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Everything posted by hsrp10

  1. Congrats Nick! Amazing transformation and you have many months for further growth to come, so don't give into hair greed until next year! :-)
  2. Very natural and thickened hairline, he looks younger now. because he kept the widows peak he did not look so very bald before actually though for his age, and agreed he looks a little like Mark Harmon.
  3. With HT surgery, you have two choices of either shaving in advance or growing your hair long behind the transplanted area and combing it down. If you're going with FUE then shaving is the only option, but the redness will be obvious there for a while so be aware of that.
  4. You are right, most doctors are unaware of the sides Fin can cause. This includes the first doctor who prescribed me 1mg Propecia and the second doctor who prescribed me 1.25mg Proscar. Neither of them mentioned a single word about possible side effects, and the first doc I asked him directly. Probably best to talk to a doctor though and if purchased locally you will need the prescription from him anyway. You may have to actually educate him on the sides, here is good source from the Mayo clinic. Finasteride (Oral Route): Side effects - MayoClinic.com And yes, start on as low as dose possible to avoid any possible sides, but remember if the dosage is too low you will not obtain the benefits of the drug.
  5. I'm currently using Kerium DS anti-dandruff intensive shampoo (made by La Roche Posay) 1-2 times week, active ingredients are salicylic acid, piroctone olamine and citric acid etc. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/172834-kerium-ds-shampoo.html Nizoral can fry your hair so don't overuse it, but it had worked as well at least for improved scalp appearance (use only once or twice a week at most ! ). I've found that except for the above Kerium shampoo, no matter what shampoo I use it will always leave a residue or buildup in my scalp. So I now wash with water only as many days as I can and then the Kerium shampoo 1-2 times week. This has lead to steady scalp improvement. I use extremely high water pressure from the shower to remove any sticky dandruff or buildup. For really bad areas I sometimes use betamethasone valerate lotion prescribed by my dermatologist if there are any hard scaly areas. Try not to use your nails, use the pads of your fingers instead for any scalp rubbing btw. Some people also recommend apple cider vinegar rinse diluted with 1/4 water or even lemon juice to remove the scalp buildup. I have tried these but the first one smells bad and the second will make your hair sticky.
  6. I did not have any sexual sides while on it luckily, actually my libido increased and I became a fxing machine LOL! My sides were greasy scalp and sebum plugs, watery sperm and random shedding and also mood swings. And yes this was even after changing to taking every other day. I recently had the HairDX Genetic test done which tells your level of MPB and also how well finasteride will work as a treatment. As some of my hairloss over the years up until my first HT was due to seborrheic dermatitis/scalp psoriasis and not really treating it, I'm trying to make sure before restarting. I have been off Fin for around 6 months now.
  7. I think no, but would need to see the hairline or your hair wet. Maybe she was having a bad day and was trying to take it out on you, or she was very desperate to get some commission to sell the shampoo. If you're not balding just forget about it.
  8. I don't know the details, but as mentioned above Dr. Charles is one of the most active and helpful doctors on this forum.
  9. I noticed an increased oilyness while being on Proscar. When stopping my scalp became dry again. Fin also messes with your hormones so you could be right.
  10. Really not sure, could be all right as Cueball35 mentioned. I would like to tweak my temporal points a bit (the docs always say I don't need it) but that is one thing that has always worried me, wearing a hat or sleeping in the first days and losing grafts. Have you already returned home, or can you get to the clinic for some help? See what they have to say.
  11. They do say if no blood then don't worry. How did you lose it? Also is it in the very front hairline? If not even if you did lose it it will not have significant cosmetic effect.
  12. supposedly from what I've read, the hairloss from Niz dries up and shrivels the sebaceous glands, and the hair becomes brittle and just falls out. So you are reducing oral Fin and then increasing Nizoral is that right? Just keep an eye out for your hair becoming brittle or easy to fall out. Where do you get topical finasteride btw?
  13. If you are in NJ, there are top recommended docs in the New York area, and Dr. Rahal is short flight away in Toronto (as is Dr. Konior in Chicago if you decide to do FUT). Listen to Lorenzo and do not go to any clinic that is is not 1) highly recommended on this forum and 2) does not have numerous posted examples of great results. Be careful before proceeding based on location or price alone.
  14. Do you think the oilyness is from being on Fin? Also had a similar problem with that. Or was it simply from overwashing?
  15. Btw current routine is to use the much gentler Kerium DS Anti-Dandruff Intensive shampoo (La Roche Posay) 1-2 times a week and wash with only water and very high water pressure the others days to keep my scalp clean.
  16. That is a night and day transformation, extremely impressive and natural results ! I bet that guy gets a better job and more chicks (if he's not already married) than he did before.
  17. It's true no worries man, I never saw a massive shed and in between the above pics I had some good hair cycles and I actually thought at times it was doing me good. The overuse kind of snuck up on me and I was in a similar situation of not being sure if it was Fin, stress and lack of sleep from my job or the Niz. Also I have to admit it did make my hair look great compared to other shampoos. Just gave it a decent thickness and body.
  18. Yeah, just few years ago it was all the rage as a treatment for hairloss. But you really have to be careful with it.
  19. My test kit arrived today, and will send it back and wait for the results in a few weeks. To re-Fin or not to re-Fin....
  20. Had an amazing HT#1 by H&W in Sept 2010. Experienced very early growth, and quite astonishing results even at 6 month mark (picture 3). Because I suffer from seborrheic dermatitis I always need to use some form of dandruff shampoo. After my procedure I used Dr. Lee's regrowth shampoo with salicylic acid and ketoconazole. It kept my scalp dandruff free and was not harsh at all. Then Dr. Lee got shut down by the FDA in April of 2011 and I had to scramble to find an alternative. I never could find one, so reluctantly started to use Nizoral 2%. Because it worked and was the most hassle free solution I continued to use it 5 days week, otherwise I would have to spend long time getting dandruff out of my hair. Long story short, don't overuse Nizoral or any harsh dandruff shampoos after a HT. The hair loss was gradual, and I had some good hair cycles in between, but finally recognized the culprit later on. Some did regrow as seen in Photo 6. Photo 1 - pre surgery with red forehead from seborrheic dermatitis Photo 2 - post up Photo 3 - 6 months after surgery, while on Dr. Lee's regrowth shampoo Photo 4 - Five months of using Nizoral 2% Photo 5 - Year and half of using Nizoral 2% Photo 6 - 3 months after stopping Nizoral 2%, prior to HT #2
  21. you want this type here, mine was blue, will try to find who makes it. does a good job
  22. Always find your work impressive Dr. Lindsey. allow me to make one comment that the photos of a chunk of removed scalp and linear gaping hole in the back is a bit much for the eyes, even though I've had two FUT procedures myself. It's an extremely honest approach, but maybe best to leave those out except for medical journal publications etc. But that is just my opinion.
  23. Agreed with the Gillenator, skip the crown for now and do around at least 3,000 grafts are you using Propecia at all for the crown btw? (not recommended you get on it just trying to figure that in the calculation) If you want to lower the hairline at all I would even go for 3,500.
  24. Awesome, good luck! Looking forward to the pics and updates. How many grafts btw? I had 1,500 round two this past August
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