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Visit to Dr. Rassman's New Hair Institute Clinic in Southern California

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Many physicians claim to be true pioneers in advancing hair transplantation. But no informed person would dispute that Dr. Bill Rassman is a true pioneer in refining and widely advocating the adoption of Follicular Unit Hair Transplantation.


For his significant contributions to the advancement of hair restoration surgery Dr. Rassman was awarded the highest honor in hair restoration surgery in 2004 - the "Golden Follicle Award".


The innovations that he fought for, such as microscopically prepared follicular unit grafting, are now widely accepted and practiced. Myself and all other patients who today benefit from natural follicular unit hair transplantation owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Rassman, directly or indirectly, for fighting the good fight to make this procedure the acknowledged "Gold Standard in Hair Transplantation".


Dr. Rassman has always been willing to point out when the emperor had no clothes even when it made him unpopular with his colleagues. He was willing to put himself in the line of fire for what he believed in as a major in Vietnam. As a hair restoration physician he once again stood up under fire and was finally awarded the Golden Follicle Award.



Dr. Rassman has also been a true pioneer in using the Internet to educate patients about cutting edge hair restoration techniques. His New Hair Institute website is an incredible resource for any person considering hair transplantation. Today he continues to be on the cutting edge of online patient education and authors the most popular and respected hair restoration blog on the Web ??“ the Balding Blog.com.


In addition to embracing and promoting follicular unit grafting, Dr. Rassman defied the skeptics by pioneering the Megasession in 1992-4. He was the first to do 2000 grafts, 3000 grafts and 4000 grafts in single sessions. To those who over a decade ago said it couldn't be done he replied ??“


"Those who say it can't be done should not stand in the way of those who are doing it every day."


- Dr. Bill Rassman


Today large and high density sessions are almost common. On the day I visited Dr. Rassman and his staff were performing such a larger megasession of 4,000 plus follicular unit grafts. The patient had extremely high laxity in his donor area, which enabled Dr. Rassman to remove a very large donor strip that was 29 cm long by 2.1 cm wide.


He used a single blade to remove this strip and he then did a trichophytic closure to minimize any visible scarring. The technicians then trimmed this strip carefully into 4,185 one, two, three and four hair follicular unit grafts, which were then placed across the top of the patient's entire balding area. The entire procedure, including lunch, took only seven hours.


To see the highlights from this impressive surgery, click here.


Given Dr. Rassman's long standing reputation for doing high quality megasessions of follicular unit grafting, both the quality of the work and the speed in which it was completed were not surprising.


Dr. Rassman's reputation truly precedes him and his surgery and patient results confirm this. I believe he should be an elite member of the Coalition. Any second opinions?

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I like Dr. Rassman's work, little concerned with the donor strip removal in one piece

(For such a large strip, I thought Doc's usually removed the strip in 2, or 3 sections)


The reason for this is that the doc can check how well the scalp closes.


For example, what if the 2.1 cm wide (which is HUGE) did not close easy? Yes, I know the patient could easily return for scar revision, but it is a thought.


In 2 or 3 sections the doc could start at 1.8 and check how much tension is on the closure. If that is too tight, down to 1.5 if very little tension, up to 2.1

Not a big point, but a point.


In viewing Dr. Rassmans site, I believe his hairlines are suited for older men, however, they do look natural in most cases.


I think the biggest turn off (for me) is the idea that Dr. Rassman charges 10.00 a graft for the first 1800 grafts, 4.00 thereafter, but offers a substantial discount for the other-wise unamed docs at NHI.


Pat, I am NOT saying that Dr. Rassman isn't worthy of Coalition Membership. I just truly believe that he will find little support here, especially when H&W, Ron & Paul Shapiro, Feller, Rose cost less then NHI's unamed/unknown Doc's.


To put this in perspective I will use my 3100 graft session as a measuring stick:


3100 with Rassman himself would have cost me 23,200


Of course, this is only my opinion, and why I do realize the need to keep adding Doc's to our membership, 10.00 a graft represents an inflated sense of standing within the HT community, at least on the internet, and is not in line with some of the greatest HT surgeons in the world.


I apologize in advance to anyone I offended, as I have merely offered my opinion in an effort to offer my viewpoint as Pat requested.


I would support Dr. Rassman for inclusion in the Coalition should others offer support for him.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Nice Review Pat. He does seem to meet the qualifications for the coalition, however...


I think the biggest turn off (for me) is the idea that Dr. Rassman charges 10.00 a graft for the first 1800 grafts, 4.00 thereafter, but offers a substantial discount for the other-wise unamed docs at NHI.


Ouch...is that true? Even if he is as qualified as the other coalition docs...why would anyone go to him at $10 per graft when other top well known world doctors are charging $4.50 per graft. I don't believe the price charged per graft is a consideration to become part of the coalition, but maybe it should be? Perhaps my annoyance at the corporate price gauging of the world is getting in the way here, but I have a big problem with people/corporations charging WAY too much for a product, even if it is a good one, especially when competitors are charging much less and are more well knowned.



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I dont think there are doctors better known then Rassman. Bill no offense but, "even if he is as qualified as the other docs", i think that statment should be the other way around. He is the reason why the industry is where it is today.


So, maybe he charges $10, i'm sure he is very busy as one of the few that continue research, and i'm sure he gets clients for the prestige he has earned. But to exclude the guy that is a pioneer is a tough crediblity call...

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Something and All,

Yes, Dr. Rassman is why HT is where it is today.

I know that many Doc's hold him in the highest regard.


I will NOT argue his skill or contributions to the industry.


However, we as members of the Coalition are focused on education, accountability, and "options"


Surely if a new member was planning a visit to one of the MANY poor clinics in California, a visit to Dr. Rassman would be in order, especially if the prospective patient was unwilling to travel.


However, does anyone HONESTLY feel that after some of us step in with opinions or information AND a new member does some research and finds that Dr. Hasson, Dr.Wong, Dr. Ron Shapiro, Dr. Feller, and other current members of the Coalition are performing OUTSTANDING HT's and transformations DAILY, for the same or lower prices than the "in-training" Doc's at NHI, and substantially lower costs than Dr. Rassmans costs, will consider him?


I have two problems with this:

1. Admitting Dr. Rassman into the Coalition, is basically admitting every Doc he has on staff at NHI. I understand that Pat trusts Dr. Rassmans skill (which I FULLY support), but the subject of Dr. Rassmans "other" Doc's must be clarified.


2. While I do not feel it is my place to determine a man's worth, I will find it difficult to recommend Dr. Rassman, as will many others, based on his cost vs. the cost of those considered by many to be the leaders of the HT industry by peers and patients worldwide.


As many of you know, I take the inclusion/exclusion of Doc's in the Coalition very seriously. What we are doing here is important and has lasting long-term ramifications. I do not want to set up a situation where patients are being advised to "go elsewhere" for a Doc that is include in the Coalition based on cost/noteriety.

I think we might be setting Dr. Rassman up to fail.


Of course, these are my OPINIONS. If a patient wishes to go to Dr. Rassman himself, he or she will receive an ultra-refined HT, of which I am CERTAIN.

If my Coalition brothers wish to overwhelmingly include Dr. Rassman and NHI in the Coalition, I will support them 110% without any reservations.


I am only voicing an opinion, per Pat's request. This is NOT an indictment/rejection of Dr. Rassman, just one perspective.

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I hear your concerns regarding Dr. Rassman's premium pricing. Such a price would be cost prohibitive for many of us. But in the land of the one million dollar outhouse (i.e. California realestate) and high paid celebrities some would not hesitate to pay to have Dr. Rassman with his reputation do their surgery.


Dr. Rassman also likes our online community and intends to promote it in his popular blog. He also wants to be in the Coalition among his colleagues such as Dr. Bernstein and Dr. Shapiro.


Therefore I felt he deserved to be in the Coalition. But it will be up to patients to determine whether his fees are merited.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Sorry Pat, my post and yours must have arrived at the same time.


By all means, if Dr. Rassman can accept the issues that will inevitably arise about his fees, the he should be included.


I like the idea of his presence here as well.


I would like clarification on his staff at NHI.


I hope no offense is taken, and I hope you understand I am no way questioning your approval of Dr. Rassman, just raising some concerns.


Thanks for understanding


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hello to all,


This is a great discussion and it's great that we can all discuss these issues of concern. Being that I've never really been into History, and that is true for just about all topics, I don't have any prior knowledge of Dr. Rassman or what he did or didn't do to pioneer hair transplantation to what it is today. That being said, I have to acknowledge my ignorance on the topic of his experience.


I will say this...it does surprise me, however, if that is true, that he was not one of the first members of the coalition and is only being considered now. Of course, I recognize that there are a number of factors that could have prevented this until now, but either way...I'm surprised that Dr. Rassman has not had more publicity on this forum or other forums for that matter. I admit, I haven't looked up every doctor to see how much information there is...but it's not a name that jumps out at me like other doctors do. Therefore, at the very least, from an observational standpoint, he is NOT as well recognized by patients as other doctors. I do not argue, however, that he may be just as competent.


Either way, the cost does throw me...maybe this is just my personal vendetta against ANYONE who is WAY overpriced for anything. To me, I consider it price gauging and I personally have a problem with promoting any business, doctor, company that would charge well over the "competetive" price. Not to mention...it is typically the one who charges more, if they are successful that drives up the price of other companies/clinics, etc. Rarely do prices come down, but they always go up...this is how inflation works. And if Dr. Rassman has enough demand, other physicians might be so inclined to raise their fees, leaving the lower and middle class S.O.L!


As far as qualifications go...he seems to meet the criteria for the coalition...but I can't endorse him as part of the coalition...my conscience just wouldn't be clear if I did. But whether he is or isn't admitted, is up to you. However, as long as I'm around on these forums, I'd never recommend and always warn anyone about going to see a doctor that is well overpriced when they can go to a doctor (with equal skill) that is less than half the price.


Of course, just as B-spot...I offer no disrespect to Dr. Rassman as a physician, however, I seriously question ANYONE who feels the need to charge way over the competitive price. I don't intend to start a war with these statements...but I do have strong opinions on it.



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Originally posted by Bill:

Either way, the cost does throw me...maybe this is just my personal vendetta against ANYONE who is WAY overpriced for anything. To me, I consider it price gauging and I personally have a problem with promoting any business, doctor, company that would charge well over the "competetive" price.


He is competitive. If he had priced himself out of the market he would have lowered the price. We say don't let price determine the doctor, so why shouldn't this apply to him? You have to realize that $30K-$40K for many guys is nothing, and for that they get some assurance; apparently he is great doctor with consistent results.


They are different priced lawyers, accountants, plumbers, so why shouldn't we have tiered HT doctors? If you can't afford it, go to a lower priced one, or don't have it at all. After all it is an elective procedure.

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I'd hardly call $10 per graft a competitive price when most top docs are between $4 and $5 per graft. I'm not arguing whether or not he is a great doctor...but charging that much is astronimical. And I suppose what's worse is that people actually still go to see him when there are docs that are just as good at a much lower fee.


Using advice like "don't let price determine the doctor" is typically good...but it doesn't apply here. That advice is used on perspective patients who are looking for a doctor who charges the least regardless of skill. It is not used as a justification for a doctor to be well overpriced. Besides...most doctors, including most the top doctors in the world are COMPETITIVE, as in, they are close to the same rate.


There are only two reasons I can see why people would go to him with that price: 1. They are ignorant that there are other docs that are just as high skilled with a much lower price or 2) they are of a very high social economic class and don't give a damn if they spend that much money...or find some sort of prestige in it.


The only way I could justify him charging that much would be if his skill level was much higher than the other coalition doctors. But I don't see that as being the case...he is competive in skill, just not in price.


The bottom line is...it's already hard enough for the majority of patients to pay $25000 for multiple surgeries let alone $50000. Shouldn't one of our jobs of this forum (whether moderator or patient) be to help perspective patients make wise decisions and in their best interest? Would sending a patient to a equally skilled doctor with a 50% higher price be in a patients best interest?


I can see I am probably standing somewhat alone on this issue...but so be it. It's not really a personal battle for me because I'm pretty much done having surgeries...but I suppose I am thinking of perspective patients, especially those who live in that area, find this site, see he's a member of the coalition (which for many...is all the research they feel they need to do), and go to him...completely ignorant that his prices are much higher than anyone else. They'll come out with a great head of hair in the end perhaps, but a much emptier wallet! I know I know...the patient should have been responsible enough to do his own research...but if our community is "selling" this doctor as a coalition doctor, we are partly at fault because their research here has led them to him in vain...at least, financially in vain.



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Your NOT alone Bill!!!!!


I do understand and support John as well.


My ONLY posit here is that I will have a problem supporting Dr. Rassman as a viable alternative, when MY own personal surgeon is half the cost, widely regarded as one of the 5-10 best HT surgeons in the world, and considered the expert on hairline design. This is compounded by the fact that those of us who have been here a while remind people that travel should NOT be an issue!!!!!

While it should not really be an issue, it is in fact, a large issue!


I admire Dr. Rassman, I have nothing but praise for his skill, and would WELCOME him into the Coalition, without reservation.


I just do not want the guy to sit here reading post after post about how much he costs, and fly to Vancouver or Minnesota, etc... because it IS about cost, regardless of how much money a person has.


From what I hear of Dr. Rassman, a person like myself is gaga over the thought of him engaging in discussion on this forum. I love the thought of engaging him and presenting arguments, etc..

Trust me when I say this guy IS a pioneer, no doubt about it.


I just don't want to force him or his patients to defend themselves over cost EVERY time someone asks about him, that's all.


Anyway, glad you guys care about this stuff, and are willing to chime in.

Thanks for recognizing our responsibility to offer an opinion, regardless of whether or not it is liked/disliked.



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Thanks for your insight B-spot!


I certainly like the thought of engaging quality doctors in discussion hearing and learning from their arguments etc.


the only problem I forsee, for example is if someone is asking questions about Dr. Rassman on the forum for input. The price thing not only is inevitably going to come up...it should. We owe it to perspective patients to present the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but. Think of this...when something stands out as exceptionally good or bad, don't we typicaly bring it up? If someone was asking about Dr. Hasson, someone would most likely state how his state of the art performance has been known to extract some of the highest numbers of grafts in the world and yielding excellent results. We might also say about Dr. Armani that he is notoriously known for doing operations on younger patients and using up the donor supply too early. So it only makes sense to say about Dr. Rassman that he's an excellent doctor with a great reputation but he charges way too much.


But certainly if a patient chooses the Dr. after knowing all the facts, then it's their choice and DRILLING the price argument would be stupid and disrespectful to both the doctor and the patient.


But yes, I do appreciate being able to share my opinion and read the opinions of others. ultimately it is the patients choice...they just should have all the facts up front before making a decision.



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I appreciate the well reasoned input from our wise forum elders. One of the reasons why I did not pursue presenting Dr. Rassman on this community in recent years was the price issue. But on the other hand his omission from the Coalition, as Bill also points out, was also a bit of an issue.


I do agree that helping potential patients to be aware of all considerations, including price, is central to the mission of this community. Therefore I propose revises Dr. Rassman's profile/recommendation to include the following information -


"Due to his world reknown reputation, Dr. Rassman's surgical fees are among the very highest in the world. However, those who are comfortable doing surgery with his associate of nine years, Dr. Jae Pak, M.D., can do so using the same staff and techniques for considerably less."


His current profile is at http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/Consult-a-Physician/Doctors.asp?DrID=22


Does this seem like a reasonable solution?


Thanks again for everyones input.



Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Originally posted by Pat - Publisher of this Community:


"Due to his world reknown reputation, Dr. Rassman's surgical fees are among the very highest in the world. However, those who are comfortable doing surgery with his associate of nine years, Dr. Jae Pak, M.D., can do so using the same staff and techniques for considerably less."


and this note will only drive him more--well deserved--business icon_smile.gif His prices are on the site and no one is forced to go there. He is competitive in the sense that he apparently gets more than enough business to keep charging $10 or so a graft. If his business slowed down, he'd charge $8, $6 or less.


Some people have the money, and want to go with the sure thing. Yes, plenty of other doctors are as good, if not better, but it doesn't matter. Many people don't want to research for years and are willing to pay a huge premium for predictable results. Dr Rassman offers that.

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Just my two cents:


All good points guys, Dr. Rassmon has the qualifications to be part of the coalition based on his experience and Pat' recomendation.


I think perspective patients looking for info should be smart enough to educate themselves and then decide which doc to go with or even have the procedure done at all.


This forum has a lot of information available if someone wants to find it and is willing to do their research. If a person is not scared off by prices he can go to Dr. Rassman, his choice. Personally, I would be more scared of a doc charging a bargain rate than one who is too high.


Price may not dictate a surgeons skill but it can be a bit of a barometer. His vast experience, supply, demand and maybe market area is the reason he can probably justify being so high. Southern Cal is a little more expensive than say North Carolina. On the other hand, some great NY docs are pretty reasonable!


Pat, Why not include standard patient fees in all your write ups, that may be one way of keeping fees reasonable? Some docs may not even realize their rates are out of line. Information is power!!





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Pat, so we are including the other physicians aside from Dr. Rassman at NHI?


That is my concern here.


It seems that we are all in agreement that price is no concern at all.


I have reservations, buy hey, I'm only one guy right? LOL!


Thanks for listening Pat and all!!!!!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Hello everyone,


It seems that we are all in agreement that price is no concern at all.


Uh...perhaps you didn't see all that I wrote above...because I surely was the main guy who made the biggest stink about pricing.


However...I think Pat's solution is a viable one. I think that as long as patients know that he is higher priced, then we are doing our job to convey all the information to the perspective patients...and THAT is my main point. It's up to the patient if he/she wants to pay that much...but I wouldn't want them to do so out of ignorance. I'd want them to do so out of choice because they have all the information.



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I don't see price as an obstacle. This is capitalism and people are entitled to be paid whatever the market will bear for their services. I paid $6.00 a unit, considered high by some folks on this site, but I was okay with that. I think all great doctors should be included and we should have disclosure about pricing. Most legitimate web sites clearly indicate pricing per follicular unit anyway. My only concern would be allowing in other doctors in a practice, unless they meet the same standards.

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Sorry my replies to this thread are a little late. Nonetheless I'd like to respond with my opinion........


There have been many fine points addressed in this thread. From my prospective, a hair transplant is a "package deal". Does Dr. Rassman's quality of work qualify him for coalition membership, in my opinion, Yes.


However, my question to Pat and many other loyal posters on this forum is this. What does the Coalition of Surgeons represent? The best of the best............correct? To me, it is NOT merely about the quality of work but the "package" that is offered. Personally, I could not recommend someone go to a surgeon who charges $10 per graft when someone else can provide the SAME service for less than half.


This site's purpose is to aid hair loss sufferers with solutions (surgical and non-surgical) and support, correct? Let me ask any of you this question.............when a poor balding sole frequents this board for the first time how many of you would recommend Dr. Rassman before H&W, Shapiro, Cooley (the list goes on)? A question of ETHICS comes to mind here! Ethically, how can you offer up a surgeon whose quality of work is no better than any other Coalition member but cost more than twice as much?? I definitely could not.


I hope most of you who post here often know me well enough to know that it doesn't get personal with me. I'm sure Dr. Rassman is a very fine, high quality surgeon who does excellent work. However, no way could I ever recommend someone go to him for a hair transplant due to his pricing..........it's as simple as that.


I equate it to the industry in which I serve (Commercial Banking)...............if I were to offer my clients (existing and prospective) pricing that was twice that of my competitors at the very least I would be laughed off........more likely I'd hear some four-letter words and a few carnal verbs!


I care about the site, what it offers to those coming here for advice and support and believe maintaining its integrity to be number 1. I have the highest respect for Pat and the other frequent posters here and have learned much (and continue to) about hair trasplants and alternatives to stopping hair loss.


I really do believe it is in the best interest of this site not to add Dr. Rassman to the Coalition. We all have our opinions............this is mine.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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I vote no to Dr. Rassman. If the difference between Coalition doctors is the difference between excellent and excellent, as said before by Pat, then there is no justification for Dr. Rassman charging more than twice the going rate. And it is easy to see where including him in the coalition will lead. All of a sudden because he charges the most, he must be the "best". And other Coalition doctors will feel compelled to up their prices so that they also appear the "best". Before you know it, prices are beyond the reach of most of those who rely on this sight to find top quality HT doctors. For better or worse, many people believe that the highest priced physicians are the best. Thats why MHR and Bosley are so expensive (I am guessing), because they hold themselves out as better than everybody else and so are entitled to charge more. Its a question of perception not truth and perception becomes truth. So Pat, its obvious you have already made up your mind but mark my words that other coalition doctors will shortly be dramatically raising their rates also, not necessarily because they are as greedy as Dr. Rassman, but because they will feel it necessary to do so to compete.

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Let me also say, if Dr. Rassman is reading this, that although HTs are an elective procedure, you should be happy earning a very good living doing what you do. There is no justification for gouging somebody, charging them. say thirty or forty thousand dollars for a six hour surgical procedure. At that rate you are charging far more than most surgeons get for far more necessary and improtant work that actually saves peoples lives and that is far more stressful then what it is you do. Yes this is a capitalistic society but that doesn't mean anybody should have respect for pure greed, imho.

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