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Everything posted by Rawkerboi

  1. Hands down Dr.Lorenzo, Its not the cherry picking its the skill of this great doc.
  2. Well I guess around 1500 Grafts will be enough to fill your top or even Fin and Minoxidil will do the job. Are you on Minoxidil or Fin? Read your whole blog, well your journey was awesome. Hope you enjoying your new hair
  3. Everything is right on track, few months more and your hair will be thick, are you on medications? Medicines will definitely boost your growth. May I know your surgeon?
  4. Please post some before and after pictures that your clinic provided, and also a current picture about your hair loss
  5. The results are looking good! Are you Planning for second round or you satisfied?
  6. Yes, I agreed with Walky, if no doctors are willing to perform surgery, please don't end your life and loose hope there are options. Hair Systems Nowadays Hair systems are really natural and undetectable you may also check out "Hair System" forum, many users have shared their experience
  7. Hey Chad is he the guy with username "tmlvac" on Dr. Rahal website? May be I am wrong Anyways, nice result
  8. Yes, all the doctors recommended on this website are good some are The Best!!! Mail them and see what are their opinions because they are real experts
  9. Experts have given their advices.. Take your time and relax, its definitely not end of the world Dr.Umar is the right surgeon for you, do let us know what he says! And please relax
  10. Well, he did say that he will post pre and post op pics as soon as he gets
  11. Ah! You remind me of Dr.Sheldon Cooper ..Baazzzinga I guess you forgot to mention grafts and grafts count
  12. Definitely a huge improvement then before, at-least now you can style your hair bit A touch-up would definitely thicken your hairline! When are you planning for second HT?
  13. Every month @ 2hillpark ask same question again and again BTW, Unable to see pics
  14. Where you using Minoxidil before HT? If yes how many weeks before HT you stop using it
  15. No side effects from Fin, you can start with 5% minox immediately! Remember the main weapon is Fin, so make sure you start both the medicines together. Many users says, Fin and Minox combo works pretty well, But according to my experience, Finasteride helps to stop Hairloss and Minoxidil helps to thicken your follicle I really have no idea about Alpecian, but I am pretty sure its not FDA approved drug As, you are young and have decent hair( Not complete slick bald) medicines may work, give a try, alt east it will help to stabilized your loss or prevent it from losing any further..
  16. My hairline was same like you few years back, I started Minoxidil first and after weeks of research I pluck the courage to take fin.Let me tell you this was the best decision I had taken.. Medicines have really stabilized my hair loss and thicken my hair, hairline has improved just a bit not much, as we know these medicines is not much effective on hairline but still there is some improvement, Your hair loss is not so severe, so I advise you to start medicines asap, keep monitoring it for year and after year or two you can correct you hairline by having an HT!
  17. Even I am not a doctor, but yes you can have HT Add Fin in your regime and keep a watch on your progress for a year at-least Then you may have HT!
  18. Medicine are must! Why not give a try once? If you get sides you can quit. If you really don't want to take medicine's then be ready to have HT in the near future, coz hairloss is progressive, Fin and Minox will either slow down your loss or stabilise it. I will say research more and consult few more doctors, if you want to opt for FUE, consult Dr.Bhatti, Dr.Rahal or Dr.Koray Erdogan once. As you know, Hair Transplant is a cosmetic procedure, so there is always a possibility of bad outcome but if you are in the hand of top doc, you won't worry much A face to Face consultation with top doc. Will clear your all doubts!! Good luck
  19. How many days before the surgery, you stopped applying Minoxidil ?
  20. There is no magic no. But you can start Scalp Laxity exercise two months before Surgery! Do it twice a day
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