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Everything posted by aaron1234

  1. I wore a baseball hat the next day after surgery. But I did have plastic wrap placed on top of the recipient site so the hat wouldn't touch the grafts directly. The hat didn't cover my scar but it didn't need to. My hair was long enough to cover it and the scar was pretty thin with no shockloss.
  2. I wore a loose fitting baseball hat for a couple weeks, but my job didn't have a dress code. After the scabs went away, I started applying the concealer again. It was my only hope throughout the ugly-duckling period. Now on the days when I can wear a hat, I don't bother with the concealer, and the hats are fitted.
  3. I'm a grad student. I split the costs with my mommy. My dad still doesn't know about it. He wouldn't have approved, but he just doesn't understand because he's twice my age and has a full head of hair.
  4. I'm approaching 5 months myself. I'd be happy to have those kind of results at 10 months!
  5. Nah, you look good and I doubt anyone will notice. My healing was been fairly slow and still no one has a clue. Thank you concealer's. A little toppik and dermmatch will go along way in disguising the procedure.
  6. Question: So on average, the non-balding person loses 50 to a 100 hairs a day. Does this mean there are 50 to 100 new hairs a day to compensate? Thanks.
  7. Question: So on average, the non-balding person loses 50 to a 100 hairs a day. Does this mean there are 50 to 100 new hairs a day to compensate? Thanks.
  8. I know that I'm not a veteran on this board and probably don't have the trained eye others have in regarding quality hair transplantation. But if I saw one of Dr. Rosanlli's patients (the ones in the pictures) walking past me, I would not be able to tell that they had work done. That for me, and I'm sure for all of you, is an important thing. I really don't see how his work can be described as crappy. I think all of those guys look better in the after pictures than the before pictures. What is so bad about this guy's work? What am I missing?
  9. I'm convinced that this whole graft terminology is not consistent with every doctor. I'm not suggesting that doctors are being dishonest, but rather have different definitions as to what actually constitutes a graft. Is a graft a slit in the recipient sit? I've heard that a couple follicular units can fit into one slit. But then I thought follicular units were grafts. So I take the graft count of these photos with a grain a salt. I remember when I went in for my consult with Dr. Gencheff. He initially said I needed about 1,000 grafts. Members of this board told me that that would not be enough. I called the offices and they said that 1,000 grafts would yield about 1,500-2,000 follicular units. Well, what the hell is the difference? I ended up with 2,100 follicular units and when I spoke with the doctor he assured me that the follicular units consisted of 1,2,3, and 4 hairs. We then had a conversation about the whole situation. He said that a numbers of doctors are working to come up with a uniform method of counting grafts, follicular units, etc. I really think that's Pat quote his the nail on the head. Count hairs not grafts. Maybe we should apply this to the photos.
  10. Looking forward to seeing the pics. I've heard plenty of instances where docs have removed plugs before, so I'm sure you are not a lost cause.
  11. Botched: Dude, show us pics. There are knowledgeable people on this board, including top notch docs, that can put you in the right direction. Just look at some of the repair work photos, they are just incredible. People are here to help you. Take advantage of it.
  12. Additionally, Bosley puts loads and loads of money into advertising. This in itself is not a bad thing. However, most private clinics do not have the revenue to put up commercial after commercial on ESPN. So the best marketing for them is to produce consistent quality results. In other words, there's more at stake with each procedure for the private clinics.
  13. From what I hear, it's not that everything Bosley does turns to crap. I've heard a few who were pleased with their results with Bosley. And I've also heard that there are a handful of respectable docs employed by Bosley. The problem is is that the chain has grown so large that is next to impossible to properly monitor every surgical procedure and every doctor employed. Individual surgeons have more at stake with their results, since the results reflect their own work which can either help or damage their reputation. Thus, these individual practices more likely put the time and effort needed to achieve desirable results. With Bosley or the big chains, you never know what you are going to get. All that said, you may still end up with a natural looking head of hair after a procedure with Bosley.
  14. The best thing you can do now is save, save, and save. Reasonable loans are almost impossible to get nowadays. I was in your situation. I ended up splitting the cost with my parents (just my mother actually) and will be paying them back when I'm done with school and begin working full-time. Trust me, it was not an easy thing to do to tell your parents you need dough for "cosmetic" surgery but it was my only option.
  15. Also, if you plan on quitting the medication, don't bother to ween off it. Most likely at 3 weeks, you haven't had seen any benefit from it. I didn't really see any noticeable difference from propecia until at least 12 months. So the hair loss you have after quitting will most likely be your normal hair loss pattern, as opposed to the "catch-up" loss those experience after seeing benefit from the drug.
  16. From what I hear, some who lower the dosage manage keep their hair and lose the side effects. I would try that before any herbal remedies.
  17. I had pretty intense pain in the testicles for the first 2-3 weeks on Propecia. I was about ready to quit. I decided to give it another couple of weeks. Fortunately, the sides vanished and I haven't experience anymore pain or issues in the 2 and a half years I've been on the drug. It seems common to lessen the dosage. Like cut the pill in half. Maybe stick it out for another couple weeks and if nothing changes I would try a lower dosage.
  18. Dr. Rassman says, "The use of these two medications will not interact with each other. Be aware that Accutane does have hair loss as one of its side effects." http://www.baldingblog.com/2007/02/13/safe-to-take-accutane-and-propecia/
  19. Hey guys. I'm about 11 weeks now. Been getting those blessed pimples/ingrown hairs for about a month now. Most I have left alone and they fade away within a couple of days. But a couple got pretty big so I popped them. I'm not worried about the grafts at all as the bleeding was minor. I've just seen a lot of conflicting advice on this issue. Some say you can risk infection while others say that no harm can be done to the grafts. So what's the word? Pop or not?
  20. Is that link really a diffuse thinner? I was under the impression that a diffuse pattern has thinning sides and also thins around the usual donor area. Or is the link just a less severe case of diffuse thinning? Set me straight.
  21. I'm 2 months post-op and my recipient area is still a bit numb. Oddly enough, my donor area feels pretty darn good. I hear that damaged nerves can take awhile to heal... even up to 6 months.
  22. Like they said, I wouldn't have an HT at this point. You're hair doesn't look bad, even when wet. Get on propecia. I wish I did sooner.
  23. Just a quick question for you HT veterans. When you began getting post-op pimples/in-grown hairs, how long was it after that did you start seeing growth?
  24. I am at 7 weeks now and it looks like I'm trading my redness for a few pimples. Never thought I'd be happy to see them. A couple of them are pretty sensitive and they are pretty damn tempting to pop!
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