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    • Many individuals successfully retain their transplanted and native hair for many years without the need for medication following a hair transplant surgery. However, there are others who might experience significant hair loss without taking medication. It's important to understand that medication is prescribed not just to maintain the transplanted hairs, but more importantly, to preserve the existing native hairs. If hair loss continues unabated, it can feel like a constant struggle—transplanting new hairs while continuing to lose the existing ones, which can lead to repeated surgeries. I’m not trying to scare you but rather to inform you of the potential risks involved. It’s important to also understand that even with medication, there is no certainty that you won’t lose more hair. This uncertainty is why hair loss management is unpredictable, and there isn't a straightforward/definitive answer. Ultimately, the decision on how to proceed should be made by you and your surgeon, after thoroughly understanding and weighing all the potential risks and benefits involved. Best of luck.
    • Losing 50 to 100 hairs daily is considered normal and is part of the hair growth cycle. After seeing your pictures, I believe you are an ideal candidate for medication and non-surgical treatments, which can help you maintain your hair and delay the need for surgical intervention. Currently, I don't think a hair transplant is necessary for you. Imho,risk to reward ration is unfavourable in your situation. Given that you are 27 years old, it would be prudent to wait another 4-5 years before considering hair transplant. During this period, you can effectively manage and preserve your hair through medication and other non-surgical therapies. I hope this helps you. Good Luck Brother.  
    • Hello, so the surgery was in October of 2023., almost 9 months ago. Before the surgery I asked the representative of the clinic if it would be okay by me to put the results on the internet to which he replied that he has no problem with that. It was my decision to posts results regardless of how the results would turn out, after enough time has passed by to see those results.  Although I have to say that I am not really satisfied with how this turned out, especially since it was done by one of the surgeons that is recommended by this site.  It was a DHI surgery, 4000 grafts. I was around Norwood 2,5 before the surgery. Diffuse thinning, classic story. My primary goal with the HT was to restore the hairline and although the doctor had some bad reviews even on this site in the months before the surgery, even in those instances the hairline of the patients turned out fine. So my thinking was that even if the crown results turn out less satisfying, my primary goal is the hairline anyway. On top of that, I have a great donor area and my hair is thick, which is something that the doctor confirmed himself before the surgery. I have read enough of the reviews on this site and elsewhere to know that the results on the hairline are the first to show, whereas the crown area takes longer. So it's fair to say that the situation on my hairline as of now is 90% of the final result and there will be no magic growth in the last few months before the famous one year mark. The problem is simple - significant lack of density. The only part of the hairline that has somewhat decent density is the very left part of the hairline. Every other part has a very obvious lack of density. I will post pictures for you to see what I am talking about. Keep in mind that I have a somewhat long hair here, if I were to trim it down my hair loss and the lack of density would look even worse. The last picture is how it looked before the surgery. And yes, I am taking finasteride, have been for the last 6 years and never have stopped taking it, I took up minoxidil again 3 months after the surgery (dropped minox 3 months before the surgery as instructed by the people from the clinic after I mentioned them that I had read on the internet it should be stopped before the surgery). Also, I believe there are several multiple hair grafts out there on my hairline but that's the least of my concern to be honest. The clinic guarantees that 90% of the transplanted hair will stay on the head, I have my doubts about how much of it stayed for real. I am a realistic person so I know that not all transplants can end well and with satisfying results, sometimes doctors do everything well but the result just isn't there. However, I would then expect the clinic and the doctor to offer another surgery to fix the problem. Am I wrong when thinking this? Your thoughts fellow forum members? 🤠  
    • The only thing I disagree with is not having a pricelist on the website or simple to understand pricing. The website should give some clue on how much I may have to pay.
    • This is an elective/cosmetic surgery. It is a business, when there’s high demand prices increase, as with any business. If it doesn’t the list becomes too long and then no one gets to enjoy the services in a timely manner.     
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