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Posts posted by Taken4Granted

  1. It’s really hard to say without pre/post. When was it done?

    Some hair is better than no hair, but I wouldn’t expect a dramatic change in the crown from 500 grafts. I wouldn’t have bothered with it until I was ready to do 1500+ , like @pre-screened said. I understand the desire to address the problem areas, but those extra grafts might have made a difference up front.

    That said, congrats on your HT. I hope everything grows great for you.

  2. Hey Concord, congrats on booking your procedure. I recently had my first as well. I think I’m okay with my hairline design, but I will give you this advice based on my experience. After a month of criticism in the mirror, you will have plenty of thoughts about how you’d change it if you could. Seems like it’s bound to go like that even with a great design, but I wish I had spent my final weeks repeatedly drawing my hairline and taking lots of pictures from different angles. I walked into my surgery with a pretty half-baked idea about the hairline, which could have cost me dearly. I thought I knew what I wanted, but it was clear at 7am that morning that I had never actually drawn it, and there’s a lot you won’t notice until you do that.

  3. 18 minutes ago, elduterino said:

    first ever side effect free

    It would indeed be the first without side effects, which is why I’m confident that it def will have side effects. 

    Thanks for the heads up, though. I’m curious to see how that does for people.

    • Like 1
  4. I tend to think artificial hair lines from HT often are too flat. I probably overdo it with the recession going into the temples, so the best is probably somewhere in-between, but here’s what I would ask for in your shoes:


    It can look like too much with the hair buzzed down, but those high arches won’t be visible when the hair grows out.

    • Like 1
  5. Thanks, @aaron1234. Looks like you’ve done your time in ugly duckling prison, and chose your surgeon very well. It’s comforting to get that feedback from you. You got any work left to do? I see it has been a while. 

    edit - Just checked out your background, looking pretty good. I don’t blame you for getting it done. MPB with that hair/skin color combo is a hard sell. 😉

  6. It depends on your particular donor quality and goals. If you truly went to a great surgeon, you’ll probably be pleased, whatever the graft count. I had maybe 2 times as much area to cover, and my surgeon said he could deliver good results with maybe a little over 2k grafts. I decided to go with more grafts using FUT because I wanted a certain density and body on top of coverage. I might have pushed for a little more in your shoes, seeing how dense the hair is behind the recipient, but the right surgeon can do a lot with that. A bad surgeon could use a thousand more grafts and deliver less.

    • Like 2
  7. @giegnosiganoe

    Nope, no idea. I’ll e-mail the clinic to see if they have any record of that. The doc convinced me early on to forget about the graft count because it has little meaning for comparison between patients and surgeons. That said, there’s little else to go by in a forum type of situation, and it sounds like you’re actually looking for some of that information that distinguishes my ~3k grafts from someone else’s ~3k grafts. So yeah, I’ll send them a note and see what I get. You know the surgeon from our PM, so this will complete the picture.

  8. Hey there. I was gonna wait another week for a 1-month update (it’s ~3 wks), but what the heck. 


    So far, so good. That problem area cleared up and turned out to be strangely thick.

    I’m shedding a little but I guess the worst is yet to come. Not looking forward to losing this hair. Still so weird seeing it in the mirror.

    The incision is healing nicely. Even after I (carefully) buzzed the hair (not the recipient), it’s hard to see.

    So things are good!



  9. My doc gave explicit instructions to stay out of sunlight for the first couple weeks and to avoid headwear and physical exertion for the first several days. Not only that, I spent a lot of attention using saline to clean up the honey-like “serum” beading up from the recipient so that it wouldn’t dry and become crusty cheese. I had FUT, which was also a limiting factor in my mobility and comfort. In any case, I wouldn’t plan on ANYTHING but rest and post-op care. I’m not saying that’s the only right answer to this question, but I can’t fathom playing it any other way.

    • Like 1
  10. Hey man, sorry about your hair loss. It’s really good that you went out asking questions. That will save you.

    Just got my first HT at 34, and even that felt kind of young. It’s overwhelming in your early 20s, but it’s a long road. It will take years of coping, adjustment, character building and general maturation (physical & mental) before you’re in the right place in life to consider it. I wanted to do it at ~22, but now I know that would have been a mistake. If you’re unlucky, it can ruin your life.

  11. @ruca2

    Post-op month 5, eh? Congratulations, man. That’s the corner, right?

    Thanks for the encouraging words. I’ve been worried about messing it up with too much moisture, not enough moisture, washing too aggressively, accidentally turning on my side at night in bed, scratching an itch too close to the recipient, and on and on. Everything is yield. Gotta make sure these seeds sprout. I thought I’d be able to just forget about it and be surprised at 4-6 months by the growth, like “oh, that transplant I got back in August!”. I thought getting the surgery would be this turning point that ensured a great outcome x months down the line, and that this knowledge would be a comfort. Funny how I went to the best doc I could find to have that peace of mind, yet here I am stressing about these little things. 

    Yeah, man. It is an emotional journey for sure.

    • Like 1
  12. Thanks, @ruca2. From what I’ve seen, it does appear to be immaculate work. Dunno what set off that bleed, but it’s looking better now. 


    But I can already tell the wait is gonna kill me. I’m at 1 week and it’s already getting to me. I can’t even stand to see some of these transplanted shafts come out. I’m hoping to see some early sprouts by Halloween, but I know that would be lucky.



  13. @yesplease

    Sure thing. Me, I know I’m gonna lose a lot more on the top and crown, so my surgical work is just beginning. I chose FUT because the long-term yield is better when you start with virgin strip. The other thing is you get more grafts for the money with FUT. I wanted good density in the front, which meant more grafts than I can afford using FUE. That said, my surgeon did mention FUE was a viable option in my case and told me he could deliver great results with fewer grafts (~2k) without the linear scar, but I was greedy for denser hair. We did have a long talk about the options and risks, esp. with the long-term in mind. What’s appropriate for me could be wrong for someone else.

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