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Dr Tejinder Bhatti

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Everything posted by Dr Tejinder Bhatti

  1. Announcing the NEW Darling Buds Hair Restoration Centre We are very proud to announce the beginning of a new era for Darling Buds Hair Restoration Centre with the completion of the Five Rivers Hospital in Chandigarh, India. The initial operation of our brand new, much larger facility, will be for high quality hair restoration procedures only, as is expected from Darling Buds Hair Restoration (http://www.darlingbuds.com). This new facility will allow us to better address the needs of our patients and to provide a greater level of service, comfort and safety. The Five Rivers Hospital will eventually house additional cosmetic surgical options under the guidance of Dr. Kuwant Singh Bhangoo from Buffalo, NY USA. (Best Plastic Surgeon in India - Chandigarh's Aesthetic & Cosmetic Surgery Clinic) Dr. Bhangoo is a past winner (2014) of the United States Congressional Award for Exemplary Services for his community efforts and his contributions to the field of cosmetic surgery. Five Rivers will also house a state of the art medical laboratory for our sciences lab dedicated to follicular research and regeneration as well as a variety of holistic based wellness focused treatments under the guidance of additional doctors with a wide range of specialities. Dr. Tejinder Bhatti shall remain focused only on his world class FUE based hair restoration procedures to insure a level consistency and care for his patients that is second to none. To see photos our our new facility please visit us at Our Clinic - Darling Buds Hair Transplant Center I seek your good wishes and hope you can visit us soon. Tejinder Bhatti, MD
  2. Hello Mr. Jooey, This is a subjective issue based on the calibre of your chest hair compared to the traditional scalp donor you have already transplanted. However, there is also the approach that if the current hairline density is good enough then even somewhat more coarse hair can be used strategically in and around the grafts just behind the very front. Interspersed with the finer hairs a more natural appearance can be achieved while simultaneously adding more density. To learn more about my body hair harvesting approach you can watch the following video.
  3. Mr. Sean gave a very good answer, which is variable based on what one considers to be "slow". In general, most results will have seen a high percentage of growth by eight to nine months so if you have not seen what amounts to at least 60% growth by this time frame then the chances are reduced for full recovery. There are cases where full recovery does occur so it cannot be fully ruled out, but the probability is reduced, indeed.
  4. Hello Praneets, With respect, you have your search backwards. Find the clinic, then go to the city that clinic is in. Also, we cannot give you an advice regarding your choices or your options without photos. Please upload them here. You are also welcome to send me your photos directly at dearbhatti@gmail.com.
  5. Mr. Fullheadofhair, The first thing one should do when they have questions about their post-operative after care is to contact the clinic with such questions. No one here knows your case, or your clinic's preferred protocols like they do so always seek answers from them first. However, I do not know of anyone that feels that basic baby shampoo is harmful. You are fine to use it, of course only if your clinic hasn't any objections themselves.
  6. Mr. Bennyt89, This is a valid concern but aside from confirming with your clinic first, they will most likely be washing your hair thoroughly the morning of your procedure anyway. Good luck with your procedure.
  7. Hello Mr. Jooeey, Yes, it is true, that considering averages on healthy scalps Caucasians will have a higher natural density than South Asians but this is assuming you are comparing hair characteristics that are unique to Caucasians including finer straight hair that is brown to light brown or even blonde. One contributing factor to this is that Caucasians can have more multiple hair follicular units. South Asians will have a larger hair shaft diameter than Caucasians with similar considerations and in many cases the larger hair shaft diameter will help to make up for the discrepancy.
  8. Mr. hitherehair, You do not have any swelling at one month post-op so your hairline is where it is, as it appears. It is a conservative design but this is not a bad philosophy to adhere to and is necessary for patients with advanced hairless and limited resources for donor hair. However, hairlines can always be lowered if they are too high instead of raised if they are too low. Give your result time to grow and reveal itself and you'll know how to move forward in the future but until then you should not worry about it's current position. It is fine.
  9. Mr. Jimbrann, Bath water is generally considered to be less than ideal with regards to healing due to the dirt and germs that remain behind in the water. A shower is a better solution to rinsing your scalp and the scabs will come off when they are ready but you should always stick to the protocols provided by your doctor and contact them immediately with such questions if you still within the first week of your recovery.
  10. Mr. Krx, Your scalp looks normal at this point. Perhaps you have been too careful with your grafts when washing your hair? This is not uncommon as patients do not want to harm their grafts but by being too careful itself can cause harm. If you have not done so already, contact your clinic to inquire about your concerns but my general advice to patients that have had the same question is to give your hair a thorough and vigorous washing four times a week.
  11. Anytime you are given specific instructions by your doctor, you must understand that the instructions have a purpose. If they felt their instructions were contrary to your specific case in that you would actually harm your grafts by following their advice, they would have told you. Post operative instructions are a fairly standard routine with the only variance being from clinic to clinic. We all have different approaches but these are developed from experience so if you were told to do something at a specific time in your recovery, there are probably thousands before you that had the same instructions as well. If there was a pattern of damage from this approach, the approach would have been altered.
  12. Mr. Kuboid, You ask a very good question, obviously because you are experiencing the issue, but also for others to learn. Your situation is only at the start of it's manifestation so you have to give the native hair more time to not just grow, but to mature. Shocking the hair is similar to any other hair loss in that the hairs are "shocked" into the telegenic state. As they come in, just like any hair, they come in finer but with more time (a few more months) the hair shaft diameter will increase, most likely back to where it was before your procedure. This is not a guarantee but if you are seeing their return at only three months then the likelihood of a return to your previous state is high.
  13. Indeed, scar repair via excision can and has caused scars to widen again, and sometimes further than they were before. This is due to two reasons. The first of which is due to poor surgeon selection. Not all hair restoration surgeons that practice strip are proficient with scar repair. The second reason is due to physiology. Sometimes patients just do not heal well from strip surgery due to overactive collagen production. The alternative to scar excision is of course FUE and many times beard hair is the preferred option.
  14. What you are asking for is reasonable for many patients. I have seen this request before and I have performed it several times. Creating a natural hairline with real hair is always the best way to wear a hair system. Your scalp donor does indeed appear to be lacking based on your photos. In your case however I would ask if you have a plentiful supply of body hair, such as chest or back hair? If you do then this may be a solid resource to consider. I am happy to discuss the options and possibilities. You are welcome to contact me at dearbhatti@gmail.com.
  15. Mr. Using This Name, I have reached out to my patient and explained your inquiry. He has expressed a willingness to help you with your questions via private messaging through his Facebook page. My only request is that you respect his valuable time and exhibit patience with his replies as his work is very demanding. https://www.facebook.com/Nikuld?ref=br_rs
  16. Mr. Prime209, Congratulations on your newest FUE procedure. I noted the opinion of Dr. Diep that you shared regarding the extractions from your procedure with me. It is documented that your punch size was .85mm and was not "too big" for your case. In fact, I do not own punches larger than .85mm as that is the largest I order from my supplier and there is never a need for a punch that is larger than this. I hope this puts any concerns to rest. I wish you the speediest of growth and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials.
  17. Today I would like to present the latest FUE result from myself and the team at Darling Buds. This 35 year old patient came to visit me to discuss his NW6 hairline problem. We discussed my FUE protocol and the decision to have a procedure was reached.* I removed 3016 follicular units in one procedure. The result shown is only six months after the procedure. The patient is not currently on medication as he chose to cease finasteride usage 2 months after his procedure.
  18. Dear Mr. Nillak, You are not technically dealing with scar tissue quite yet at the collagen over-expression takes about four weeks or longer to cross over into scar formation territory. Based on the density that appears to be in your donor region, outside of the extraction zone, I believe this to be a combination of shock loss and potential over harvesting. The approach could have been better but I believe the donor will recover to some degree.
  19. Dear Mr. Matisa, Thank you for sharing your experience and updating the group regarding your case. Please do continue to share and don't forget to let me know if you need anything at all. Warm regards.
  20. Dear Mr. Bill, You have lot to be happy about. You have regained a nice head of hair so congratulations!
  21. Dear Mr. Alex2015, I am very pleased with not only your surgical result but also your response to the medical treatment. You are certainly in the upper percentage of respondents! I am very pleased also as the middle scalp has also greatly improved in not only density but also texture. I ask that you contact me as soon as you are able as I would like to discuss your case, preferably in person.
  22. Dear members, I would ask that you allow this patient to have the time he needs to see some sort of result. Asking about his "result" only six weeks after his procedure is not only premature, it is also unusual. "Density" as we understand it should be relative to the area addressed. No patient with aggressive hair loss should expect the density one would receive with minor hair loss. I believe that the density for this patient will be sufficient given his starting point and that no more work will be necessary. Of course, it is rare to find a patient that does not want more hair so this can be discussed in the future but I find it unfortunate when members criticize placement on a patient so soon after his procedure. This only leads to doubt and uncertainty at a time when the patient should be excited and hopeful. This is part of the joy of undergoing hair restoration but instead some of you have chosen to inject negativity.
  23. Thank you everyone for your comments. Unfortunately the photos do not tell the entire story. The patient had existing hair so the new hair placed is supposed to add to the existing hair, not supplant it. To clarify what was discussed, we talked about placing as many grafts as the recipient zone would permit, not as many as I could place. Those are two separate issues. In fact, the patient suggested the 800 graft estimate to which I agreed was sufficient to meet the final goal. In addition, the donor zone was surprisingly thin due to the previous procedure so there was a question of balance considered with the approach. Mr. Hairhoho, You have my contact information so I encourage you to contact me when you have concerns. You know I have an open door policy for all of my patients:)
  24. Dear Mr. Harrison85, I wish to publicly apologize for your experience. Please call me at your earliest convenience with the phone # you were given and I will answer all of your questions and explain more about your day. I am always available to my patients. I also wish to assure you that no one but myself performed your FUE procedure. The technicians helped me to gather the grafts but I was the one that performed your surgery, as is the case with every single patient.
  25. Dear Mr. Dragonfly2014, I am quite upset to see you are unhappy and I wish to understand what is happening. First, I refer to your statement.. Unfortunately I have seen no emails referencing your concerns and I see and respond to every email sent to me personally. Please confirm you are emailing me at dearbhatti@gmail.com. This will allow me to know who you are so I can find your file and properly assess your history. Be sure to include your full name and exact date of your procedure.
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