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Everything posted by waveskier

  1. I'm at 9 weeks post op, and I have noticed a lot of new hairs coming in my recipient site. These hairs are nothing like the hairs that were taken from the donor site. Are the first hairs typically thin and undernourished looking? Will they be replaced with thicker ones? Thanks Russ
  2. Shockloss can sure be depressing. I lost native hairs from the area I was trying to thicken. It has been 2 months now and I think it is beginning to slow down a bit.
  3. I have noticed a fair amount of new thin hairs growing out at 2 months. However they are spaced out and only amount to about 10% of the entire recipient area. Looks kind of funny as they are getting pretty long. I guess this could be considered my first wave.
  4. I have been blown away with all the info on shampoos. Some people swear by Nizoral, Revita while others say those shampoos have caused even greater hair loss! I have tried them all and found that good old "Pert" works fine for me.
  5. My doctor had 43 extra grafts and made extra holes as to use them all. No charge, which I guess would be expected.
  6. Zac, For only 800 grafts I think your doctor did a great job. Hang in there you might surprise us all! Aloha, Russ
  7. Honestly after hearing about all the issues with propecia I just don't think it is worth it. Not to mention that it messes with the ole sex drive, but some people say they have lost hair using it. My motto, "if in doubt DON't"
  8. jp Same question. Didn't you read the answers?
  9. Zac, I had the same experienxce, and did not rush the scabs. Sounds like you are right on schedule.
  10. Wow, my procedure sure wasn't anything like that. Why an IV? And why did they have to shave the donor area? I will be interested in hearing an update over the next few days. I'm curious if the IV eliminated the need for the shots, and in doing so maybe no swelling?
  11. 2000 grafts can be a lot or not so much, it really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. I would say the doctor should know exactly what is enough. I had 2050 grafts to lower my hairline and it was more than enough so they did some fill ins with the extra grafts. Look at some pics. I viewed photos ranging from 500 to 3000 graft and that gave me a pretty good idea of what to expect.
  12. With the current economy I cannot imagine you would even have a wait.
  13. Well that tells me that there is no app for this forum, and if there was I would have been using already! In fact I cannot even post on my iPad, only view, it won't allow certain plug ins and in order to post you must need one.
  14. It looks to me like his doctor is just trying to blend to the current hair density? I would assume that would explain the spacing between grafts. Quite honestly it does look like a pretty clean job. The bottom line is "what did the doctor promise you"? Had the grafts been closer together it might have looked a little strange to have thinning hair surrounding a patch of thick hair?
  15. I'm also now at 2 months but my shock loss is in and around the recipient area. I guess only time will tell, however I was not aware of "shock loss" when I had my surgery.
  16. I would sure give it some more time, but I hope you realize that now you might let your head get the best of you. You really need to have a good sexual session to restore your confidence. This happened to me one time when I was in my 20's and it really screwed me up. I was sure that there was something wrong with me, and it was all in my head. All it took was one good time and my confidence returned and that was the end of that. Best luck!
  17. What is cobblestoning? wb280 They are not that noticeable, but still small little bumps where grafts have been placed. Just not as smooth as the skin around the graft area. I'm probably just being paranoid.
  18. From everything I have read here regarding Rogaine, Propecia etc.. I don't want to use any of it. The benefits to the hair growth products and shampoos seems to be split? I think I read more posts that claim they are losing hair from their hair treatment stuff than those that are gaining? I bought Nizoral and Revita shampoos but now I am afraid to use it.
  19. Not sure about the back, but my front at my hairline appears to have small little bumps where there are grafts. I'm almost 2 months.
  20. Do I really have to wait that long! I'm 7 weeks today and it seems like forever already.
  21. Not to sound discouraging but a week did nothing for me, except for the swelling of my face and that started on day 2 and last till day 5.
  22. I have found that you can't count them yourself at least not accurately. And also you need a magnifying lens to be sure you can see them all.
  23. I can't help but be skeptical. I need proof or at least a reasonable amount of success stories.
  24. I'm 7 weeks out of HT and I have some hairs that are growing like crazy. Some of the grafts have grown out over 1/4" while some fell out and some are just sitting there about the same as they were when they were installed. I guess this is just all part of the process. My native hair feels as though it has gotten thinner, shock loss?
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