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Best doctor for reconstructing hairline !


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Firstly let me thank you guys for having this community. Without it I wd have been so lost and wd have gone in for an HT without knowing what exactly am I doing.


Okay coming to the point now...I wd really appreciate it if I cd be suggested the best Doc particularly specialising in reconstructing a receded hairline. My hairline went back by an inch around 5 years back during a period of stress...life !!


Now I have heard of Dr Hasson & Wong and Dr. Shapiro thanks to this community but I was wondering who actually is the best doc fr me.I am an actor by profession and dont wanna take any chances.


Wd really appreciate if I cd be suggested the best Docs - either in Europe(Belgium or UK) or North America (US or Canada) or Australia. I am based in India so it wd be more or less the same as to where i go.My sole criteria is having the best Doc take care of the HT.


At the risk of repeating myself- tx for all the help guys...indebted !!

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Hi mav ,


You certainly won't go wrong with hasson and wong or shapiro ,after researching for over a year on sites like these I found the most outstanding and consistant hair surgeries were found in north america and canada , research is absolutly paramount so you can see for yourself , research Hasson and Wong , Shapiro ,Rahal and Feller , I had my surgery done with Dr Feller in November 2007 , it was on my crown ,however there are lots of patients on here who have had hairline work with several clinics i have mentioned , I'm sure they'll also reply .


Good luck with your research



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Hi Mav,


I had some temple/hairline work two weeks ago and i selected my surgeon after much research on this website and ended up narrowing down my options to a very similar list as richie's. In the end i went for Dr Rahal as i was v impressed by the results of his recent temple/hairline work and due to the fact that a large majority of his clients seem to be youngish males looking to correct hairline and temples. Best to review his and other surgeons results on this site (an easy way to locate reviews is by selecting a surgeon's profile from the home page http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com


Best of luck


My Blog

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Mav, there is a limit to how much work you can do---- age, level of loss, donor availability, and family history are all taken into consideration.


That would be matched with your wants/needs as a patient.


I would suggest consulting with Dr. Shapiro and H&W --- you will have a better feel for things after that.


Take Care,


Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Tx Richie, Genesis, B...


I am pretty impressed with Dr Rahal and Dr Feller's work too. So as of now my shortlist comprises of the above 2, Dr Shapiro and Hasson & Wong. Should I be looking at some other Dr's work too...do let me know.


Another thing i was curious about... do all the above Docs practice Lateral Slit and Dense packing?


A little bit more about me. Am 29 years old and lost hair around 5 years back within a span of 2 months. Havent experienced any more hair fall ever since, havent been on any medication. I might need around 1500 grafts according to a Doc i consulted in India.


Do keep the suggestions coming in.Tx...

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Some of the guys on here have direct links with some of the clinics mentioed above , search for jotronic - Hasson and wong , b-spot for Dr Shapiro and spex for dr Feller , they may be able to answer your questions better , not sure if Dr Rahal has any .


hope that helps


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Hey Mav.


I would meet as many of the doctors as you can in person.

Everyone has a list of favorites.

One guys favorite could be a doc you just don't feel comfortable with.


If you follow the forum regularly sometimes you'll see a "run" on a perticular doctor.

In other words for a week sometimes longer you'll see everyone raving about a certain doctor because of some pics that were posted.


That doctor is probably great...is he the best ??..all the top coalition docs are doing great work.


Just do tons of research on this forum and anywhere else you can get info.


Also look back on past posts from the "regulars" on this site...these guys know there stuff.


Again there is no "best" doctor...it's the doctor that's best for you that's important.


Good luck,



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Welcome to our community forum. I am glad to hear that you are asking all the right questions and doing research.


I am glad to hear that you are considering several elite hair restoration physicians to do your work. Be sure to consult with each, and talk to, view many photos of, and meet with (if possible) their patients. Only then can you make an educated and informed decision on which physician to select.


Best wishes,



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My short list of docs was: Feller, Alexander, Rahal, H&W, Shapiro. Look into Alexander's work. He does some of the most natural looking hairlines around, imo...

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Adding Dr. Feller, Dr. Rahal, or Alexander would be a great idea as well.


Each doctor uses their own methods, Dr's Feller, Alexander, H&W use laterals, whereas Dr. Shapiro uses saggittals.


I am not sure which method Dr. Rahal uses, but I believe he uses needles.


Each of these Dr's dense pack hairlines.


Anyway, you have some good doctors to choose from, so good luck!!



Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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You stated yourself a very key point--"which doctor is right for me?" We can only give you the names of quality physicians and it is up to you to find the right match.


I like the list that was given to you by other members. All are very talented docs and will definitely provide a great cosmetic improvement. The only thing that I will add and ofcourse this is just what I have seen and is my opinion, but if you have very dense hair behind where you are needing work then Dr. Rahal might be a better choice. Possibly it is just that I have seen more cases of his work with this situation, but it seems to me that he has a better ability to pack a small area with very high density and maintain a natural look.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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mav, Just to let you know, I did put my trust in the Coalition of Doctors' list on this site and especially one of the doctors you are considering and it really turned out to be as good as everyone said who went before me!!!

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I guess there has to be some form of rules, but essentially every poster on this forum is looking to be educated and ultimately looking for a great physician to do it. I have had feedback from all of the members that work for certain physicians and none have crossed the line.


There was a previous post where the member asked the question "who is the best doc for..." Spex responded with several photos from Dr. Feller. This was the closest I have seen where it appeared to be slight solicitation.


What if the poster had titled things. "I need a great hairline." Ofcourse it is implied that he is looking for the best physician. Are those members employed by docs allowed to respond?


Common Bill. Lets bring some of the fun and spontaneity back to this site with less strict guidelines. We can still educate and learn while having a good time. Allow the members to use their own judgement if they believe that they are being hussled by a physicians representative. If it becomes too overbearing they can be removed from site.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Originally posted by NervousNelly:

I guess there has to be some form of rules, but essentially every poster on this forum is looking to be educated and ultimately looking for a great physician to do it. I have had feedback from all of the members that work for certain physicians and none have crossed the line.


There was a previous post where the member asked the question "who is the best doc for..." Spex responded with several photos from Dr. Feller. This was the closest I have seen where it appeared to be slight solicitation.


What if the poster had titled things. "I need a great hairline." Ofcourse it is implied that he is looking for the best physician. Are those members employed by docs allowed to respond?


Common Bill. Lets bring some of the fun and spontaneity back to this site with less strict guidelines. We can still educate and learn while having a good time. Allow the members to use their own judgement if they believe that they are being hussled by a physicians representative. If it becomes too overbearing they can be removed from site.


I agree with NN. Shoot, he mentioned a few other docs as well. Sounds personal to me..........

100? 'mini' grapfts by Latham's Hair Clinic - 1991 (Removed 50 plugs by Cooley 3/08.)

2750 FU 3/20/08 by Dr. Cooley


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley


Current regimen:

1.66 mg Proscar M-W-F

Rogaine 5% Foam - every now and then

AndroGel - once daily

Lipitor - 5 mg every other day

Weightlifting - 2x per week

Jogging - 3x per week


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Just to play Devil's Advocate, and I don't even know if what I'm about to say is truth -- but, I beleive Bill has taken flack by some for not running a "true patient driven forum"...I've never actually had that phrase elaborated, but I've assumed it refers to when a substantial # of posters work for clinics....


Either way, a gray area exists.


EDIT -- is it that b_spot "shouldn't" be posting in any thread that is a Who Is Best...that he can't recommend *any* clinic....or that he can't single out a *single* clinic....it seems that in this case he recommended looking in the direction of a host of clinics.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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No need to dress down a respected member of the forum publicly for this. Lighten up a little Bill.


I understand that you have to have rules to enforce and respect that you have to make tough calls, I just would give him the beneifit of the doubt over a first time poster shilling for a clinic.


I agree with NN, lets keep it fun and informative at the same time.





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Originally posted by Bill:

B Spot,


I've told you before privately, as a representative of a clinic, please restrain yourself from posting on "Who is the best doctor" type threads. Regardless of your intent to help, the very fact that you represent a clinic creates an unfair bias.






I'm going to refrain from posting in public my views with how things are run on htn on this particular thread. But since you feel Jason is creating an unfair bias by simply stating his opinion and recommending several doctors who are already mentioned by the original poster, I'd just like to add that since you post on every single thread you create an unfair bias to the doctors who worked on you and you have no limit as to where you post. I see many posters who cheerlead ad nausium their favorite doctor to the point where they seemed to have crossed the line. I've never seen Jason cross the line to warrant your private or public warnings. Personally, I think you need to let all participants on this forum feel like they have a brain of their own, it's not the Bill show.


I apologize to Mav for going off track. Do your due diligence in your research and you will find the right doctor for you. Best wishes!!

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You are missing the point and this is NOT personal.


Jason has been told before privately about this and so have other clinical representatives. I have also talked to Pat about this in the past and he agrees that it is unfair and biased for clinical representatives to post on "which doctor is best" type threads. Previously, my remedy was to send a private message to the representative with my reasons and then remove the post. The intent is to preserve the integrity of the patient driven forum and is not a personal attack against any physician or clinic.


Pat and I agree that even if the intent is to be helpful, a clinical representative posting on a "which doctor is best" type thread becomes like an advertisement on a patient seeking forum. It also creates an unbalance for other physicians who are not as active on the forum. Picture reading a comsumer report magazine for a new car and being flooded with advertisements.


Janna, since you think I create a bias for the doctors who have performed surgery on me, that means every hair transplant patient who posts on this forum is creating a bias because they've had surgery with a clinic? The difference is that neither I (nor other patients) are paid by their physicians to post on an open discussion forum. I want to be clear that I am not saying this is a bad thing, nor am I questioning Jason's integrity and attempt to be helpful.


But consultants and physicians should reserve their posts for general open ended questions and posting compelling patient photo examples from their clinic.


Janna, I do not appreciate the low blow stating that this ia a "Bill show". Though I post a lot, I certainly do not dominate the forum. Like most posters here, I too am trying to be helpful. I do not intend to step on other members unless they are doing something that I feel breaches the purpose of this community. And I certainly give everyone their say and encourage patient input.


Jason and Janna, you have obviously taken my post personally and for that I am sorry. It was NOT a personal attack nor was it anything against Shapiro Medical Group.


However, I am going to stand strong on this issue and appreciate it if ALL consultants and physician's restrain from posting on "which doctor is best" type threads. It is not a matter of "lightening up". I am trying to be fair both to our patient community and physicians who don't have time to hire clinical consultants to post regularly on discussion forums.


There are very few strict rules on this forum. I think most of you know this!


I trust my above explanation has helped you understand a bit where I am coming from.



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You do what you need to do Bill. I also stand behind my views as well.


"Janna, since you think I create a bias for the doctors who have performed surgery on me, that means every hair transplant patient who posts on this forum is creating a bias because they've had surgery with a clinic? The difference is that neither I (nor other patients) are paid by their physicians to post on an open discussion forum. I want to be clear that I am not saying this is a bad thing, nor am I questioning Jason's integrity and attempt to be helpful." --


I find this logic off base as most patients who post are not moderators or co-publishers on this forum. You are getting paid, just not by the clinic directly. This is your job, therefore, you're a paid prolific poster who I understand is lending help, but your links on your signature creates bias whether you know it or not.

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But I do not represent the clinics that I've had surgery with, that is the difference. Part of my job is to try to keep things balanced and fair. I don't want to offend people and I certainly like to be flexible and light hearted when appropriate.


Clearly there are other approaches to this issue and you may not agree with mine. But I believe it's for the better of the community to ask consultants and physians to restrain from answering "which doctor is the best" type threads. I don't feel that this is an unfair request or rule. Other forums have been known to have much stricter guidelines to follow.


Please read your private messages so we can continue this discussion privately.



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I agreed with you. when I posted my questions here, i felt almost everyone tried to swayed me from choosing the doctor of my choice to their doctor or the doctor he/she intend to go to in the near future.


you, my friend, and couple other members told me that i selected a great surgeon and should do my due dilligent in researching before committing on a HT doctor.

i do appreciate the opinions of members who recommend a great physician, but i dont like to be told that if i dont go with surgeon A or B, i will be disappointed. Im sure members on this forum did not visit every single HT doctors on this planet and have an inperson meeting, but rather thru words of mouth.

If we only recommending a handful of surgeron, in this case and in mine, 3, how will HairTransplant community and network grow without adding new doctors to our list or recommendation.

I just wish everyone would recommend at least 5 or 6 or more doctors and have the person who posted the pictures to do his research by calling the doctor offices and talking to the doctors and personally choose one that he/she feel capable of delivering the result.

Im not trying to bump Dr.Siporin, but he is the only doctor out of 5 that i emailed with my pictures, that actually called and talked to me personally. that to me is a big plus.

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It also creates an unbalance for other physicians who are not as active on the forum.





As stated earlier, I understand that there has to be rules and you are trying to preserve the integrity of the forum. However, we are always trying to see the work of other doctors and it is you and Pat that have been encouraging physicians to become more active. For those that are not, it is their loss. I personally will never recommend a physician (whether coalition or not) that I have not seen a lot of their work posted here.


Can I leave you with an example? Myself and another guy both worked for the same clinic. We eventually went our own way but were only 20 minutes from each other. We thought it was a good idea not to advertise anywhere near each other since most of our ads looked similar since we got our ideas from the same source. Well ofcourse this didn't work. Periodically I/or he would accidentally advertise in each others "territory" because we were anaware of the circulation boundaries or whatever. All it did was cause problems because I was so concerned about where and with whom I could advertise. We finally talked and decided everything was fair game and not to worry about it.


The moral of my story is that I believe it is a gray area here. Just because a post title doesn't state "looking for the best" doesn't mean that the poster isn't looking for the best. You are going to scare aware some of the excellent members who happen to work for clinics.


By the way, I agree with Janna. One of the big reasons I went to Shapiro is because the owner of this site went there. A bias is created whether meant or not. You are paid and have a link to your story.



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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Dear forum members,


I really do understand what you all are saying and do appreciate your input. I also believe it's a gray area, but it was one that I had to make a decision on. Remember that we are ONLY talking about "which doctor is best type threads" where physicians and consultants are being asked not to post on. Physicians and consultants are encouraged to post compelling patient photo albums and are to feel free to answer any general hair loss or hair transplant related questions. I don't think that this rule is harsh.


Running an open discussion forum is not easy task. I have learned some time ago that I cannot please everyone.


Some people feel that I post too much. Others can't thank me enough for taking the time to post and help them. No matter what I do, as the Associate Publisher and Co-Moderator, I am not under high levels of public scrutiny, which goes with the territory seemingly. I guess some are going to love me while others hate me (while even some still will form no opinion of me).


If I was going to make every decision by trying to please everyone, I'd be fickle and sway to the left one day and then sway to the right the next. There are other threads (like this one), where I removed a post from a physician when they posted on a thread like this where many members commended me for it. This particular thread I am taking some heat for the same view. I don't mind it, but I feel that I have to be consistent.


At the same time, I have received some heat in the past from other physicians/consultants who were unhappy that some consultants were harping on every thread (especially threads like this). Frankly, I understood where they were coming from regarding some things and yet being over dramatic with others. But after some thought and discussion with Pat, our conclusion was this, to ask consultants/physicians not to post on "which doctor is best" type threads. However, clinics that complained were also encouraged to get involved online to share compelling patient examples and participate on general question threads.


I personally really like B Spot and Janna and feel that they contribute a lot of valuable information to this forum. I intend no disrespect of them by being consistent with this rule. But I believe it's fair.


I am sorry that some of you disagree with me. But I'm asking that you respect our decision and let's back to helping hair loss sufferers.



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