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Everything posted by Dewayne

  1. I had 2500 with Dr. Cooley, and he didn't require shaving. I'm a 'diffuse' thinner and except for a few noticeable old plug removal at the hairline, my procudure would've been pretty much undetectable after three or four days. But, I too think it would give a better result if you shaved. Like you though, I couldn't do it mostly because of my work with clients.
  2. I think your head looks pretty good with that style, and IF you have yourself in relatively good physical shape I'd stay as is. But if you don't, I think the Nanogen and definitely get on Proscar and Rogaine. Do all that for a couple of years and see how it goes. But, yea I think you're a good candidate for a transplant. Again, I think you are probably letting it bother you more than others notice it. My head never looked that good, and my pattern of loss was such that shaving it looked pretty goofy.
  3. I think youngsuccess is right on... Here's my advice, fwiw. Pick a reputable doctor who many on here and / or other sites have recommended. Consult with a couple and choose. TELL the doctor you will be giving a full account of your procedure, with pics and everything, on this site for the next two years. If he / she has any sense, they'll realize the tremendous opportunity they have to do you right. Also, they'll know if the results don't prove acceptable, you will still be on here for the next two years like a psycho pit-bull telling the world. Then he / she will probably think twice about skimping on you.
  4. Can you give us some more info.? Like, where are you so we can recommend a doctor you can go consult with. There's a good topic on "Am I too young...." you should read. I'd also be interested in who did your first procedure as you had to be, what 20 or younger?
  5. I doubt the next major breakthrough in hair restoration will come out of Australia, personally. No offense, but that will happen in New York or California, or maybe in Canada. Not that they aren't as smart down there, but I just think the 'demand' is greatest in North America and that's where something like that will happen.
  6. Check this out. It just took me a minute to find this, but I'm sure you can find more... http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/352...361036773#6361036773
  7. I agree with Wanthairs; as Epstein has posted some examples of cases that are outside of the mainstream so to speak. But, for all I know Griffin, Rose and Charles have done the same. Judging from the 'unusual' cases Epstein has posted on here, I'd bet he has done just what you are describing.... You might search his name and see some examples from him.
  8. I have always had thin hair, or at least since I was 14 or so. My youngest son has my fine, thin characteristics. It makes a difference, for sure, but I still have seen good results. If you study some of the weblogs, you'll see how some have a much thicker appearance with fewer grafts. I'm only a little over 5 months, so I don't have any definitive results to make this point, but I've studied a lot of hair. But, to answer you questions; yes, I think you can get reasonable coverage. But, for example, someone like Bill_the_bald who posted his results the other day will get more dense looking results with only 2,500 grafts b/c of his hair characteristics and color than I could possibly hope for. All my opinion, and I'm certainly no expert.
  9. At the risk of starting another verbal war between Bill and Dr. Feller, I'll say because they are "cured" of baldness and no longer need the support / information, etc.
  10. A legend from the past speaks! I've read a lot of old posts where you were moderating, Robert, so it's good to see something more recent from you. I went to Dr. Cooley, in part, because of the detailed writeup you posted about your experience there. I think yourcoach was just listing the clinics he was consulting with / considering, instead of a definitive top 5 list.
  11. Good stuff. You sound a lot like my wife with your saving $$. Maybe you should change your user name to Bill_the_bald_tight_wad? J/k, I wish I was more like that. You'll have more money to save / spend on things you like....
  12. Congrats Darian, I hope you post some pics. I consulted with Dr. Griffin as well, and found his office to be just as you described. I'm located right up north of Atlanta, about 40 miles from Dr. Griffin.
  13. Chav, I got my first transplant at 25. That's pretty young, and I wasn't a very smart 25 year old and I didn't really have a site like this or someone knowledgeable enough to get advice. However, my pattern was worse than yours. If I were you, I'd try Dermatch on that bald spot on top or maybe some Toppik. And get on the Proscar. Wait until your 30 to make a decision.
  14. Looks excellent. Your hairtype must be that which looks thicker, b/c it looks like you had about 4,000 grafts. Here is your old pics linked: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=148858
  15. Check out Dermmatch or Toppik. The Dermatch is a base that colors your scalp and makes the hairs at the root fatter.
  16. I have to agree with Bill on this one.... It's one thing to get criticized on your work by patients / those looking for a transplant, but I wouldn't want to be apart of a coalition of any kind when another member is taking jabs at me. Moreover, with results like Feller gets and the great posting Spex does; I don't think either would have to be critical of other clinics at all. Both results speak loudly. Over the past several months, there have been a few posts about clinic reps being critical of other recommended doctors, and how generally it's a turnoff to us looking for a doc. Most everyone can see through the frequent posters who come on and are critical of Feller Medical. And I agree that some new posters might get bad advice if those posts aren't held to account. But, the regular patients will be there to hold them in check I would hope.
  17. At 25 when I had my first transplant, I told my closest buddies as I wasn't yet married. However, that was a mistake because one of them brings it up now in front of people 17 years later. Another guy told his own hairstylest, whom I knew, and she asked me about it one day. They've all told their wives. So, my advice is don't tell anyone except your wife / parents, etc. UNLESS you don't care for them running their mouths. Let's face it, it's human nature to gossip, make others look bad, etc. The first time your best buddies wife says you are holding your age well, he'll blurt out to her and everyone that you've had a transplant.
  18. I'm not being smart either, but I think all clinics claim to have invented micro / mini grafting, etc. At least mine did. Unfortunately for me, it was 1991 and the internet wasn't widely available and I believed my clinic's claims to have invented modern hair transplantation right there in North Alabama!
  19. cotton: His website says $3 - $5, depending on size. But, mine personally was $9k for 2500 grafts. That's prepaying with certified funds though. Otherwise, it would have been $10k.
  20. FWIW, you can do an online consult via email / phone, etc. And then go do your surgery so there is only one trip involved.
  21. I can't believe you all are diss'in my pic taking skills! Seriously though, I actually do have a digital camera AND a pretty nice video camera that makes pictures. I'm fairly lazy, so the computer camera is easy to snap them. Problem is with my digital is we've got like 200 pics on there and it keeps downloading (doesn't clear) every time. So, it's time consuming. Since I'm a diffuse thinner, the growth is filling in and my graphs are a little more spread out. But, if you compare the last pic at 5 month with the 3 month at the same angle, I think you'll see a big difference. Another thing I'm tickled with is the old plugs being gone! Those bastards were more noticeable than I had realized. Take a look at my weblog.
  22. I think that Chuck Schumer, D-NY had some work done as well. Not particularly good work either but not horrible I suppose. About three years ago, I walked out of a Trump Building on Wall Street in NYC, right into Jim Cramer - who used to co-host with Kudlow. Shook his hand and everything. He was just walking down the sidewalk. He's a lot smaller in person. About 5-7 and 165 pounds I'd guess. And, a full NW-7 in all it's glory.
  23. Tell me what you think. Here are some before's up to 5 months. I wish I was better at setting up pics.....
  24. Tell me what you think. Here are some before's up to 5 months. I wish I was better at setting up pics.....
  25. indian, I'll give an opinion on the fist question. I believe some clinics just don't understand the powerful tool this and other sites can be. For example, I visited and consulted with Dr. Griffin in Atlanta. By all accounts, he is an excellent surgeon as well as being a member of the coalition. I specifically told a couple of people there I had got their name from this particular website. Both of these people weren't really sure at first what I was talking about. My opinion was they had plenty of business and patients to satisfy their goals so they depend on word of mouth AND this site to educate people. Think about it. These clinics are judged and deemed worthy to be recommended, provide pictures, and pay a fee to support the site. Many of them probably think that's plenty. And until they start seeing some slow business, they might not feel a need to do more. Another clinic I can speak to is Cooley, who performed my surgery. He told me they really depend on patient word of mouth as well. Again, he's got a couple month waiting list and does four surgeries a week so I'm thinking he might be happy with his practice. On the flip side, I'm sure Feller, Shapiro, Wong, etc. have plenty of business as well but take a different approach to internet postings. These clinics are taking advantage of their membership for sure. Similarly, a lot of businesses in my town pay chamber of commerce dues, do the ribbon cutting, get their names in the books, and that's it. Personally, I go to all the events, join the committees, etc. because I want to work my membership and get the most business from it possible.
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