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Everything posted by Dewayne

  1. I think that looks fairly normal, and maybe you should purchase some Dermmatch to cover it for a few weeks. Also, I think you'd be suprised at how people won't notice that. But, try the Dermmatch. My scar really faded about month 5, and now at month 9 I doubt any of you could find it.
  2. I don't think that's normal, and many of the best doctors in the world only require a 20% deposit to confirm your appointment. If you miss the appointment, I agree you should forfeit the deposit. However, if you have an emergency (death in the family, etc.) the last thing I'd want is to be haggling over getting my $10k back. My doctor offered a 10% discount if paid in cash one-week prior to the surgery, so that's what I did. I trusted his reputation though, and felt confident he'd do right if such an emergency arose.
  3. Cooley is the best in North Carolina for sure, but in the South Griffin in Atlanta is great and the guy in Nashville is too. Of the three, I found Cooley the least expensive; if that is an issue. I'm happy with my procedure with him.
  4. The owner (son of founder) of Latham's Hair Clinic in Alabama told me he had a transplant there by Dr. Shory, who is the clinic's doctor. But, there is no damn way he had one and I think a lot of these places tell perspective patients that bullsh_t just to make the sale. This guy's hair looked perfect and natural, yet I get four hair plugs that are easily recognizable? It was '91 too, so I know (now) he was feeding me a line. On their website, you can see him running a comb through it like he's had one. It was the same video they showed me back then. Check it out....... http://www.lathamshairclinic.com/
  5. bananas, The best estimate I've heard, but I'm sort of a statistics based person, is from Dr. Cooley: -At 6 months, 25% of patients will attain 75% of their growth, 50% of patients will attain 50% of their growth, 25% of patients will attain 25% of their growth. So, the hard part is knowing which percentile you're in. Personally, I've learned that I'm in probably the 25%/25% group, because I started noticing my growth around month 7 and it's really improved lately, at month 9. The middle group is typical, so odds are at month 5 you've only experienced 30% or so of the growth you'll get. And then, the hairs will start fattening up around month 10 and look even fuller.
  6. Back in 1990, at the age of 24, I made a big change from my previous years; in regards to getting my hair cut. I remember that lady at the beauty shop very well when she said, "You are awful young to be thinning like that on top." Since then, I've been going to your average barber shop. Not only that, I try to go to the oldest barber I can so he might not be able to see enough to recognize my plugs! A woman hasn't cut my hair in 18 years! Well, with the new year and the new hair I've made a resolution to visit a local "beauty shop" this Friday or next week to see if there's a difference. One thing is probably sure, I won't be walking out no more with an inch difference in my damn side burns! Carry on....
  7. Back in 1990, at the age of 24, I made a big change from my previous years; in regards to getting my hair cut. I remember that lady at the beauty shop very well when she said, "You are awful young to be thinning like that on top." Since then, I've been going to your average barber shop. Not only that, I try to go to the oldest barber I can so he might not be able to see enough to recognize my plugs! A woman hasn't cut my hair in 18 years! Well, with the new year and the new hair I've made a resolution to visit a local "beauty shop" this Friday or next week to see if there's a difference. One thing is probably sure, I won't be walking out no more with an inch difference in my damn side burns! Carry on....
  8. Since last January, I've given this board various insights of my life so far, at 42 years young. It's amazing how time seems to pass, especially for those of us who lost their hair at such an early age. For me, people started making comments about my 'diffuse' thinning around the age of 22. My prime. I could still pull it off in front of most people, though, and still dated some pretty fine women up until I got married...(isn't that what this is all about?) Everyone boasts I know, but I can tell you I outkicked my coverage with the women many times through high school and college. Not that this should make balding any tougher, but it sure sucked the life out of me and one of the things I was good at; getting girls. At 23 or so, I broke up with a girl I'd dated for a couple years. From there, I went from the college scene, as she was still at Auburn, to the club and full-time work scene very quickly. My thinning hair kept making me more self-conscious by the month. Pretty soon, I was out on the scene wearing baseball hats, you all know the drill. Another thing that was always important to me is music. In fact, I've mentioned here before that I was the singer for a college party band for three years or so. We even got paid a few times for playing, but it was mostly frat parties and opening up for a band at the local bars (for minimum $), or headlining at bars on Monday nights. Although I could never have made a living at it, I enjoyed it very much and it made me feel pretty cool. And it help me build on something I was pretty good at; getting girls. But, just like a lot of things; one day I decided I didn't feel comfortable getting in front of people to sing anymore. My hair was thinning. I had stopped running, so I felt I had put on a little extra weight. And I didn't feel all that great in a baseball cap. I took a job the week after college graduation at a manufacturing plant. It was no coincidence that a hard hat was required to be worn at all times. Although I thought at the time this made my hair fall out even more, I sort of felt like myself because now I had a reason to wear a hat. I got 300 grafts in 1991 at the age of 26 and for a few months, that made me feel a little better. But I then spent the next 16 years trying to hide the plugs. For two weeks in 1998 I wore a Hair club system. The only time I came close to singing was some Karoke on my 30th birthday. I got a pretty good ovation singing For What It's Worth by Buffalo Springfield, but it was in a dark bar so I wasn't worried too much about being bald. Plus, I was drunk and so was most everyone else. And then, it seems like I woke up in 2008 and I'm 42, on the back nine. I honestly still feel 21 inside. But I tell you, this balding has really taken about 20 years of prime living out of me. Then I came back to this site in January and consulted with some great clinics. Dr. Cooley has restored my looks back to a normal 42 year old, and I will be forever grateful. I hate that people are still getting sub-par transplants in 2008, but they are. Hell, even my old clinic in Alabama still does it the same as in 1991. But I'd give anything if the technology had been there back in the early 90's. I've said it often; but if I were a young guy I'd drive a $500 car and spend my money on a brand new hair transplant and really look good. I wish I were the type to just not worry about my thinning, but that's not me. I hate it, but throughout my childhood to adulthood my hair was an important part of me. (I'm trying to deemphasize hair to both my sons....) Anyway, last Saturday night the wife and I went to our friend's Christmas party. They are old friends from high school and college, with several of my old buddies there. We live about two hours away from where we grew up, so a lot of people I knew were there. My buddy had hired this 3 man band (drums, acoustic/singer, and electric guitar), and after about five beers I played with them. It was more than just singing a song at a party, as I was deeply thinking about my new life with hair as I sung with a band for the first time in 20 years. A little rusty, it was still one of those moments for me. Most people there probably just thought, "hey he must be about drunk for getting up there singing," but it seemed even spiritual to me. I forgot a couple of the words, or maybe even verses, but I sang Wonderwall by the British band Oasis. We played it sort of acoustic like Ryan Adams does, and like Noel did a couple years back. We also did Flake by Jack Johnson, and though the guitars are very tough on both of those, that band hit it and I think we did a pretty good job. Unfortunately, I didn't know all the words to a lot of the other songs they knew, so I had to get coached up on those two that I picked from their list. I'm not about to start a world tour or anything like that, but I do feel I've gained back some of my youth. It's cool not having to worry that someone's noticing either my bald head or plugs in my hairline and crown. I think a couple of women were even giving me that look I haven't seen in many years. Except now, they are all 35, instead of 19, and I'm married to someone who would bust my kneecaps if I even think about acting on that. Sorry for the rant, but it was an experience I wanted to share with someone who can relate. Rock on! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - And all the roads we have to walk along are winding And all the lights that lead us there are blinding There are many things that I would Like to say to you But I don't know how Because maybe You're gonna be the one who saves me And after all You're my wonderwall - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  9. I had a little bit of shock loss at a couple of weeks, but not as much as yours looks. All in all, I was very lucky in that I didn't have any of the usually mentioned ill-effects of the transplant; ie, shockloss, swelling, etc. If that bothers you, I'd try some Dermmatch to cover it for a few weeks. But, I am / was a slow grower somewhat so that's what I got. I was hoping I'd have a full head of hair at five months like the kind seen on here ocassionally, but it wasn't to be. I've noticed some big differences between months 7 & 9. My number one goal was to get a natural looking head of hair, even if I didn't turn back the clock to age 21, and I think I have. I didn't lower my hairline or put many grafts into the crown, but my transplant is virtually undetectable I'd bet. Maybe Feller, Shapiro, Bill, etc. could tell I've had a transplant, but I doubt most anyone else could tell. Having said all that, I wish I'd spent another $3k for 1500 or so more grafts in the crown.
  10. As I've said before, around month four my scar was very, very hard to detect by touch or sight. It's like hairs started growing into it. My wife was rubbing her finger on it Sunday and I asked if she could feel the scar, and she said exactly, "no, I forgot about that scar. Does it hurt?" Of course it doesn't.
  11. If so, he's got a good looking head of transplanted hair imo. And, I imagine Dr. Bosley was / is a very good surgeon. The problem is, when the best doc starts franchising out then the original quality gets diluted or sometimes lost. Same thing with fried chicken. Colonel Sanders fried a very tasty bird back in the day, but now half the KFC's in America aren't fit to eat in as far as I'm concerned.
  12. Thana, My own personal opinion is that Cooley's instructions have been mistaken somewhat, perhaps even by me. But, what he told me was to take 1 mg Propecia once daily, but when I opted for 5 mg Proscar he said to split a pill and take it M-W-F. I read his post on the topic a couple months ago and I believe he's talking about the 5mg when discussing EOD treatments. Maybe, in cases of sexual sides it is beneficial to take Propecia EOD, but I never had issues with that....(other than just being an old guy.)
  13. Bernstein is very bald, but still considered one of the best ht surgeons. I heard he told someone since he was a NW 7 he never really was a candidate. Cooley had one from, I think Dr. Vogul. He tells about it in the video link on this site. His baldness is what made him change to hair transplantation.
  14. My nine month anniversary is next week, and I'm going to post some then.
  15. I've noticed the most improvement, personally, between the 8th and 9th months - where I'm at right now. It's a weird feeling washing my hair and feeling much thicker hair up there.
  16. Thanks for the Christmas card. I know which one Janna is, but is that you, B-Spot, down in the left corner with the jacket? Have you had a transplant? Looks good nonetheless. Quite an impressive group anyway.
  17. Looks good so far, but a long way to go for you for sure. Keep in mind something Dr. Cooley told me; At 6 months, about 25% of patients have experienced 75% of their final growth. Another 25% are at only 25% growth. The remaining, or 'typical' patient, which is 50% of all, has experienced just 50% of the growth. So odds are you're about 1/2 of the final result....
  18. As others have said, there are side effect possibilities with any drug. I've been taking Proscar for nine months and I can't say yes or no to the side effects. I will say I did my first prostate exam a few months back and mine is "very small", which I think for a prostate the smaller the better..... Not to get the thread severely off track, after that checkup I can't see for the life of me how a man can, em, take one in that area. Do gay men have their prostate removed? Damn, that doctor's finger hurt like a mother pushing around on that thing! And, I'm seriously not trying to be cute. It's just something I keep thinking of after that test.
  19. The raging erection of my youth has somewhat given way to a pretty adequate semi, but it might be more the result of: a. Being 42, and b. married to the same woman for 18 years.... I'm fairly certain that with a little 'strange', I would revert to my former self.....finasteride be damned. But, it is not to be as I'm only programmed to think that sort of stuff, not act upon it.
  20. I just got mine cut down to a 2, and it's undetectable. I think some hairs have grown into my scar because I can hardly find it myself. If I can manage to drop about 20 pounds, that I've been talking about for 5 years, I'm going with a buzz cut. However, as it stands now I risk looking like Tojo Yammamota right now, at 5-8, 190 lbs.
  21. Can you trim it down, buzz style or shave it? If it was done by a top doc, the scar should be fading in a couple or three months; but the recipient area should be fairly undetectable from the shots I've seen and based on my own experience.
  22. Tony, I think one of us must have misunderstood, or our ages or something are different. Anyway, Dr. Cooley told me to cut the pill in 1/3, and take it M-W-F. I must admit, though, it's hard as hell cutting that pill into 1/3's so maybe I'm the one who misunderstood. I think I'll look up his post on the subject.
  23. Good Lord, no... First, I think your hair looks pretty good and I'd stay on the Proscar and Rogaine. Second, Dr. Feller is in NYC as well and is widely considered one of the best in the world. I figure his prices are probably comparable to MHR as well. You should do what dhoose says and cancel that appt. asap. In somone like Dr. Feller's hands, I'd say 1,500 grafts or so would make a great difference for you.
  24. Yes. 1) Get them lasered and no hair will grow in that spot ever again, or 2) Get them 'punched' out and in a couple of months the scarring should be minor. I had this done, but mine was an outdated 'plug' job so I had the hairline took out, along with the crown. But, I had a new FU procedure done at the same time. There is your straight answer. Now, I think you should post some details and pictures. As my new hair is growing, I've found myself sometimes torn as I had grown accustomed to the way I used to look. Sometimes the new hairs don't fall in the right direction the first year or so, but it gets better. Sometimes I think my head looks much bigger now, because I'm not completely used to seeing hair on top. I've had to start learning how to style again. Hell, I've even started using some mousse! If you're like me, you've been used to jumping out of the shower, running a towel past your head, and hitting the road! I suggest you post pics, and get some unbiased opinions on your hairline.
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