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Visit to Dr. Rassman's New Hair Institute Clinic in Southern California

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I too am glad the Dr. Rassman has shown flexibility in his prices for the sake of the community.


I still believe that his prices are high and personally would not go too him. That being said, if anyone asks about him, I would be able to say with confidence that he is a fine physician, but pricey.


I am willing to go with the flow on this one. The bottom line: I'm happy Dr. Rassman is being flexible and sees this community as important, however, I'm not over-enthused being that he's still charging well over the market value.


So, I would suggest that we welcome him as a coalition member with open arms, however, that we put a disclaimer on his page stating that his prices are higher than market value, etc. I think this is fair since we want patients to have all the facts, which includes pricing. I further state, that we should not simply include his rate on his page, but actually state that it's higher than market value. If patients don't know the going rate for an HT, simply stating $8 per graft (discounted for coalition members) is deceiving when they don't know that most docs with equal skill charge $4.50 per graft.


Thoughts on my suggestion?



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A-HA...I see this has already been accomplished:



From Dr. Rassman's Coalition Page:


Due to his world renown reputation and high demand for his services, Dr. Rassman fees are higher than those of his NHI associate Dr. Jae Pak, M.D. However, Dr. Rassman is willing to reduce his normal surgical fee of $10 per graft down to $6 per graft for those who are willing to do surgery in his Los Angeles office on a "Standby" basis and be called less than ten days prior to surgery.


For those who would like to schedule surgery with him more than ten days in advance he is willing to reduce his fee down to $8 per graft for surgery in his Los Angeles office. After 2,000 grafts all additional grafts will be charged at half rate. Travel reimbursement credits up to 5% of fees paid will still apply.



I like it...it is very thorough. I'm not sure if I like the reasoning stated here. Many other doctors are in high demand and have a world renown reputation and charge much less. Perhaps if we just state this for the first paragraph:


"Note: Dr. Rassman fees are higher than those of his NHI associate Dr. Jae Pak, M.D. and other coalition doctors. However, Dr. Rassman is willing to reduce his normal surgical fee of $10 per graft down to $6 per graft for those who are willing to do surgery in his Los Angeles office on a "Standby" basis and be called less than ten days prior to surgery."





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Guest Cousin_It

B spot...


I am sure you expected as much from me. I have not made it a secret that I considered his fees exorbitantly high. Putting all this aside I consider him a fine surgeon, but by no means the best.


Now that Dr.Rassman has become a member of the Coalition, I will judiciously recommend him when I feel it is appropriate, but I will inform those that his fees are higher than the norm. My obligation is to the patient, not Dr.Rassman. I am sure you will agree with this, and knowing your ethical standards, I am sure you will also inform others of this fact.

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I appreciate what Dr. Rassman is trying to do with his price flexibility...............I land with Bill on this one and agree that a disclaimer should be posted regarding his pricing because even at the reduced rate its far above what a person can pay for the same quality work from other coalition members. As I was posting, I wondered, would it be fair to the other coalition members if we accepted him into membership and didn't mention the pricing differential?


At any rate, his skill and experience are without question and I'm sure those who opt for him, as long as they are aware of the price differential, will receive a quality HT.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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