. Unless either or both parties come back online to clear this up (And i understand Professor is now Banned so impossible for him). Its quite a disturbing situation no matter what way you look at it.

  6. Anyone notice Sky News Reporter Jon Craig who has been on the channel now for over 10 years.


    I noticed him the other day sporting a rather full looking frontal third and was sure to myself this guy had some serious baldness when i last seen him.


    Looking at hm closely on screen I think he's using concealer myself. Seems to be a colour difference when looking closely.



  7. Id give it a good 13-15 months before making a decision. I recall on my 2nd surgery have a thin area still at 12 months which filled in significatly around months 13-15.


    Its still possible for more hair to come in at only 10 months that may have been in a dormant cycle.


    Your hair looks good grown out. However to answer your question you could probably have some more grafts implanted in the area . However i would ensure you go to a reputable clinic

  8. Man I thought the same thing for someone who's supposedly interested in FUE, the majority of his posts are always something negative toward FUE, one would think that you'd just choose FUT. I know he surfaced around the same time the FUT and FUE thread was around Definitely suspect.


    Agreed, id also like to see 'HairJo' profile checked out. I've mentoned this before. His Profile was created the day of Dr Feller's MFUE and FUE bashing video. And his entire posting history is relentlessy praising Dr Feller and discrediting FUE.


    I think this kind of thing is going on a lot.

  9. Funny read!


    Another one I've noticed the 'paranoid chewbaca syndrome'


    Paranoid chewbaca - Dear all I think I'm losing my

    Hair and can see skin when my head tilts to a 90 degree in a solar eclipse.


    I've attached a picture


    * 100 replies from forum members telling paranoid chewbaca how hairy he is.


    * Paranoid chewbaca leaves forum immediately for good a happy wookie never to be heard of again


  10. I have to agree too much emphasize on buzz cuts like I said before if you look good with a buzz cut then you will look pretty much the same as being bald either you want hair or you don't as procedure I'd always choose an HT I want my hair back not so I can shave it off.


    This is rubbish. A hairline is needed to frame a face and give angles and contour to facial symmetry.


    There is a world of difference between someone bald and someone with a buzzed head but still has a hairline.

  11. Doesn't it make sense that if ezel had this information from Dr. Feller before his FUE he might have chosen FUT instead and be enjoyig his new hair instead of being upset about his FUE growth failure and wondering what to do next?


    Or he could be like the poster notakesback who had an FUT with feller and is not only dealing with a sub par result. But having a big strip scar to contend with also.

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