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Everything posted by Dewayne

  1. fwiw, Dr. Cooley prescribed me Proscar 5mg, with instructions to cut into 1/3 size doses and take Monday, Wednesday, Friday. So, in effect it's 1.66mg 3x per week.
  2. I can tell you then, that somebody besides Feller himself did the writing on the website. Why? Because I've read a lot of his stuff on here and can tell you that he, thanatopsis and Bill are all the best writers on the forum. Hell, I think Feller is probably too good of a writer. You wrote: "Here's where my off the wall questions:" Are you sure you aren't just reading it wrong? J/K, by the way.....
  3. I had quite a bit more hair than you and got 2,750 in my front 2/3, but none in my crown. Like Thana said, you'll likely need more than that if you're looking for a 'full' look. If you get the 3,000, I think it will frame your face well and make you look 'not balding' from the front, but won't touch the crown.
  4. I can't say it better than the person above, who placed the grafts on the left side of my head six months ago..... Thanks Brandi, and I apologize for the snoring... This was a heated debate about three months ago, with one member saying a "trained monkey" could do it and it wouldn't make a difference. Obviously, he was surely exaggerating. But, I think if the doctor is in there a lot, doing some of it, etc., then that's good. I've read complaints where some aren't seen again after making the initial incisions, which is bad. From what I remember, Cooley was in there all but about 20-minutes with me, which made me feel a lot better. Afterwards though, I realized there were plenty of experts who could do it just as well or better. But, I felt better with the doctor in the room because at that point he's the one I had the relationship with.
  5. Sna, I've been around awhile and had one sub-par transplant at 25 yrs. old and one excellent transplant at 42 - six months ago, and a hair system from the Hair Club for a couple weeks back in '97... so, I'll give your questions a shot. 1. Don't go, or even call them, back to Bosley. It's not worth the risks. They might have some good docs, but they've got some flunky's, trainees, and just plain butchers as well. If you're happy with 50-50 odds, then..... 2. See #1. I haven't read past question #2, but I can already praise you for finding this site. If you're in Boston, check out Feller or Bernstein in NYC. (edit: I see now you're in Houston.... I still might fly to NYC anyway) 3. Dang, son. I don't know this guy, but you don't exactly have anyone's top 3 here. Again, check out the list above of coalition docs and then post some questions and start narrowing it down. I think you'll find better value, plus you'll look a whole lot more natural and better. FWIW, here's my top 5 in no particular order.... 1. Hassan and Wong, Vancuever 2. Cooley, Charlotte 3. Feller, NYC 4. Nakatsui, AB (although I haven't seen his work in awhile on here, it was incredible when they posted some pics.) 5. Shapiro, Minneapolis There are some others, I just haven't seen enough of their pictures to proclaim them THE definitive top 5. Some more are Lindsey, Carmen, etc. Go to one of the ones above, and I'll go to sleep tonight knowing I've saved someone from several years of embarrassment and self-confidence breakdowns of the highest degree. Good luck, and keep researching and asking questions.
  6. I'm in the financial business; investments, insurance, etc. and I can tell you that is a very popular look especially among younger - 30 - 40 year olds, and most people I come in contact with wear suits daily. And, I do business in and around Atlanta, but I also travel to New York, Los Angelos, Boston, etc. and find this look relatively popular among investment firms.
  7. I noticed this quote from Dr. Cooley on an earlier post, from Sept. 29. For the record, I might have shaved my head but it was close to a deal breaker for me as well.... "Simply restoring the frontal hairline results in improvement but the wide forehead that results from failing to restore the temples will lead to a sub-optimal result. We used both lateral and sagital slits. Most of our patients do not want to shave their heads and expect to be back to work in a week so we like the sagital slits to blend into existing hair. We also try to angle the grafts very acutely foreward so the patient has more styling options: downward, to the side, or combed back. If the grafts are too upright, the patient often has to comb the hair back because it won't lay down. Temporal restoration must be undertaken with care in younger men because further recession behind temporal grafts can be problematic."
  8. Stig, Do you have any pics, or will you make a weblog? I'm always interested in seeing another satisfied Dr. Cooley patient.
  9. Pop 'em. I'm not a doctor, but as long as you keep your head clean I don't think you'll have an issue with infection.
  10. The liquid usually ended up running down my neck, since my hair WAS so thin it couldn't stop it. I'm not sure, but the foam is a lot more convenient for sure. I remember one of the docs on the "live chat" one night a few months back said the foam was superior for other reasons.
  11. I figured out how to put my daily regimen in the signature line, so it's automatic.... But, you're wrong: 1. Georgia 2. North Carolina 3. New York 4. Texas 5. Florida
  12. I can tell I have new hairs grown in all over, but I know they will thicken. I'm at six months exactly today. I just returned from visiting an older couple, who are clients of mine. I haven't seen them in a year and I took him a cap with my company logo on it, as he's fairly old and in failing health. He said he had to wear a hat outside and I said, "So do I as my hair is so thin my head will get blistered." His wife said "your hair looks to be really thickening up compared to the last time we saw you....." I went on to say it usually darkens up right at the beginning of fall, etc. etc. My point is, at about 5.5 months I can tell but it's so gradual those around me aren't noticing too much, I don't think.
  13. Its no different then guys stupid enough to let a surgeon put plugs in his hairline. If anything that shows how f-ing STUPID people can be. Or is it desperation and lack of information? Deception is deception . By the way its not permanent with todays repair procedures unless all of the donor has been wasted. But I agree those doctors are criminals but these laser advocates are gigantic scam artists,just short of criminal activity. There are hundreds of threads addressing the surgery issue . I believe a couple threads on bogus treatments is warranted and I applaud Dr Feller for what he is doing. With his rep he could make ALOT of money with a few laser stations. It's a lot different, PGP. There's a difference in getting sliced up by a doctor than buying some lamp to shine on your head. I agree it's suspect for a doctor to be recommending them, but it's a lot different. To me it's about the same as the "Euro-Glide Slim Master" machine I bought for my wife 15 years ago because they said it'll make her have rock hard abs. I'm just saying that anyone with a brain ought to be able to figure out that won't work. And, I agree with Feller.
  14. In my view, the real criminals are the clinics still putting out outdated, or bad results, because that's permanent. If somebody's stupid enough to buy one of those lasers, they would have spent their money on something else. There's a lot of that stuff around, but I can understand other doctor's taking it more personal because it probably hurts your profession. My profession (brokerage) has to be the king of it all. Through the years there has been so many people wronged that now we are regulated so heavily it's difficult to even talk to people.
  15. You should post a link when you get your site up, and let us know about your extensive research and visits of the top clinics.
  16. You guys are pretty gross. Just wait til you get in your 40's and Mother-Nature takes care of that stuff for you....
  17. Congratulations tarik. I believe you've picked a top quality surgeon. I consulted with Dr. Charles, and he actually gave me his cell and answered a lot of my questions over a couple of weeks. I've seen very impressive results from him on here as well.
  18. Dewayne, Did you mean $3000 on a 1000 graft proceedure? No, I meant about $1,000 difference in price on a 3,000 graft procedure. For example, I found the top clinics charged between $11,000 to $12,000.
  19. Maybe it's my weird sense of humor, but since John Lennon was shot in New York I just figured Ringo Starr was at least nervous, while in NYC. Your title was "Nervous in NYC", by Ringo.
  20. Those three would definately still be on my list. But, that's only three.
  21. Sparky, My old plugs can't be seen now at six months. However, I had a FU transplant at the same time so I don't know how much of the reason is b/c the other hairs are covering the scars. What I meant was, I think you'd be happy with a small hair transplant session, while at the same time removing those older plugs. Modern transplants performed by a world-class surgeon will NOT be detectable in the hairline.
  22. I had a full transplant, but the removal of most of my old 'minis' was free. Personally, I would check into doing a 'small' FU procedure, to include removing the old ones. I think Griffin in Atlanta does a small session like that for about $4,500 and Cooley in Charlotte does 1,000 grafts for about the same amount. Mine scarred, but wasn't noticeable after a month or so. Therefore, I think you'd be happy with that part of it if you have any native hairs.
  23. the old "top 5" poll question here in a few weeks; now that we're seeing more clinics post some impressive results...... Personally, I've got one or two I might add to mine if I see some more examples.
  24. the old "top 5" poll question here in a few weeks; now that we're seeing more clinics post some impressive results...... Personally, I've got one or two I might add to mine if I see some more examples.
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