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Everything posted by 1978matt

  1. Wow. Some good advice mixed with some complete nonsense! I think you had FUE with a well known Dr in India. These instructions may be of use: After FUE Hair Transplant Surgery & Post-op Instructions | Bernstein Medical
  2. Looks great. You now look your age instead of looking 34.
  3. Your amount of loss is very similar to mine. Try medical therapy for 6-9 months - it may grow the hair back in your crown. Then consider going for the HT.
  4. I think their waiting list (FUT) is in the region of 6-7 months. However, if you can go on standby for cancellations you could probably get a slot within 6 weeks.
  5. Your hair loss looks pretty bad- Norwood 7 with a thin donor area. If I were in your position I would look into SMP (Scalp Micro Pigmentation). Unless you have any mineral deficiencies I'd question the worth in taking all those pills/supplements. Probably a waste of money.
  6. That's cheap but would you get a result like this: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/151663-female-hairline-restoration.html Probably not.
  7. GBP5 for the first 1,000 grafts, GBP2.50 thereafter. Maybe 2,000 grafts required so GBP7,500 ish Dr Bisanga is an absolute steal at 6,000 EUROS for 2,000 grafts!! Actually 2,000 could be too many grafts. Depends on your hair characteristics. Say 1,500 instead: GBP6,250 and EUR4,500 respectively.
  8. Everything I've heard about Michael May has been bad news. Women do not tend to post online so do not expect much in the way of independent reviews (good or bad). The technique is the same whether it is male or female. It's just the artistry that differs.
  9. For FUT in the UK I wouldn't consider anywhere apart from Farjo. The other option is Dr Bisanga in Brussels. I think you can virtually get to the Clinic door-to-door via Eurostar in 2.5hrs. I've not seen many of his female patient results though. For the record, I flew from London to the US and it worked out the same price as having it done in the UK.
  10. Not enough info. Do you have immediate post op and pre op photos? I notice you aren't on finasteride and appear to have a fairly large thinning area. Perhaps you just lost more hair to MPB(?)
  11. Cheers guys.. I haven't noticed a single guy look up at my hairline - seems to have gone unnoticed. At least 3 women from the office (c.25 year olds) did a double-take last week:D Probably wondering why I'm looking better. I can't fault the design as I think it strikes the right balance between looking good now and maybe losing more at the back. The fuzzy phone camera pictures really don't do it justice. I'll have to get a friend to take some better ones during later months.
  12. It's not great for the hairline unfortunately. Trial and error might lead to an acceptable result.
  13. The Dr involved should be thoroughly ashamed of himself. Exploiting a kid and giving him a NW0 hairline. I hope I'm wrong but this will probably be a repair case in 12 months. You could argue it already is based on the way the hairline has been transplanted.
  14. My right side is a bit ahead of the left. Not by much but enough to be noticeable (3 months + 1.5 weeks).
  15. Pleased for you my man, and I know you'll do the forum a credit by documenting everything. Give Mick my regards when you see him!
  16. Managed to pull it off myself with 5 weeks but I remember thinking that 4 weeks would have been enough. If you grow your hair quite long in the weeks before people will see such a change with the buzzed look that they will forget where your original hairline (or lack of) used to be. Get some Dermatch and Nanogen so you can do some disguising work for the 1st month back at work.
  17. Looks like you're in a great position. If I had to put a number on it I'd say 3,000 grafts. Maybe shave your head to see if this is something that really appeals to you. If you're in the UK then go to see the Farjo's or consider a trip to Belgium to get some opinions on FUE/FUT.
  18. Essentially an emerging NW5/5A for me. Docs have a sixth sense when it comes to estimating the number of grafts. I think 4500-5000. I would put the hairline that outlines roughly where you currently have thin hair. Forget about filling in the temples - better to go with something that will look good now and in 20-30 years time.
  19. The bit below the blue chart about 2/3rds down: As seen in the graph above, patients with low hair density will have fewer hairs per follicular unit (with a preponderance of 1- and 2- hair follicular units) and those with higher density will have a greater proportion of the larger 3- and 4-hair units. Other characteristics of the follicular unit; such as hair color, wave, and hair shaft diameter; are important in determining the outcome of the hair restoration. Hair shaft diameter, which differs significantly among individuals, is particularly important in affecting the degree of fullness that can be obtained from a follicular unit transplant. In fact, hair shaft diameter contributes more to the look of fullness obtained from a hair transplant than hair density (number of hairs per cm2). See Measurements in Hair Restoration." Your coarseness of hair puts you at a big advantage if you ever need a HT.
  20. Follicular Units in Hair Transplant Surgery FUT Follicle | Bernstein Medical
  21. I would send those photos to the best in the world and if enough of them say you are not a candidate (which is what I suspect) then at least you will know. BTW, I believe ARTAS is only FDA approved on certain types of hair. I'm not even sure it is approved for females yet. Anyway, I doubt it can be used on black males because of the problem of 'curlier' FUs.
  22. I looked at your youtube video from early 2013 (of which there is a link to on your blog). I'm not seeing any hair loss. You just appear to have low density and very course hair. According to Dr Bernstein's site, those with thicker calibre hair tend to be in the lower density range. There's likely to be some subtle changes to your hairline in your 20s and 30s but I don't think you have anything to worry about!
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