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Everything posted by sl

  1. Thanks for the tag and the update from FinMin. Growth post surgery will take a full year and textural changes can take longer as the hair has to complete a full anagen cycle. For some it is manageable with hair length and products so not a huge concern but an annoyance and as said it rectifies itself. I have not in BHR seen a permanent issue with it and assuming no other dietary of medical changes then it is part of the process that will settle. Please feel free to keep in touch with your advisor and send photos and concerns and they can liaise with Dr.Bisanga for you and hopefully meet you also once travel is resumed.
  2. Congrats BM, from the one of the most faked and copied men on the web..is this really you or an imposter..lol...You look great..
  3. Very nice solid result and I will ask for photos of top also. Usually a 3k graft surgery will be frontal third and here we spread well and also addressed temple points also in the count which is rare. The result is already at 8 months thicker than parts of his donor and we had to keep in mind also some retrograde alopecia that is evident and not front load also his donor also but at 8 months he has effectively been growing for around 4 or 5 months at most and there is always more to come, but for me this already was a great transformation even early on. His donor, despite the limitations looks very good after and no real evident sign of surgery and as said above he came to us as his friend had a great outcome, so glad he also was not disappointed. Very happy patient and and willing to have his case posted also.
  4. Be good to see the complete donor from side profiles also as we do not harvest just from the occipital, although that said many do to be fair. Your rear occipital area is not the strongest and is dipping and for 31 this is aggressive loss. Good you are on medication and really good to see firstly how well you tolerate them and secondly if you stabilise loss or get growth. Your lateral humps can dip from the top shot and this usually is in synergy with crown loss also going lower, so need to keep all this in mind and see how meds go because you do not want to become unattached in the event of losing more hair post surgery. As said we are a very different setup to some of the clinics mentioned in approach and who does what, so it depends on really what factors are important for you. In any event I would go with a VERY conservative approach to keep in mind future loss potential and donor limitations and that you have have if as they said 3500/4000 at approx, so will you be happy with this as an outcome. Get the clinics to draw the designs as to what you can expect from the surgery so that you can have an idea of what you will get and try to see similar cases and meet patients also for the clinic you choose to go to. If you can also travel to meet the doctor and clinic then you would benefit from a real empirical donor assessment on density, miniaturisation, FU groupings etc so there is then less guess work on long term what can be achieved. In any event, all the best in your research and hope you get what you are hoping to achieve and well done on researching and asking forums also.
  5. Well done! You feel so different at this stage and keep on as you are! Take care and let us know how goes.
  6. Save your money and the trouble you will have. You are young and your nape is raising up and your crown dipping down, you have a weak donor and a very large loss area that will expand. Realistically you will not have enough donor to get a full head of hair and you really are best to not go down that route from what I see here and from years of experience in the industry. Do not rush into surgery and for those who recommend it then ask them what your donor safe zone measurements are and what they can decrease to, your densities, your miniaturisation, your hair groups and how much could they really expect to harvest and leaving you a buffer if your lateral humps drop also. And on top of this to make sure you can still shave if you want to... Sorry to burst your bubble but really in your best interest and not to make a buck or two then any self respecting doctor and clinic needs to be ethical here and put your interest and long term as the priority. A hair system in my opinion will just put into another straight jacket from experience of dealing with many who use them, so I would say keep it shaved and move on or see if there is a very good SMP clinic who can give you a good stubble look and no hair system maintenance. Meet patients who have had it and see how it looks and how it fades. All the best but the above advice and from the others here is genuine and good.
  7. You will have scabs and dried serum, wash and massage well now in circular motion and this will come off also fairly easy. You can wash twice a day but if easier once is okay and use isobetadine and leave and rinse and same for shampoo. Crusts will feel like salt under the fingertips and break them down well now with washing and circular motion massaging and you will be clear in a few days and all look cleaner soon. Do not worry about hair coming out with the scabs, it is all part of the process.
  8. Congratulations on this step. Hope you can relax and heal well and of course any questions you have please do not hesitate to ask the clinic and you will have a nice timely reply. Take care.
  9. Thank you for organising this Melvin and look forward to seeing this live soon..
  10. Yes we record and make also segments of these to then have as videos on our channel and often translate to other languages also as this content is very good to have and will upload here :- https://www.youtube.com/c/bhrclinic/videos as well as on this forum as bitesize topics.
  11. Lovely fast growth here and already given a significant appearance change.. Thanks Ian and to the patient for sharing..
  12. Both Dr.Bisanga and Dr.Kostis are looking forwards to it and thank you for the opportunity also. I believe it is 7pm CET time. Please share to me the flyer once done so we will also publish it to our channels.. Thank you Melv.
  13. Congratulations and looking forwards to the updates and thank you for coming so far...You will be in great hands with Ian for sure from the healing and growth stages.
  14. Very happy for you Maa...thank you for sharing your case also.
  15. Passion in the job puts perfection in the work and it is clear to see the passion is there for this work after 2 decades and also to educate and welcome into the op-room. Very nice and clear step by step here and hopefully others will avoid these hair mill clinics that put you in this situation. Really looking forwards to the updates and thank you to the patient also. Great education here that you won't get from a text book.
  16. Congratulations to you! Thank you for the trust you had in us as Fred said for what is a life changing decision and also for sharing so far, that really takes courage also to do...I am really happy for you.
  17. Well done Melv, very nice and sincere, genuine approach you have...
  18. Good topic and the reality is forums will see only a snapshot of the results as a large overwhelming percentage would not wish to share their cases and that is the same for forum users, only a percentage usually share their stories or show their loss from the membership subscribed, so it is part of an industry that is for sure getting more open but realistically only a small percentage will be visible. We don't pay anyone to post, I know some that do, but for us it has never been a protocol and I think the result and the customer service is vital and actually the latter plays a huge role. If the advisor has not been there for the patient in the 12 months consistently then why should the patient share a result once it is in? I do think this is really important as the trust in the doctor and clinic comes also from the relationship with the advisor and I am sure many do not share due to lack of follow up and genuine interest. My first ever surgery was in a clinic in Europe, I won't name them but after my surgery I got zero photos, zero emails, zero calls, zero texts and zero interest once the money had been paid, so is it any wonder they never got anything from me as there was no interest in healing or growth to final result? Answers on a postcard please... Ian (Raphael), is a pleasure to work with, he is really dedicated to the patient and is an ever growing font of knowledge and very detailed in his replies both here and in emails and I am more than happy to have passed over the role to him and I agree he is very unique and we are very happy to have him and I see the way patients comment on his approach and "passion in the job puts perfection in the work", as the saying goes..
  19. Looking incredible, and thank you so much for sharing..I can't wait to see the further development...
  20. Well in the UK you really cannot identify people as the "fat guy" or anything that can be deemed "demeaning" and this is recognised in employment law also. So you would be out of your job and in a law suite if you used such traits to identify someone for this or for sexuality etc, so it is obviously offensive in the main stream, rightly so, as other terms are. I cannot imagine a scenario where the judge would reprimand a person for being subject to this banter in the office as it is purely "negative connotation or image of himself ", get over it type of thing. Thankfully here this would be seen as potentially harassment and targeting. I do think some things can be said innocently but in my office (early 2000s), I recall three men sitting together, I was one of them, and it was called the "bald corner", in banter, and we all took and tried to laugh it off, but it did bring embarrassment and a good laugh for others but it was offensive and incidentally never happened to anyone else for any other issue in the office. We were the politically "safe targets" I am still slim and muscular framed and so myself have no bad self opinion of being over-weight, but would still be offended by that term being used to others, it offends me, and I have defended friends who have been called this also, and I have really no negative connotation of myself being a "fat guy" believe me, I have no hang up on my body weight..so I would differ from the analysis above personally. Short/tall etc are traits you have that are not changeable as such (unless complex surgery is done), or you shrink in old age, and are more your general identity. We are born with a body type, ectomorph and the like but hair loss as we know is different, we are losing something we had that is visible and sure when we all had loads of hair we had no issues of being called the guy with perfect hair, it was an identity then and gave confidence, and the same way for most, their identity is in this factor, even if not for them themselves, it is for others, who refer to them with this tag. For you it may not be an issue yet it was enough of one to bring you to a hair loss forum, so at some level it effected you also but really good you handle it and see it as a plus to appreciate other things and that is good, but if you could press a button and not have had it then maybe you would have pressed it by now. Great for the different thoughts and input and thankfully we are allowed to air them.
  21. This hits a chord with all who have lost hair and identity does go for many. I recall in conversation people say about someone, "you know, the bald guy will come tomorrow" etc, so their whole identity is summed up in three words even by others. It is a sad reality that this happens as the person spoken off could be the best and most talented person or parent or an excellent worker, role model and they are demised to a physical appearance that is not of their own doing. It for sure does not happen in other physical attributes yet this is still seemingly okay to belittle. Well done on sharing this and so happy for you also.
  22. Totally agree. I would add that I think faceless people who open accounts, snipe, then go, are not good for the forum nor patient nor anyone really and are easily spotted, they do not fool anyone really, despite their claims. It is a shame some resort to this activity rather than adding valuable content to educate and encourage. Tearing down is always easier than building and takes no talent nor time, building takes both and it is good to see here the genuine posters, patients, and above all a forum moderator who is putting his passion and integrity here and for me has really brought this community on. Patients from all clinics need a safe place to share and not be attacked due to being clinic x,y, or z, or indeed clinics or individuals should not be attacked by shills. Clinics who use them should ideally just educate, make videos, share cases and maybe that way would build a reputation for themselves and I applaud all and any clinic that spends time here to educate and help and seeing some doctors also doing it is really nice and helpful for me also to continue my own personal learning if I am honest.
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