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Everything posted by ej

  1. Please can you show me were exactly I have said that ...... no rush ...
  2. There is no harm in having a consultation. It can only be of benefit to someone conducting their research. You have gone to a lot of trouble to attack anyone with a different opinion to your own that is very unusual ...................
  3. Suppose that is the thing about opinions, everyone has one. I have only ever seen good results from that Doctor in Sydney therefore no harm with a consult as can only be a positive if it provides info for the op on donor availabilty/ quality, expectations etc ej
  4. Ej I have heard of knudsen clinic in melbourne. There is also a doctor Alam. AMS clinic I have seen some patient before and after pics and they look ok too but can’t find any info on him. I think Knudsen was one of the few options in Australia. I think he may have retired. You really need to research and meet people who have had procedures from any doc you consider. I would definitely consult with the `brother and sister` based in Sydney who posted that you tube video, apparently he is very good at fue. Well worth a consultation as you gain more knowledge and information. You probably could also arrange to meet a few of the Doctors clients get valuable 1st hand feedback
  5. I thought Knudsen in Melbourne had some decent results, he may have retired now though not sure. I saw a youtube video `death of a follicle` by an Australian doctor was an interesting watch. Perhaps just have a few fue into the forelock see how they grow and heal All the best ej
  6. Cool, I thought the `AMA` was the name of a clinic Where did you go for your procedure if you do not mind me asking ? Did all go ok Thanks
  7. If I restricted myself to Turkey then I would consult with Doctor Ozgur Oztan at hairline clinic Ankara. He seems to have a lot of satisfied clients and lots of online results posted on the European forums. I believe he uses the stick and place technique and uses small manual punches .7mm in size. They do some good work by all accounts and have teamed up with a US fue only doc and now also provide fue training Well worth a consult Hope this helps ej
  8. Ha if your ever in the UK look me up I can provide a `short back and sides `
  9. I think it is more to do with an excellent surgical plan from the outset. Here are the details provided by the clinic; HR Clinic Dr. Christian BISANGA Age: 31 Technique: FUE Medication: Minoxidil on the past Donor densities: 80 FUs/cm2. Mostly 2 hairs per FU Miniaturization on donor area: No Hair Caliber: Medium-Fine Previous surgeries: No Total FU used:- 2531 You can see that from the clients age and norwood level this procedure has been well planned. His average hairs per graft are very good whilst his calibre is medium fine. He has no problems in the donor area if he needs further work down the line. I think the yield has been excellent, combined with the natural hair in the forelock remaining very strong, this you can see in the first picture. The client now wears his hair longer in the last picture which adds to the density with this particular hair style. ej
  10. Looks good and has the confidence to go full face with pictures as well. I think this helps show the entire result. Donor extraction pattern looks great, you can see the extractions above the ears to grab those single fine hairs for the natural hairline. ej
  11. Coolio good luck and remember everyone here is 100% right behind you Let`s hope you get the result you deserve. Looking forward to your updates. It is cases like yours that help others also All the best ej
  12. Hi I think you have had some good advice from this forum to be honest. Shera Dr Bhattis rep has reached out to you and others have mentioned Dr A. So it looks like you have some work to do in researching these docs, consultations are a start and see what they can do for you. The pictures are really small I cannot see any scarring in those pictures or any angulation issues of the grafts. Bigger pictures may result in better feedback for you. From the pictures you presented it looks like diffused thinning throughout I think you need to look at a number of small procedures to improve this I would try a test procedure of a few hundred beard from under your chin and see how they grow and how you heal. That is the way I would move forward. Hope this helps ej
  13. I think results overall in general are what people look at and form an opinion on, regardless if it is repair or every day fue/t. Perhaps it should matter to the average customer. If I looked towards a procedure today, a highly skilled doc who has repaired clients would certainly be considered due to their additional expertise and skills. Agreed some clinics would turn down difficult cases to maintain their reputation and from my experience BHR is not one of those clinics. I agree fully with you regarding what clinics present. Most cases presented if you look closely at the quality of the donor hair, the colour contrast of skin to hair, the thickness of a follicle in microns, and the hairs to graft ratios of 1,2,3 or 4 hair grafts are on the higher end with a lower norwood, showcase results if you like. All very confusing sometimes and needs to be understood before embarking on this journey. Anyway I do not get the time to post a great deal now so will sign off here. Nice to chat to you and good luck with your research All the best ej
  14. Bisanga is well known for only taking on cases where they can get a really good result. I'm not doubting that the procedure is more difficult and requires great skill Your second statement contradicts the first. BHR have many repair clients who they took on with no guarantee of a good result, if the procedure is more difficult and requires more skill then according to your first statement why would bhr take them on? Hope this explains ej
  15. I don't think what I have said is outside of common knowledge. Bisanga is well known for only taking on cases where they can get a really good result. That's not criticism but it can deter some people who don't consult other surgeries. Not ever I just find the above statements quite contradictory to be honest. No offence intended. I think a clinic is equally scrutinised on all their work. Be it repair/fut/fue. I would also point out that both procedures are used in repair work anyway. The patient is in a last chance situation and the last thing anyone would want is the poor guy to be made any worse. That is why I think only the most ethical highly skilled doctors can offer improvement. It seems to me that if a doctor can perform great repair work then everyday fue/ fut would be a walk in the park for them. Again just my opinion. Regarding a clinic or doctors reputation it is hard to judge online as most do not post their results. If a clinic does one procedure a day five days a week then that is twenty a month no way do we see that amount of cases posted Research is key if in doubt do nothing ej
  16. I believe repair work to be much more challenging for a physician than a virgin scalp. I think the doctor needs to be highly skilled to perform successful repair procedures. Of course this is just my opinion. Repair procedures present the doctor with many difficulties. Limited donor reserves, in my case restricted to beard. The extraction method is critical as to not leave any scarring on the clients face. The doctor needs to be highly skilled at extraction to achieve this, small .8 mm hand held manual punches with the option to pick up a .9 mm manual punch for a graft containing 2 or 3 hairs, rather than one punch fits all that may result in transection. Equally the grafts have to be used to maximum effect to camoflague scarring caused by earlier poor surgical techniques. Vascularity has to be taken into account also, grafting at too high a density can cause poor yield as blood supply is restricted due to micro scarring. A well planned series of procedures is critical to the end result, similar to a norwood 5-6 who in my opinion unless they have excellent donor reserves or realistic expectations, may well be better off avoiding this procedure in the first place to avoid disappointment. ej
  17. Hi Superdude I find that an odd statement to be honest. I was turned down by many so called `top doctors`and Dr Bisanga took my difficult repair on. One of the things I liked at the consultation was his honesty. The doctor said to me that he could make no guarantees or promises of any improvement, however he would try his best for me. He was also happy for me to share my experiences on the forums from the outset regardless of how things turned out. A lot of repair clients have been hugely improved by BHR and that also played a part in my original decision to go there. Unfortunately their experiences get lost in the hundereds of pages that make up the forum so people have to use the search function and take the time to do detailed research. Perhaps your comments about clients getting a really good result relate to the many who go for hairline or temple work, norwood 3`s who have a lot of native hair behind to back the result up. I always think these are stellar results and more often than not the results we see online from all physicians. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/160800-scar-repair-1032-beard-hairs-dr-bisanga-16.html
  18. Hi To be honest, you do not need a hair transplant. I think your hair looks fine as it is. Hope this helps ej
  19. You just seem a little aggressive Phil. Most of what you write could have been written in a much more freindly and helpful way. Have a nice weekend ej
  20. KSL have loads of complaints. I think clients of KSL have their own facebook page complaining about them https://en-gb.facebook.com/KSLHAIRTHETRUTH/ Hope this helps Katie apologies to the mods if no links allowed
  21. [ Some of the so-called experts or surgeons repeatedly mentioned on here like Farjo, the guy is bald as a babies arse yet he is constant flagged up here as being amongst the best. Why is he so bald? Look at his donor area? Is there no one who can fix his botched hair transplant? every country has decent surgeons. FUE surgery isn't rocket science, it's a fairly consistent procedure. There are plenty of people postin on social media, twitter and in whatsapp groups highlighting bad surgery from so called good surgeons. These so called top surgoens havebeen in the business long enough to have used hundreds of patients as guinea pigs whilst charging a fortune. Now they can pay for forums and experts on forums who get referral fees. good to see Phill has examined Dr farjos donor area though, and knows how to fix it ! All hail Phil the hair transplant god with 8 posts .....
  22. Hi Brum I am glad you have decided to wait. Doctor Rassman said to me over twenty years ago a `good decision today is a good decision tomorrow` A lot of guys, me included by the way are deemed as repair clients. This is something you want to avoid, how old are you? have you got any pictures of your hair? Is this something that you really want to get into, most people continue balding for life and need procedure after procedure. Money does not come into it if you need repair work as once you have exhausted your donor it is game over You need to look outside of the UK as Mikey said Belgium is a hotbed of FUE talent and your budget should see you ok, also enquire about standby options. The eurostar and budget flights make it easily accessable to attend last minute. I have no idea of your hairloss however I would keep the numbers low have FUE only into the forelock and assess the results after 18 months. This will give you options going forward All the best ej
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