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Everything posted by hairshopeing

  1. So the best of the best would only get 75% in YOUR OPINION Dr feller! I disagree, as I'm sure others will but opinions are opinions and no more!! I'd agree your strip would be fairly accurate though but BOTH procedure would vary dramatically! !
  2. What people need to remember is this topic of which procedure cause what problems/restrictions etc is being viewed as if you got strip surgery sure you may get a good or bad scar and that's the only downside but you WILL get great yield because the 3 forces Dr feller SOMETIMES mentions are not relevant to strip so great your guranteed a good head of hair which you can keep longer and cover that strip scar if it's bad! This simply isn't true!!! There are loads of failed strip surgeries in terms of yield same with fue!! Even the top strip surgeons still have poor yield and before we mention the x factor that exists in some patients alot of the time these patients get 2nd procedures which work out great either via fue or strip!! Most strip scars that are really bad we see on people who have had failed strip surgery's and are shaved right down pre fue for repair work on their original transplant or a second pass on that as the strip hadn't worked out and quite often to get fue into the scar!! So I think if strip was going to give 90% plus yield guranteed then yes alot of people who never want a short hair cut would use this method, but it doesnt! It can,but so can fue!!
  3. Hey rich I'm sorry to hear hairlosse is affecting you this way as I know how that feels!! It's obsessive and tiresome!! I also know what you mean about losing a hair line as without that central core of hair to style even having decent coverage being it mid scalp and crown you can't get any sort of decent looking style you always look as if your coveting your balding!! I think if you really need it doing then go a head just make sure you chose surgeons wisely and the type of procedure you want/ require! Don't be price driven or go to someone who wants to max out your grafts at such a young age because hair loss is progressive and meds only really slow it down! I had fue 2500 is grafts and I'm really happy with the outcome but I was 38 when I had my procedure having said that my hairline was pretty much done by the time I was 20 and my hair loss hadn't progressed that much in the next 15 -18 years and I wasn't on proper is or min and didn't start proprcia until I was 37!! Chose a good ethical Dr who is recommended here any questions just as! I'm from the UK also!!
  4. Sorry didn't think the first post went through got a notification saying it was duplicate!
  5. Hi matt How can you say nothing of the above contradicts what Dr feller said can u show me on this thread where he said that fue yield close to strip yield in the right hands 80% of the time and Koran and lorenzo are consistent with there results upto 5000 6000 grafts or that several steps are needed to get 80-90% yield by fue?? If he had said the above I think most would agree with it myself included but he hasn't! Unless iv missed it!
  6. Hi matt Saying the above condradicts NOTHING Dr feller has said isn't right if you can show me where on this thread he said that good fue results are close to strip and that 80% of the time in very close to strip yield in the right hands that Koran and lorenzo are producing consistent 5000 _6000 graft procedures and that several steps are needed for 80-90% yield is in this thread I'd be interested because I dint remember reading that anywhere on this thread had Dr feller said the above I dint think this would of been a problem as most of that I'd probably correct but from what iv read none of them statements were made!! Congrats on your outcome by the way great transformation one of the best I've seen by strip or fue!! You chose well koniour is indeed one of the best!!☺
  7. Dr feller a subtle but noticeable change as now MOST fue results aren't as good as strip!! Before it was ALL now it's most the truth is actually SOME! Also intestine that Dr hassan said to you fue destroys the donor area! As I belive if I'm not mistaken that it's now offered by Dr hassan and there is a current fue patient blogging on this site and another for Dr wong! Also still no answer to the reasons lorenzo erdogan feriduni Marras reddy are showcasing and have been for years excellent fue results with patients receiving several passes with extensive loss prior to the procedures! How are they doing it? Please tell us all in the peanut galley! Also like to see some new results from yourself in the same type of demonstration these Dr's do, HD pictures,all angles,hair line exposed combed back! Thanks in advance!
  8. Hair there Firstly thanks for answering a question you weren't asked! I asked Dr feller not you! Vox man was asked to not speak on behalf of Dr bhatti and I think Dr feller is big enough to answer my strait foward direct question himself! And for the record the strip procedure results you see are just the same the clinic showing there best just like the fue examples you are talking about so no difference! Also you have had strip and are happy, that's great I'm not against strop if you want or require it!! But iv had fue and I'm also very happy with my result and my donor allows me to shave down to a 1 guard which I have done until recently with no body noticing anything and my yield was high and it's given me exactly what I hoped for! So strip worked for you fue for me we both took our own gambles and are both happy!! Lucky us!! but also he never answered my question I neither did you, lorenzo has hundreds of results in HD quality video and iv yet to see a poor result or unhappy patient of his and let's remember strip may or may give you great yield but it may not so why it's discussed about on this thread as if strip always yields high which is simply untrue yes strip CAN yield high and fue CAN yield high abd both can have poor yield! So it's a choice I see strip in the hands of hassan and rhal koniour and it's superb but so is lorenzo erdogan feriduni and maras etc at fue with more and more up and coming Dr's producing regular excellent cases!!! So no offence but my question wasn't answered if you think it was read it again because it wasn't! ! Good luck with the smp by the way your producing some nice work!!!
  9. Your silence on my 1 simple direct question is also deafening! No wonder no fue practicioners are bothering to debate with you as you are only prepared to answer what you want to answer!! You can quote your facts and reasons all day long but they are your reasons and opinions that doesn't make them right! So I'll answer my own question here for you The reasons the Dr's I mentioned perform regularly successful high yield fue procedures on multiple passes is because the 3 forces you continually revert back to that can't be overcome are overcome by these and several other fue Dr's bur you Dr feller are not on that list so those restrictions don't allow you to procure regular high yielding fue results! So in short you can't answer my question because you don't know the answer because if you did you would be doing what their doing not preaching to the peanut gallery you would be producing RESULTS and filling your day with patients! Oh and if you need a procedure with fue scarring and strip yield It isn't mfue it's the above mentioned Dr's fue! It's already available just not in your clinic it seems!
  10. I think the question is very strait forward and he will answer it or it will make all he had written irrelevant!
  11. Dr feller You talk a good game I'll give you that, and the 3 forces you continually bring up may well exist but you are only answering what you choose to answer you continually avoid questions which are very clear and concise which is very telling that you only want a debate on your terms which sums you up perfectly to be frank! So I am going to ask one question very clearly and would appreciate and very clear answer!! Why if these 3 forces which you so describe in such detail exist and you believe that no evolvement has taken place with fue are Dr's like lorenzo,feriduni,reddy,erdogan and maras producing amazing results over multiple surgery's of 2 or 3 passes! How is it they can do that? Please answer this question it is clear and very strait forward!! Why are other surgeons able to get great results with fue and perform 2 or 3 successful surgeries on the same patient producing high yield and shaved down barely marked donors? How if the donor is so bad after the first session as you desribe in great technical detail it would be! I look forward to you answering how your other well respected peers are getting theses results with this type of procedure!
  12. Fue 100% just my personal choice I'm not against strop if that's what's needed but I personally don't want or need it!
  13. Let's get real here Dr feller You have continually been asked to post fue results that you so often still perform with high success! You have failed to do so because it's pretty obvious they don't exist! Now if you had come out and said fue is in your opinion a slightly inferior procedure for xyz reasons but still in the right Dr's hands produces dome great results but you personally prefer strip as you get better results with it then you would of kept some credebility here, but you didn't! You absolutely slated fue and it's success rates using ridiculous terms like a donor area that looks like it's been blasted by a shotgun, ripping and tearing out follicles! Maybe that's your fue protocol! Who knows no one ever sees any results!! The real reason your so anti fue is because in America it Is illegal to allow a tech to extract the graft so it means you would have to do all the punches yourself it's that simple! You cannot allow what happens in Europe to be done in your clinic and because of that you cannot compete in this fue market or get results like the other well established fue Dr's! ! Hard work extracting 3000 grafts eh@ hey iv got a good idea what if we extract several at one time with a bigger punch? Sure the scars will be bigger and need stitches but that's got to be more appealing then one big strip one what that may or may not stretch!! So we can get our 1500 fue with a couple if 100 punches as we have to do them all ourselves! ! Also I'd ask you to put a compilation together of all your fue and strip results posted on this forum in the last 2 years and put them with say Dr erdogans fue results that he has posted in the last 2 years and allow everyone to see what he is producing against what you are producing in terms of rdsults being shown and quality in terms of yield and naturalness!! Because the 3 factors you continually mention which stops any fue case being a success are clearly over come in the skilled hands or Dr erdogan and his techs!!! Let's see the numbers, let's see the results! ! I'm pretty sure if the law changed about tech extractions where your bed you'd ship in a load of experienced techs and be doing fue primarily but for now you can't do that or compete in the fue market place which is why you have been so dismissive of it as a procedure! ! You should of just shown what you were good at, nit dismissed something your not good at but others are!! You would of kept some credibility!!! Oh and look forward to them results comparisons! ;
  14. I'll tell you why, do you need a phone call to view hundreds of documented results showing wet,dry, styled in styled hair, shaven donor areas to a .5 mm grade? Does a phone call provide documented viewable results? Does a phone call change my own result via fue? Bear in mind iv got light coloured thin hair? Would a proven reputable fue practinoer be bothered do debate with another Dr who clearly is a rail road type person who only thinks that their opinion is gospel?? Why are Dr's not bothering to comment on this thread or starting up a new thread saying how great their fue results are and how bad fut is and how bad a scar can result from this type of surgery! ! Because they don't need to! It's quite simple they are just doing what they do producing what they produce and letting potential patients make up their own minds! They don't need to try and discredit or persuade they just show consistent regular results and let people make their own informed decisions on who to choose and what procedure to have! Yes there are bad fue results out there without doubt, yes there are Dr's performing this and fut procedures poorly with sub par results but you cannot deny on the other end of the spectrum using both types of surgery Dr's are producing some amazing transformations! So to be blunt I'm not interested in speaking with Dr feller as any respect I had towards him, which before this thread I did have has unfortunately dwindled! ! I don't think this type of thread has achieved what he set out to achieve, yes there will be people who agree with him, that's a given and they are as just as in titled to their opinions as I am to mine and he is to his but maybe we can agree to disagree and continue to let results do the talking!
  15. Hi Sean Sorry to hear your not satisfied with your current situation as it's always a long hard road waiting it out and then to not be happy with result sucks!! Iv been impressed with a lot of dieps results his video documentation is a but amateurish but his results look really good!! If I were you I'd be looking at lorenzo erdogan feriduni and maras who all seem to have really good consistent results also kesser who seems A little less well known and I also like the work of mwamba but again not as many results out there!! If affordable the most likely person to give you the outcome you deserve seems to be lorenzo as iv never seen 1 bad result of his and quite a few guys on here used him when he was over in Manchester for a year and all had good to great results!! Hope you find someone who nails it for you mate, you deserve to be happy with your hair!!
  16. Ps excuse my grammar I'm using a phone and can't read it before I post!!!!
  17. Dr feller With respect you are 1 Dr, there are 100s of Dr's world wide performing hair restoration and yet you think that only your views and opinions matter! You seem to believe that if you shout long enough and hard enough over and over people will start to believe you, and granted some will which is a shame!! Because quite frankly your opinion on fue is wrong! Sub standard procedure? In your hands yes! And I say this again because you DO NOT HAVE a portfolio of proven successful fue procedure that rival in numbers or results even close to the likes of lorenzo, feriduni, erdogan, maras, reddy,diep,etc etc! So it seems that because you cannot produce high standard consistent results then the procedure it's self is flawed, maybe just maybe it might be your not as good at it as other Dr's, because the Dr's iv listed and many more ARE producing consistent high standard well documented results on much more regular basis then you are with fue or fut and that is factual based on how many results are shown on here, on other forums,on u tube, on their own websites! So do your self a favour and talk about how good your results are with fut back them up with life changing results REGULARLY and leave other people who have a different opinion to yours to make heir own minds up by carefully researching the pros and cons of both procedures and to chose a Dr who they trust and believe is PROFICIENT IN THE PROCEDURE THEY WANT! So if it's fue it clearly isn't you, if it's strip them maybe it is but let people have their own opinions because they come as news to you but YOUR OPINION ISN'T THE ONLY ONE THAT MATTERS!! And can I just add that if fue isn't growing, which it's is by the way and strip cases are ALWAYS more successful, which it isn't by the way! Why an earth would you produce a totally new procedure (which is basically old style plugs but just dieting the follicular units before replanting) would you include it's name relating to a sub par, non growing procedure? ? If fue is so poor and unpopular then it would be madness to link it by name to your new ground breaking technique! ! Maybe it's because if it had fut or strip or plug in its name then nobody would consider having it, which seems very strange considering in your world that's what everyone is still going for!! So it just seems mad to market your procedure linking it's name to a sub par procedure that doesn't grow well and isn't growing in terms of popularity or actual surgery's performed!!! Why not call it something completely different? I'll tell you why because you want to relate it to fue as despite your constant knocking of this procedure you know it is growing hugely and you know there are Dr's out there doing it profeciently ,regularly and with high end yield producing natural results!!! Again I'M NOT BASHING FUT! It is needed for certain patients without doubt and choice is always a good, but I cannot sit hear reading one man who thinks his opinion is gospel trying to be little anyone's opinion that duffers to his because he is a hair transplant Dr! So for heavens sake LET YOUR RESULTS DO THE TALKING! And just to clarify taliconwest was not happy with his results was not growing well and as you not heard from him in a while as you stated I'd imagine nothing changed bur if it's has it would he great to get an update, perhaps as he was an unhappy patient of yours you could take 5 min of this thread and contact him for an update?? And I hope he is really happy with it now as every single person who sits in a Dr's chair deserves and great result!!! And again before you ask you can't have my email address and I'm not interested in a 3 way call with you and another Dr! !
  18. Iv never seen a bad result frome lorenzo! There's no 100% guarantee with anyone but he's as close as you can get!
  19. Sorry you posted lorenzo was too expensive as I was writing the above!! Another one I'd check out is kesser there's some good results on u tube for him and a few knocking round on here! I think he limits it to 500 grafts a day though so depends on how much time you have got and the number of grafts you will require
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