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Everything posted by Levrais

  1. Rich, That all makes sense and it is generally a good idea IMO to start small then re-assess for future goals. That's actually how I planned as well. But ultimately the docs are going to say how many grafts it will take to get acceptable results and the good docs may not want to negotiate. In other words if a doc knows it will not look good with under say 1,500 grafts, then they are not likely going to want to have their name associated with the work if you insist on a lower amount. I'm not implying you would do that but just making the point that you should try to be flexible to some extent in in the number of grafts. As for the consults, I would definitely write the questions down and keep your notes from each doc because it can all start to run together. Also don't hesitate to follow up with more questions of the doc that you think of after. Once he has seen you in person, he should still be able advise you by phone or email until you make your decision.
  2. First of all, total failures are rare in general and even more rare with top clinics. If the results are not satisfactory, possible remedies are a free or discounted touch up or a partial refund. The main thing to do pre-op is to clarify with the doc what the expected result is so that you have something to compare to when assessing whether the results were achieved.
  3. Rich, if I were you I would ask the doc if that estimate includes going back in the the thin area of the existing hairline to be sure and exactly how far if so rather than assume. Its better for that issue to be clearly understood by patient and doc without assumptions on either side. Also, just my impression but you really seem to be wanting to keep this down to 1,000 grafts. I'm wondering if this is because of cost or is there some other reason. You seem to have ample donor supply to harvest whatever number of grafts needed whether it be 1,000 or 2,500. It would make sense to first identify the goal and then estimate the number of grafts needed for that goal instead of identifying the number of grafts wanted and then trying to predict the goal/outcome.
  4. Congrats on having the procedure. Heal well
  5. That looks like good progress for 4 months
  6. trizzy, How's it going bro? Have you heard back from your clinic yet?
  7. Any idea when that was done and in which country?
  8. trizzy, there was a lengthy discussion about fue extraction patterns on another thread not long ago. I'm not sure if it addresses your exact questions but may add some perspective while you're waiting for your clinic's reply. Here is the link if you're interested http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/162646-fue-extraction-patterns.html
  9. I would take some comfort in what Rahal says. Good luck and I look forward to your updates
  10. Trizzy, First of all be aware that its easy to get freaked out when you're 3 weeks post op over almost anything, justified or not. Hopefully your clinic will communicate with you frequently to address your concerns until you get back to normal thinking. We all go through the phase you're at now. When I was talking to docs about my fue, I was told that it could be taken in layers like yours was done and that I should keep my hair at least an inch and a half long if I went that route. The other way to do it is to extract from all over the safe zone which wouldn't be necessary if only going for 500 grafts. So, you wouldn't see pics like yours unless someone buzzed down less than 1.5" like in your case. At this point, if I were you, I would probably just let the donor area grow back and then wait a few months until its fully healed before cutting that short again.
  11. If you have a reputable doc, coalition or not, no one will bash. If its a doc that you need to be warned about, then I'd certainly want to know up front and not after the op if I were you.
  12. At 3 weeks its normal that you would be able to see through still. Normally when the grafts are taken in rows, its done so that the hair can be kept long and the rows will be hidden by the longer hair. 3 weeks is too early to buz it like that as it cancels out the possibility to hide the extraction site. As far as too much being extracted, its hard to tell from these pics, do you have any immediate post-op pics? To have some shock loss is also not uncommon. IMO its too early to say there is a problem.
  13. Hi Richfrog, I agree with hairthere and js. In my case I've had over 4,000 fue and can buz to any length I want without seeing evidence of scarring. I usually do a #2 guard on the back and sides although longer lately. As for any resulting thinning in the donor area, I'm sure there must be some with the number of grafts I had but personally I don't think it's very noticeable. I think the transplanted hair matches the native hair well too.
  14. With good icing the swelling will go away usually by day 4 or 5. Hang in there bro.
  15. Thanks Capelli, I've finally turned the corner from the ugly duckling phase to the results phase. I must say that if this were my final result I would be happy right now. But at only 4 months, odds are that I will get more growth. Your op is coming up so soon too!
  16. I got a hair cut today and thought I'd post a few more 4 month pics. Also, I found a post-op pic of the front that I didnt know I had, its a few hours post op from day one of the 2nd op. There has been quite a change in that area since the op. The right temple point is coming in pretty well too, the left side not so much yet. I've had the same hair stylist for several years and she has always commented on how my hair grows in an odd pattern. Today she commented that she was amazed at how the transplanted hair had exactly the same angle as the native hiar. I was proud of my doc when I heard that. Comments welcomed
  17. Congrats on getting it done. Looking forward to the pics. rest well
  18. There are people who fly the next day and don't have any problem. Personally I think staying put for a few days is a good idea. Its a matter of preference.
  19. That is impressive early growth. What are the goa,s for op#2.
  20. This looks great. Your hair color is ideal for a look of density since there is very little contrast. Enjoy!
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