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Everything posted by Dewayne

  1. I didn't have much scabbing either, for whatever reason.
  2. Have you ever seen "The Edge"'s hair transplant? He's the guitar player for U2, and they've been pretty huge since the early 80's. Those cornrows look like they were done by one of Bosley's flunkies, imo.
  3. I'd like to hear Dr. Griffin's view as well. Especially since I spent about close to $750 - $1,000 on it from his pharmacy.
  4. FWIW, Dr. Griffin in ATL prescribed me a "topical finasteride - minoxidil" mixture that I used for two years by dropping it on the top of my scalp. It made my hair look more healthy in the first few months but I couldn't find another doctor to say it would work. I showed it to Dr. Cooley, and while he didn't say it wouldn't work, I could tell from his reaction he didn't believe in it. At $35 a month, I gave it up in favor of oral Proscar for about $25 - and it's at least been proven to work.
  5. I would agree that's logical. I think that's why it's critical for young guys to plan for hair loss. I sat in the chair first at 25, and I'm thankful the doctor chose to go above my then hairline by about 1 inch. He said he "didn't want me to come looking for him in 10 years" when I receded more. He was right, too. Those plugs would have looked really stupid down on the top of my forehead at 35. That's why I'm for multiple sessions, unless you're older. Have a transplant of 2,000 or so at 25; another 2,000 at 35; and then try and finish it off at 45. That way you get a more natural look, imo. Over 40? Go for a mega session properly planned for any future loss.
  6. I tell you what though, you could hear me brushing that damn thing a hundred feet away. It sounded like taking a broom and sweeping carpet.
  7. I wore one for about 13 days. Awful feeling, to me. I was so happy when they took it off and shaved my head.
  8. 1. Hassan 2. Unfortunately, no.
  9. The 3 month mark sucks for most of us. Nothing. I noticed a change between months 4 and 5, and then not much until month 8. I think I'm still seeing some changes and I'm right at 11 months.
  10. Maybe someone could start a campaign with the insurance companies. Good study, though. http://www.washingtonpost.com/...AR2009022402934.html
  11. Here is an excellent post by Dr. Cooley, who is also a dermatologist..... *********************************************** Posted Sep 28, 9:18 AM Hide Post Hi guys. I do have an opinion on this topic. Propecia is approved by the US FDA for once a day use. This does not mean it is the best dosage, only the one that was studied and approved. The average serum "half-life" of finasteride 1mg is about 5 hours in young men and 8 hours in older men. This does not mean that half of the medicine is out of your body in that time period though. The finasteride molecule is distributed throughout the body where it binds to the type II 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, thereby inhibiting conversion of testosterone to dihydrotesterone. Serum DHT is reduced about 65%, and less DHT means less balding. But several studies show that a single dose of finasteride suppresses serum DHT for 7 days or more (Eur J Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 1991 Jan-Mar;16(1):15-21, J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1990 Apr;70(4):1136-41, Prostate. 1989;14(1):45-53). So the finasteride is leaving the bloodstream, entering the tissue throughout the body, and binding to the typeII 5AR enzyme, resulting in long lasting DHT suppression. I do not "recommend" my patients take finasteride daily, every other day, twice weekly, etc. Rather I feel it is my duty as their doctor to advise them of the known facts about this medication. Most of my patients choose to take it on a Mon-Wed-Fri schedule, which is rational from my point of view. Many of my younger patients take it daily 'just to be sure' while my older patients are happy to take it two or three times a week. There are no clinical studies showing that less than daily dosing is as effective at treating hair loss as daily dosing and for obvious financial reasons, the pharmaceutical company making finasteride has no incentive to fund such a study. I hope this information is helpful. It is up to each patient to make an informed decision about which dosage is right for them. Dr. Cooley is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians
  12. That's not my real number, but I did get my new drivers license today and was STUNNED to see the difference in my hair from 5-years ago. I wish I'd made a copy before they took it up.
  13. That's not my real number, but I did get my new drivers license today and was STUNNED to see the difference in my hair from 5-years ago. I wish I'd made a copy before they took it up.
  14. Wolfman'sbrudda: I admit I only read about 1/2 of this thread, but I'm happy for you and I believe others should take a note from what you say. I feel the same as you, but unfortunately I had a bad transplant back in '91 so shaving wasn't the most desirable thing for me. Plus, with my body type I'd look like Tojo Yammamoto. Anyway, there is this one guy I know who shaves his head daily and he looks great. His body is ripped and he has one of those cool looking moustache's right under his bottom lip. My neighbor looks good with the head shaved, too. He's about 6'1 and thin as well. Some heads don't look attractive shaved though, and some people can't get into it. But, I'm with you brother and wish you more power!
  15. I just found out last week, from my trainer, that my dentist (who is also a client) has had three transplants down in Atlanta! I never would've guessed, and I'd consider myself in the top 10% based on knowledge of transplants. So, there you go.... BTW, I think he went to Griffin.
  16. Dr. Shory in Birmingham, Alabama - the doctor for Latham's Hair Clinic. It's really not that I think he's a hack, but I called them and quizzed about their procedures and I swear they are doing it the same as back in 1991. I'm sorry, but a bunch of 4-hair plugs springing from ones hairline isn't unnoticeable; and the 8-hair plugs in my crown made it difficult to sit anywhere but on the top row bleachers at any sporting event.
  17. $9,000 for 2500 grafts. They offered a 10% discount with payment by certified check one week prior to surgery. That cost includes two nights in a hotel, plus a lot of sprays, hats and other good stuff.
  18. I agree with Joe and Dr. Hassan 100%, but I also agree with one of the other docs in saying that he believed the benefits of shaving often times didn't overcome the inconvenience to the patient. In my drunken state, about 15 minutes after Dr. Cooley gave me the valium, I offered to let him shave my head if it made the transplant better. He said there wasn't a need, and I'm glad he did because I'm like many of you and had to get back to work quick; and didn't want to explain a transplant. But, Joe's got a strong case and I believe I probably could've taken off a couple of weeks and nobody would've noticed - except for the large holes from the old plug removal.
  19. It's going fast: First of all, there are people walking around, socializing, dating, etc. that look much worse than you do so you need to get the "inside" of your head worked on too. Now, I'm not saying your transplant looks good I'm just saying you don't look so bad that you can't go out doing whatever it is 20-somethings like you do. I know, I know, it's very difficult going through this. I did it too, but I hope young guys won't make the same mistakes I made. I had the perfect life it seemed and then at 24 or 25 my thinning got the best of me and my life was really bad in many ways for the next 10 years. I mean, I got married and had kids and all that was great, but it just didn't seem the same after my hair started thinning. Now for some advice: You only have a finite number of grafts in the back of your head, so be very careful from this point forward. I would suggest someone like Cooley, Feller, etc. to take what you've got and work some of their magic on you. There are probably some good ones overseas too, but I'd be damned if I would go so far away that I didn't have much recourse if things went bad again. In the meantime, while saving up some cash, try to ignore your thinning. There are PLENTY of guys with thin hair who do great socially. Work out hard, jog, get yourself in tip-top shape and that'll make your head less noticeable. Shave it for a while if it looks good. But, try like hell to not 'lose' your 20's as some of us have done and regretted.
  20. Appollo, You are a lucky man, indeed. I too started thinning at an early age; probably 17 but people started saying something about it when I was in college at 20 or so. You are lucky because it's not 1988, or even 1998. Back then, there was no Propecia or Rogaine Foam. I did buy some Rogaine back in 1989 but it was 2% and cost $80 (that's about $150 in today's dollars)! You're also lucky because transplants have come miles and miles from where they were back when a lot of us were your age. Take a look at my weblog, and see the transplant I got when I was 25! It's brutal, I know. But try not to let hairloss be the defining moment of your 20's. Everytime I think back, the years 24 - 30 were probably the worst for me. And I primarily contribute that to my hairloss and sub-par transplant. I remember wearing hats out socially, and declining to have daytime dates, etc. because of my desire to hide my hairloss. Good luck to you. I've heard of your doctor, but I don't know much about him. Make sure you check him out good, though.
  21. I'm no doctor, and could be wrong but here's what I think..... Have you had your testosterone checked? About 3 years ago I started taking Lipitor because my cholesterol had gone up to like 235 or so. I noticed after a few months that my sex drive had went down, so I told my doc I thought the Lipitor was the culprit. He suggested checking my T and sure enough it was low. Now, I rub a little gel on my arm in the morning and I think about sex all the time! And, it makes you perform better in the gym as well. I wouldn't recommend it if your T is normal, but if it's low you'll feel tired, weak and won't be thinking about sex. The thing about Viagra though, is it doesn't help with your desire to have sex; it only gets it up. There's a difference. The cure for doing it twice a day though is a good dose of marriage and kids. You get about three kids running around and stay faithful to the same woman for about 10 years, and you won't be doing it twice a day!
  22. I would wait a couple more weeks at least. When I asked about working out, Dr. Cooley specifically mentioned trying not to sweat for several days; 10 I think. But, you've got the rest of your life to exercise, so why risk it? Besides, even Stallone has gone extended periods of time with no exercise to get ready for a movie....(ever see him in that fat cop movie?)
  23. I hope to go back for the crown this year, but as I said earlier I've spent a lot of money this past year on this and other 'stuff'. I just got word of two reunions coming in the next few months; 25 year high school and 20 year college fraternity reunion so I'm looking forword to not having to worry about the old plugs.
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