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Everything posted by hairshopeing

  1. Wow excellent result,beat iv seen coming from Dr feller and your clinic!! Iv been very impressed with your work Blake!!! Congrats and keep up the high standard your producing!! Like to see some fue rests of yours if possible!!!(Dr feller just spat he's tea all over his keyboard moment!!)
  2. Was the interview just after his procedure?? Could be shock loss?? But if it is smp then it's a great result looks ace!
  3. If you can't get celebrity big brother which is on now,tune and see his donor area is shaved almost to the woof and there's close ups of him and although he's out of donor according to him you can't see a single extraction on his head!! And yes he has had a good result he looks 10 years younger !! Cesz fabregas also looks good with his!
  4. Hi Just watching the new series of celebrity big brother featuring calum best who has openly had 3 fue procedures with great success but have started this thread as his current hair style is at most .5mm at the back and sides if not razor short and there is absolutely no sign of and extractions! After having 3 fue surgeries that's pretty impressive and to be fair his hair looks pretty good too and natural! All done in the uk as well ☺ Also Joe swash was on the after show last might big brothers bit on the side he has also had 3 fue done and looks pretty good now hes grown his hair out best iv seen it looking in years! He also used a uk clinic as he has advertised for them! So maybe some good fue coming from the uk from some not so well know clinics on the forums!
  5. That's the worrying bit done, looks really good clean work,dense and good hair characteristics!! Enjoy Christmas and don't think about your hair for at least the next 3 months!!!
  6. Brilliant result and I just want to say you seem like a really nice guy and really deserved this result,great documentation and congratulations! !!
  7. Hi Firstly thanks for your great documentation regarding your procedure and I have to say your result at this stage is excellent I can't belive there aren't more comments regarding this result as for the number if grafts used your result is as good as any iv seen before! !! Seasonal shedding is very real spex has an in depth thread on it on here also stress does cause hairloss it's a well know proven fact,it causes lots of different things in lots of different people so both these could be the reason, I think you will be absolutely fine, just wait it out I'm sure it will be temporary but don't get down on what is a tremendous result,try and enjoy your hair not worry about it!!
  8. Wow! Can't click on the pics to open for some reason but from what I can see on the thread results look amazing! Iv had fue with feriduni and he is one of the nicest people I have ever met, a real gentleman and great bedside manner!! Look forward to your write up and congratulations on what looks like a stellar result! Enjoy!!
  9. Good before,great after! !! Love your results and never a bad word said about you on this forum,would live to see more fue results as I believe you do quote a bit of fue Dr? Consistent top notch outcomes for your patients!! Qdos
  10. Feriduni knows what he is doing, I had fue with him 2 years ago and am very happy with my result, life changing! Don't delete your thread mate, I'm sure you will be one very happy camper in 12 months time!
  11. Erdogan,lorenzo,reddy,hdc, all at the very top of the ht world,can't remember seeing hardly any if any at all fut from these!
  12. Hi m8 Don't sweat it, I had shockloss like this over quite alot of the back of my head sceral patches like that,cleared up by a ring 4-5 months mark,no evidence of it now though! My Dr was quite shocked at the picture I sent him bur I didn't worry too much at the time as there healthy hairs which nearly always return!!! Time will sort it out!!
  13. Hi m8 Don't sweat it, I had shockloss like this over quite alot of the back of my head sceral patches like that,cleared up by a ring 4-5 months mark,no evidence of it now though! My Dr was quite shocked at the picture I sent him bur I didn't worry too much at the time as there healthy hairs which nearly always return!!! Time will sort it out!!
  14. Looks good for 3 months,sit tight by 9 months you will be set and by 12 I'm sure you will be a very happy camper! You went to a good Dr and it looks very promising early on!
  15. Hi I'd be interested in your opinions in the best styling products I to constantly switch!!! I think your hair looks good to be fair,I thought you had pretty good hair before your procedure but I wouldn't look twice at it!
  16. Sorry for my appalling grammar it's predictive txt and not checking what iv actually typed till iv posted!!
  17. Hi mate I had exactly the same for years and years before and after ht the only thing that has worked for me is to be more agrees I've washing and using the shower on full force over the whole area o used to baby my hair to much for fear of it falling so gently rubbed and low pressure gentle washing and that shit would just keep building up u need to blast it off and every day also I use nizoral once a week bur before washing like this nizoral didn't help bit it seems to now!!
  18. Seriously chill out,it's not even 4 months everyone's looks like shit at this point, have you done any research, your result won't show any break change till at least 6 months normally then upto 18 months for the final out come!! Mine looked like shit at 4 months quite good at 6 and 18 months later had completely grown in and I was happy as could be with the result, so chill out mate,it's normal to worry and freak out a bit but time will tell and you could have a belter of a result
  19. If you respond well to propecia I think your crown will fill in well, it made a big difference to mine! Wait 12 months before making any decisons
  20. My body hair has definitely thinned especially my chest which was ridiculously thick before finbut is now quite sparse! However it has worked extremely well on my scalp hair which is much thicker then before
  21. You are very young to consider a transplant firstly try to stabilise your loss with meds research propecia and make a decision regarding that,there are potential side effects so be vigilant in your research. I'm really sorry to hear you feel so down and I can totally relate to that as iv been there too!! If you suit a shaved head and can grow a beard of suggest trying that first! If you can stabilise your hair then possibly look into having work done but only then and only after researching various techniques available and Dr's who perform at consistently high levels!! I also suggest not Brading your hair as that will put stress on it and definitely won't help in preserving what you've got!! Good luck with it all mate as I know how hair loss cam make you feel!!
  22. Usual high standards Dr feriduni!! I'm 2 years out from my procedure with you and am just starting to grow my hair out having kept it shaved all this time!! hope you and the tram are well!!
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