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Everything posted by hsrp10

  1. Can't use minox unfortunately as it exacerbates my seborrheic dermatitis in the hairline area, and crown is not thinning. As I mentioned I was on Fin for about two and half years, long enough for an evaluation period. I lost hair even in the transplanted area while on it, it made my scalp very greasy with sebum plugs, and had various sides, including random unexplained shedding. It is a drug that messes with your hormones, and hormone imbalance can cause hairloss. I understand the drug works for some people. If I ever do go back on it, it would be only in very low dosages. I want to get the HairDX test I mention here done before trying again: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/173116-anyone-fin-have-cag-repeat-score-test-hairdx-genetic-test.html
  2. I think most of the reputable docs back up their work. though if only a few grafts are not growing here or there, it is very difficult to prove or indicate, only sticks out when there is an overall thin area in a specific region of the scalp
  3. good luck I am sure one of the FUE gurus will reply, I am not sure who produces consistent results for FUE in the US. I do know Rahal does fue up in Toronto
  4. You lift weights btw? I am still trying to figure how lifting weights and extra DHT/testosterone plays in the hairloss picture, even after having a HT. I lift twice a week for my health.
  5. When I was on Propecia, I did notice a major change for the worse when switching to generic. My doctor also said he said seen this before with some other patients. In the end I stopped Fin, but if you are going to take it I recommend the official brand from Merck
  6. Hang in there Spanker, I'm sure its just something temporary. Are the hairs you are losing the newly transplanted ones, or your native hair only? I'm curious of the affects Fin has on frontal transplanted hair, because I lost hair in the front even while being on Fin for two years. I'm at a point where I'm trying to analyze if my current hairloss is from any shock from HT#2 this past August, extreme summer heat, or if I need to get back on Fin in very low doses. Let me know if you go on the DUT course, do you have a prescription already for that?
  7. Well in the end it caught up to me, going through a fall/winter shed since late November. Transplanted hair is growing in nicely but seeing a shed of pre-existing hairs, sheds suck as always,,
  8. I started on Fin three years ago prior to HT #1 simply on the advice of my surgeon. Don't think it worked for me overall and also experienced sides. Just was curious if anyone here on Fin or Propecia has actually had the HairDX test for Finasteride response done? **outside link removed by moderator**
  9. you going to leave it open air or wear a hat? just worry about the hat maybe rubbing or bumping against some of those newly paced grafts. I would select a seat in the back of the plane to to give yourself some privacy
  10. though I prefer FUT for overall results, I agree you are already shaved down short so go with one of the recommended FUE docs on this forum. Make sure you look through a lot of results and only go with a doc with consistent high yields and little or no negative feedback on his fue procedures. good luck!
  11. If you are in Seattle, Hasson and Wong are just a 3-4 hour drive away I believe. They should at least be in your rough search and final list.
  12. That's some sweet early growth, you are on your way to a home run as its still early at 3 months or so post op. Early growth is indicative of good healing and a skilled surgeon.
  13. Where are you located? I recommend talking to or if possible visiting Dr. Konior in Chicago. If you need any help, Spanker on this forum is their online rep. Have you done the research about the recommended surgeons on this forum? If so are these ones rejecting you?
  14. I paid $6.30 for my latest one, which was quite expensive. First one was $5.00 per graft and they also had an out of town discount. I do not regret either one and I guess you get what you pay for, but would be nice to see lower price yeah.
  15. How old are you? Did they refuse you because of your age? Is there something non surgical you can do now to make it look better? Cutting the sides very short and letting the front a little longer etc? Toppix?
  16. Agreed, you risk transection and also shockloss with non shaving. Also the doctor needs to see the hair angles at high magnitude and not shaving will make it more difficult for the angle placement. Good luck with the procedure.
  17. I find FUT prices increasing and paid more for my second HT which was three years later. Maybe if FUE increases in popularity then the docs doing only FUT will lower their rates. This is for the amazing world class docs in N. America though, I am sure overseas prices in some areas are quite cheap (with more risk).
  18. Dr. Konior consistently produces amazing results posted here as well. He is one of the best FUT surgeons in the world, just doesn't heavily promote like other clinics. He places all the grafts himself and is meticulous, I let him do my second procedure into existing and transplanted hair and had very little shockloss if any and saw new growth at around two months and three weeks. I am not not trying to promote one doctor or other, just wondering why you would leave out Dr. K. ?? Anyway good luck next year and keep us posted.
  19. Sweet, 4,000 over entire scalp? Or in the frontal region? You haven't considered Dr. Konior btw?
  20. Which FUE doctor produces reliable and consistent yields and results which have been documented on video, and is also affordable? The only person I would let do a FUE procedure on me is Dr. Lorenzo and I probably could never get an opening anyway. FUT: 2010 FUT: 2013
  21. Very interesting article. However, of the group with unchanged or worse results in their first year, only 25% saw improved hair growth after 5 years. Seems the one year evaluation is critical,
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