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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. Yep, started at day 7, twice a day. Looking forward to your photos once you get home from your hols!
  2. About 75% of hairs have shed. Some remaining ones seem to be growing and I can see some new stubble just under the surface of the scalp (using high megapixel photo), some of which has broken through. Haircut was yesterday and allows for the scar to be fully covered without the need for concealers. Scalp is a bit dry at the front but not sore.
  3. It looks like you want to achieve something like this: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/166122-raymond-konior-md-chicago-2345-graft-frontal-hairline-restoration.html 1) Can the risks associated to HT to make it worth it to go to the surgeon? It's commonly stated that 2% of transplants fail to meet their objectives. That's a risk you have to take. For someone like me (virtually no hair in the front half) it was easy to accept but for others with minimal loss I would imagine it's tougher. 2) Are the "white dots" scars something to worry about if someday I want to shave my head? (I have seen some frightening cases) Depends if you really see yourself shaving your head in the future. Most older people only do it in response to hairloss whereas you appear to have great hair. There's no guarrantees you won't lose more hair though. Again, you have to weigh up the likelihood you will end up a bald man. 3) What would happen in the future (20-30-40 years from now), if I lose the hair in the top? Will I have a strange "hair line" in the front? How will I be able to solve that? People take Finasteride tablets, usually 1mg a day. These act as a blocker and greatly slow down or sometimes stop hairloss in about 90% of men. There are some possible side effects in about 2% of users which you should talk to Dr Rahal, or your GP about. The other aspect to consider is that you may need further proceedures to address loss behind the transplant in 10,15 or 20 years time. If you're prepared to accept that then no problem.
  4. Works fine for me: MYWHTC - Dr Patrick Mwamba - Hair Transplants and Treatments
  5. Sorry 'Steve' but I suspect you are using multiple accounts on here, namely: SteveB806 Wrajah2012 NYen37 I'll be asking the moderators to investigate the ISP numbers. I just noticed that you logged out and all of a sudden NYen37 logged in to reply to a post, logged out and then you logged in again.... Also, all of the above posters used the sub title '.... at Health Travel International' in their first posts. A coincidence? I think not!
  6. They are all good and that is a great shortlist. You should speak to them all. Visit them or Skype. You might want to grow your hair out first to about an inch at least so they can evaluate your donor supply. ..then if you still want to go through with it just go with the guy you trust the most. I had a great experience at Dr Konior's office so that is another option!
  7. I had about 3 spots on my head where the scabs (& hairs) came off with a tiny bit of blood. It's just the top layer of skin and nothing to worry about. The important bit of the graft remains well below the surface.
  8. I had a look at your photos. It looks like you would have been a Norwood 6 were it not for the two FUT procedures. The hair you have on top seems about consistent with what would be expected from 5-6,000 grafts. You appear to have below average characteristics: fine hair and not the best density at the back. FUE alone would not have given you the coverage you're going to have once the latest transplant grows out.
  9. Night and day mate. As you say, just a bit more density to come through. I noticed less honeys looking at me over the last 5 years lol...but hopeful that is all going to change for me too!
  10. You could use womens facial concealer to hide the redness, of course by then the scabs will have gone. I'm just going to have to accept a bit of a mickey take a work. I'd rather not have too much hair because that would be a dead giveaway. Having said that, I can see some grafts are growing at a rate of knots and noticeably longer than the shedding hairs, so I should retain a token amount. It will be such a difference in the way I used to look I should get away with it. The fact better things are on the horizon makes it easier to come to terms with. Not sure what you can do besides wearing a hat at the wedding.
  11. I'm in a similar situation and 15 days post HT. As a matter of fact I was just on the phone booking my haircut for Saturday afternoon. I've begun to shed a lot more and see this as a necessary evil in disguising the fact I had anything done. Each day I'm getting more confident I'll be able to pull it off. Unfortunately however, I will look pretty bald for a few months. I'm just going to take the sides down as low as possible and blend it in, then use either Mane, Nanogen or Dermatch to cover the scar. I've 17 days until returning to work.
  12. Did you go to Health Travel International by any chance?! (The fact you mentioned it about 7 times was the dead giveaway:D) Any photos to share? Do you work for HTI?
  13. That is Jason Gardiner's noggin. You can google and find better pictures but basically he uses concealer.
  14. Totally. How can he give any money back when you won't even see him(?)
  15. Sutures came out yesterday (day 12). After about 7 or 8 days I could kind of tell they weren't strictly needed. The suture line becomes flat and the useful tension is no longer there. Good to get them out - another hurdle negotiated. The grafts have grown a fair bit and some more than others. I'm shedding but not that quickly. If I had to guess I would estimate 10-15% of hairs have gone but it's not bucket loads. Maybe 10-15 in the shower and 20 during the twice daily rogaine application. If I can hang on to a sparse covering of hair then that will do me for the next few months! Haircuts are not recommended until 21 days and I'll probably hold out at least another 4/5 days. It's still a bit tender in the donor area.
  16. You're not done yet mate. Go see a dermatologist or better still, one of the Doctors recommended here: Hair Transplant Clinics in California You don't need a transplant but they will try to find why you're losing hair, e.g. stress related or Male Pattern Baldness etc. Propecia can halt MPB in 90% of men and sometimes regrow miniaturised hair and I'm sure the docs will tell you about that when you meet them.
  17. Your hair looks too good to me. You're basically a NW1 at the moment but with the capacity to be a NW6 based on family history. I believe you also had to give up finasteride because of sides. Be aware that docs can only restore 50% original hair density and what you have looks to exceed that already, maybe not where those finer frontal hairs are in the first cm, but cerainly beyond that there is still good density. Transplanting the hairline will draw a line in the sand and you could well end up looking goofy in later years. It may also just shock out any weaker hairs and you would end up back to square one with no change in density you had pre-op. If you're lucky you may have 5,000 FUE lifetime donor supply which may only be enough to cover half of your head. Pack a couple of thousand in the front in the next couple of years and what happens? You lose all that hair behind it and have a mass of scalp in the middle with no hair and not enough donor to fill it. Then your only option is a partial hairpiece.. Transplanting your crown in it's current state would be madness and no sane Dr would do it. Maybe if you were 45 and on finasteride, but until then, no chance!
  18. I don't know anything about Maral but I assume you've done your homework. As for Longevita, I just briefly looked at their website. Interesting I quote: "Longevita plastic surgeons are quite experienced and can transplant up to 5,000 grafts in a single session." I'd prefer someone very experienced!
  19. The clinic should have prescribed you Propecia and recommended supplementing it with Rogaine Foam, then coming back 6 months later for a checkup. "They recommended HT since my mothers father is bald." If they really said that then it's a ridiculous comment.
  20. If I were you I'd consult with Doctors worldwide and try to gain an overall consensous from what they say. A key issue is what the future holds and that looks to be a NW6 level at the minimum. Taking a mass of FUE grafts now would reduce what you could take from Strip if in the future should you decide you need more grafts to keep up with the loss. If your plan is just to have good hair 'for the next 10 years', then shave it close and forget about it then FUE could be for you....or if you really want to have hair for life then strip nearly always gives the most grafts (excluding Body hair which is not for everyone and IMO a last resort). You do have at least a couple of things going for you: 1)Good hair/skin tone contrast, and 2)On propecia
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