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Everything posted by canadian_buba

  1. FRH I agree with your comment. For a Rahal HT your on track! It took me around 3-4 weeks to lose the scabs. Let your body deal with things its own way, around 4 weeks start to gently push down on the scabs with the pads of your fingers. This will help them break apart and fall off! Good luck! cb
  2. FE, Looks great! Isnt it amazing to see hairs growing in the previous bald area? Good luck! CB
  3. Clint, I have the same redness and will be posting 2 month pictures soon. Hang in there bro! Keep busy!
  4. Looks great! You have ton of hair! Congrats! Keep on growing! CB
  5. I looked into this and it all depends on how much money you made and how many other expenses your are claiming. Its not simple... I would talk to an accountant!
  6. Hey guys All i want is a hairline and hair in my frontal 1/3 area at this stage. I still have hair on my crown and im not sure how much I would really care if I had a bald spot if I still had a hairline and hair to style! I guess we will have to see how these grafts grow! Only time can tell i guess!??
  7. I paid with a certified cheque. We tried for 3500 and got 3054 and they paid me back after the procedure via credit card. It all worked out very well. I have also had very quick replys from Adrian via email. I know he works pretty early in the mornings around 6ish EST maybe you should try him then via phone. Rahals clinic is top notch! Good luck!
  8. I would say once you have it down to 2-3 doctors, talk to past clients at various stages in the process to see how happy they are with the doctor. I found I wanted a little more than just the results pictures to help me make up my mind.
  9. I use TTO natural shampoo, I am using it daily and find it does a great job!
  10. Eman, That is great hair bro! You do have a hair line! That rocks! I cant wait to watch it grow! It must be so nice to see results as it is such a long process. Congrats! CB
  11. Im almost 2 months post op and I still feel like a freak having to wear a hat all the time.... I cant wait for the day when I can take it off!
  12. WOW, That looks fantastic!!! You must be a very happy man! Cheers
  13. Dazed, There are doctors who will do the HT with out shaving! Dont worry about it! If your plan is to hide it you might be able too! buba
  14. Hey guys, Dazed I decided to shave my head 14 days post op. I could not put up with the vitimin e oil in my longer hair. It was driving me crazy. Rahal shaved the area he worked on so I looked like a fool anyways. I found shaving it made it easier to clean my head and all the hair looked even. Petchski, So far no shockloss. However now that most of the grafts are gone and my hair is short I look very bald lol. I wear a hat all the time when Im not in my house. Currently I have about 6 pimples on my recipient area and my head is very pink! I dont mind the pink as it reminds me of where my hair line will be in the future. I must be honest though, I am getting sick of dressing casual and wearing a hat all the time. I find the hat makes people think Im too casual in my work setting. But its all part of the " short term pain for long term gain"!!! Petchski, do you have pimples on your head??
  15. WOW I cant wait to have these issues!!!! At this stage I am so sick of wearing a hat everyday!!! If and when I get asked, I will use the medication excuse!!! Cheers
  16. I have been getting some pimples on my head where the gratfs were placed, from my research on this forum that is a good thing " a sign of activity under the scalp and of good things to come!" Bring on the pimples baby!
  17. Make sure to sleep at a 45 degree angle to prevent swelling, ice your forehead if you do swell, wear zip up shirt so you dont need to lift anything over your head. Rest rest rest!
  18. Grow, I am at the 5 week marker and have only a few little crusts remaining! Do you still have many grafts in place? Have you had any pimples on your head yet?
  19. I found the polysporon helped keep the suture area some what moist which i think helped the sutures slide out on day 14! I hardly felt a thing!
  20. I used Polysporin on my scar from day 1 post op. I washed the scar twice a day and then put the polysporin on once again! It aids the healing process and keeps it clean and prevents infection. When I went in to get my sutures removed Dr. Rahal said " clearly you have been taking great care of the donor area young man"! If I was to do it again I would do the same thing!
  21. At day 14 I buzzed down to a # 1, it feels so good! It does take a bit of getting used to if you have never had it that short. However it brings the rest of your hair to the same length as the grafts. Clearly you can still see my scar, however im sure in a month or so you wont be able too. Which im guessing will be at a #3 length.
  22. Petchski, Thanks! Most of the scabs are off, and im very happy with the scar. I am growing my hair. On day 14 I shaved down to a # 1 so I will be growing it for sure! I want to monitor the situation to find out at what length it hides the scar. I would say I still have about 75% of the grafts. Wantego, I as well can not wait for the next 4-8 months to fly by!! Now that I have to dress casual while wearing a hat all the time, it maked me crave putting on a suit and tie!! In time I guess!! GQ, I love Rahal's style and am very happy to be apart of the CLUB! I think they are hanging on solidiers, im waiting for them to fall off! Eman, Some of those damn crusts just wont give up! Little buggers! Trust me I feel like im in the quiet stage right now! Im trying to work a ton and PVR just about everything! Im thinking of hitting the gym soon for some cardio which is much needed! Clint, Thanks! Im still waiting to loose more of these grafts! For some reason that has been a little delayed, time will tell I guess!
  23. Hey Everyone, Check out my weblog for my recent pictures! Im trying to keep myself busy, so time will pass! I am very happy with the scar and the new hairline and am still waiting for more of the grafts to fall out! Please let me know what you think! All the best CB
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