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I am strongly against hair systems !


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Ok, I think I'm calm now...


Labrat (and anyone else who is interested),


I'd like you to take a look at some pictures of me:


Lynnette's Pictures


Now that you have looked at the pictures, I have a question...


Are you saying that if I told you I'm bald and I wear hair,

that it gives me back the sexy confidence my hereditary genes have stolen from me,

that I tried other options but wasn't a candidate / or they didn't work,

that you can pull it as hard as you want and it won't come off icon_wink.gif

that you will never see me without it,

that I wear makeup almost every day,

that I've never had plastic surgery of any kind,

that no one would ever know my hair wasn't real unless I handed them a magnifying glass and showed them where to look...


Are you saying that if you knew these things, you wouldn't get to know me better?


Actually, no matter what you are thinking, the real answer is no. I'll tell you why at the end of this reply.


If by chance there is a woman (of this earth) who you deem worthy of your efforts and attentions, I feel very comfortable in assuming you would want an intelligent, classy, secure, self sufficient, stable, attractive, fiscally responsible, successful, honest, fun-loving, sexy, physically fit, healthy, age appropriate mate? Assuming the answer is yes, I'll move forward. Let's say you meet this fabulous woman - it's your lucky day! Since she IS intelligent, classy, etc., it's really safe to say that she is looking for the same things in a partner that you are. So far, so good!


You have already established the fact in your earlier response that you want a "deeper, romantic and more genuine"relationship and that's great to hear! Since the dream girl you have met is intelligent, etc., she is going to want to take her time to get to know EVERYTHING she can about you. Likewise, since she is also looking for a real, true love relationship, she will WANT YOU to know everything about her. See, real relationships, true love, is based on honesty, respect, trust, commitment, communication, friendship, intimacy and even chemistry. She won't want to dive into a relationship head first without getting to know ALL ABOUT YOU and you wouldn't dive in without knowing all about her either, would you? After all, you said you want a real, true love relationship, right?


My husband has known from day one that I wear hair. He's never seen me without it (ten years now). It's the same kind of hair you just saw in those pictures of one of our vacations. We have a REAL, true love relationship. He thinks my hair looks great. He also thinks I have some great physical assets and he's smart enough to know that at some point as we grow old together, they will "sag"...and guess what? He's still going to love me...and the "assets"!


Now to reply to a couple of your thoughts:


"A rug will always just be a rug -- PERIOD !! I have NEVER met one girl who didn't view a rug as something dispicable and dishonest, and also as something that makes ANY dude a huge dork in their eyes. They'd much rather a guy who shaves down and accepts his baldness like a man !!"


Perhaps you have a limited pool of women? Wearing hair doesn't make a man a dork...there are plenty of men who don't wear hair who qualify as huge DORKS. I prefer a man who is a man. He finds solutions that work for him, no matter how anyone else feels or thinks...that's a real man.


"You couldn't pay me $1,000,000 to wear even the best rug offered today. It might work as long as you ALWAYS maintain a healthy distance from people and never have any intimacy; but what kind of life is that anyway ? I'd rather just be bald and honest with myself and others."


Talk about hypothetical, we really can't test that out, can we? Mine works just fine, thank you very much. As for never having intimacy, I'll jump out there and be frank since everyone always dances around the subject...I'm in a VERY healthy, extremely active, sexual relationship with my husband. I have NO FEAR that there is ANYTHING you could do that would make my hair come off, no matter how hard you tried, during intimate moments. I don't want to draw a picture for you so don't make me get graphic, there are other sites you can visit if you want that kind of interaction.


"do YOU want to be with a woman whose tits hang down to the floor and are full of celluloid when her harness comes off, or one that had her tits surgically removed from breast cancer but FOOLED YOU with some FAKE cushions under a bra ? Or do YOU want the real deal ? How are YOU going to react when you hit the sack with either of these women and realize that they DECEIVED you ?"


I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here labRAT and assume you are TRYING to say that you (and most everyone else) would be angry if you were lied to, is that right? (((DEEEEEPPPP Breath))) If that is your message, then I understand and agree. No one likes to be lied to or deceived, even for a one night stand. But you see, if you are truly seeking a deeper, true relationship, then you won't have to worry about this, because the right woman (whether or not she wears hair) would not lie to you. p.s. I pray for your dream woman's sake in your "real true love relationship" that she never loses a breast to cancer...or you'll be back to square one?


"Point 3: Beyonce wears a system ? So is she a Norwood 6 without it, or does this system just "enhance" her already natural hair ? I ask because there is a HUGE difference between the two, both in mine AND the general public's view of hair systems."


Is there really a difference? You've seen my pictures. Does it matter to you whether I'm totally bald underneath or I have some hair? Why does it matter? Fact is, you will never see the hair underneath so there is no difference. My answer? I'm almost totally BALD...Also, I don't think you speak for the general public, they don't know I wear hair. They only know about the people who wear bad hair poorly.


"Point 4: ... Or are you talking about women who are looking for real romance and a real potential lifetime partner ? If you are talking about the latter, then I can GUARUNTEE you my friend that they will NOT want that ridiculous wig on your head!! The good ones will tell you they accept you as you are and love you for what's on the inside, and it will disgust them if you are so fake and insecure that you need this stupid rug on your head to go out in public. But the gold diggers and fake one-night-stands will not mind in the least because you're just another discard to take advantage of, or a UTILITY that they see as a machine to provide them with an easy life while they think about other men with hair when they get



Women want you to do what makes YOU satisfied. I'll accept a REAL man no matter how he chooses to deal with his hairloss. It will NOT disgust me (or any of the other hundreds of REAL WOMEN I KNOW)if a man wears hair well. Instead it will impress me that he cares enough to recognize what he really wants and do something about it. And...trust me when I tell you that it isn't your hair that makes women horny, I'm sorry you have that impression. giggle giggle


At the beginning of this reply / book, I wrote:


"Are you saying that if you knew these things, you wouldn't get to know me better?

Actually, no matter what you are thinking, the real answer is no."




Because ANY intelligent, classy, secure, self sufficient, stable, attractive, fiscally responsible, successful, honest, fun-loving, sexy, physically fit, healthy woman who takes even the slightest bit of time to get to know you, even while trying to take into account the lack of expression and frequent misunderstandings in an electronic environment, would very quickly come to the conclusion that it wasn't worth HER time to let you.



DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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<span class="ev_code_BLUE">Hiya Blond,


I think some of the most important facts to take away from my last post are these:


Others only notice when people wear bad hair poorly.


The days of "rugs" are almost gone. There are still a few people who can't find the quality hairpieces that are full lace and quite undetectable. Usually, those are the unlucky people you recognize immediately as wearers because it looks like they have a pelt plastered to their head. (Think Howard Cosell, Sam Donaldson, Burt Reynolds)


But these days, there is a lot of new technology available. Come on...when these guys started wearing hair, cell phones were huge boxes you had to plug into your car and you had to connect your cell phone antenna to your car if you wanted to use it, remember??? Now we have iphones that automatically download our stock charts while we sit in the airport. Isn't it logical to think that improvements would be made to this industry too?


I'm a little confused as to why people, who belong to a hair restoration site offering threads on ALL TYPES of hair restoration and who have obviously chosen a different path to solve their hairloss issues, would feel the need to visit other threads within the site to bash the success others have found with their methods?


As an example,if you have found great success with your regimen of:


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


I would LOVE to hear about it. I'm not going to tell you that you are ridiculous for taking drugs to grow hair and that you are growing dishonest hair since it isn't attained naturally...lol I find that kind of silly, don't you?


I noticed that the pictures I posted are really poor quality, so I'm going to search for my hairline pictures and post some of those so you can see the quality that I'm talking about. Hope to have them up by tomorrow.


As a side note, I notice that you have been a member here for three years, can you tell us how the regimen has worked for you during that time? Are you totally happy with your results?


Thanks, Lynnette</span>

DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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Originally posted by labrat69:

Point 3: Beyonce wears a system ? So is she a Norwood 6 without it, or does this system just "enhance" her already natural hair ? I ask because there is a HUGE difference between the two, both in mine AND the general public's view of hair systems.



Why the Norwood scale plays a HUGE difference if someone is acceptable wearing hair? Nonsense.


Correspondingly a hair transplant is acceptable only for NW2 up to and including NW4?

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Today's hair replacement systems are a viable option for men and women just as is attempting to stop hair loss with medication or restoring it through today's revolutionary hair transplant techniques.


The REAL enemy is the deceptive marketing tactics companies use to falsely promote their product and deceive consumers. Each of the above solutions have companies who are guilty of purposeful deception.


Regarding hair replacement systems more specifically...


"Rugs" do still exist just as "plugs" do. But just as reputable hair transplant clinics are performing revolutionary ultra refined hair transplant techniques, many companies have refined and improved hair replacement systems to the point of being virtually undetectable.


It's true that even the best hair replacement systems have limitations, but so do today's hair transplants. After 9600 follicular units and over $30,000 on almost a full blown class 6 on the Norwood scale of hair loss, my hair still appears thinner from the top view, especially in the crown area. I can never restore a full head of hair with a limited donor supply however, I'm very happy with my new head of hair.


State of the art hair replacement systems still require regular maintenance and eventual replacement. Certain weather conditions and/or social events may also create some anxiety and may require special preparation depending on the type of system. However while wearing a hair replacement system wasn't for me, I would never begrudge a man or a woman attempting this solution.


Moreover, many female hair loss sufferers have limited options. Many aren't good candidates for hair transplant surgery and women have fewer available medical options for treating hair loss. Hair replacement systems / alopecia wigs are usually their best option. Truth is, I've seen some of these women with their hair systems, and they look perfectly natural and beautiful.


The bottom line...


Some of today's hair systems indeed are very natural looking and can stay that way with regular and careful maintenance. Men and women suffering from hair loss should consider all their options including the benefits, limitations, and risks of each and then ultimately decide what works best for them - which sometimes simply includes embracing their baldness gracefully.


All the Best,



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By the way, if you are going to link to photos in an attempt to demonstrate how natural your hair system looks, I'd recommend presenting better quality, high resolution photos on your website. The photos I'm looking at are extremely blurry and there's no way I could determine whether or not your hair looks natural or not.


While I know you don't sell systems, you do provide services for men and women considering them. Thus, just as this community holds physicians to high standards in presenting realistic and high resolution photos, I strongly suggest you hold yourself accountable to the same high standard.


Best wishes,



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Originally posted by Lynnette:

<span class="ev_code_BLUE">Hiya Blond,


I noticed that the pictures I posted are really poor quality, so I'm going to search for my hairline pictures and post some of those so you can see the quality that I'm talking about. Hope to have them up by tomorrow.


Thanks, Lynnette</span>


Hi Bill,


I agree. As you can see above, I also noted that the pictures aren't of good quality and I will be posting some higher resolution "hair" pictures today! Actually, those bikini pictures weren't really meant to note the quality of the hair icon_wink.gif , they were more about noting that whether or not I am wearing hair, or have any biological hair underneath my system, really doesn't (or shouldn't) make a bit of difference to most people.


Let me know what you think of the new ones when I post them!



DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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Hopefully, through forums like this, people will gather all of the information they can to make an informed decision about which option is the best for them!


There are so many solutions - including shaving - sometimes the hardest part is just the research!


Have a great day,


DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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Hi Lynette,


First of all let me say that having read the threads more closely I have changed my opinion somewhat. For me, I don't want to get involved with the whole justification of hair wearing and comparing in which case it's acceptable or not. After all, who am I to tell people whether or not they should wear hair? The fact is it's not my place and I feel that as you have outlined people should solve their issues by choosing the appropriate solution for their needs. If you are happy and confident with yourself than that's what truly matters. I completely understand how it could make someone feel about oneself and why they would want to do it especially for people who have significant hair loss that will, by today's standards, never be restored to the 'full' head of hair look that people so often want.


'<span class="ev_code_BLUE">I'm a little confused as to why people, who belong to a hair restoration site offering threads on ALL TYPES of hair restoration and who have obviously chosen a different path to solve their hair loss issues, would feel the need to visit other threads within the site to bash the success others have found with their methods?'</span>


I agree, I feel that the 'bashing' is unnecessary as it obliviously works for some people. I guess that some people just have very strong opinions on hair systems that are likely to be from their own individual experiences.

I visit these threads as I'm interested about hair systems and as I haven't had surgery or anything else I believe that you should always research options. I have for a long time considered a strategy in which you replace hair loss via surgery (specifically at the hairline and temporal recession) and possibly wear a system behind it as that may help disguise the problem areas in hair wearing. As currently my hair loss has been so minimal I am thinking that I may not need to do that but I still like keeping track on advancements in all areas of hair loss treatments.


<span class="ev_code_BLUE">'I would LOVE to hear about it. I'm not going to tell you that you are ridiculous for taking drugs to grow hair and that you are growing dishonest hair since it isn't attained naturally...lol I find that kind of silly, don't you?'</span>


I guess so ; ) However, for me the hair that I'm keeping is my own in origin. I'm just taking away the factor that causes them to be lost. I don't think it's quite the same as restoring options. It's the whole, 'prevention is better than the cure', thing (especially if there is no current cure).


<span class="ev_code_BLUE">'As a side note, I notice that you have been a member here for three years, can you tell us how the regimen has worked for you during that time? Are you totally happy with your results?'</span>


Yes, I am currently a Norwood 1 at 27 and have been for the last 6 years since I noticed initial stages of hair loss. I did something about it and I have been very successful in preventing further loss. I have two elder brothers who are both very envious as they lost most of their hair by my age. I guess I was very lucky. I do feel like I am receding still but at a slow rate. One of the main reasons (if not the only) I look at hair systems is that we don't know the long term health effects of taking hair loss medication. I don't like the fact that I have to manipulate my hormones in order to maintain a full head of hair but there aren't many alternatives that work. I'm clearly to vain to let go of my hair lol. As of now I have had minimal side effects, touch wood ; ), and believe the benefits out way the potential risks. Also, I think the chemicals that you have to put on your scalp when attaching hair systems may pose more of a health hazard but please let me know otherwise? Do you worry about that or is there a way you can get around it? What do you use?


<span class="ev_code_BLUE">'Others only notice when people wear bad hair poorly'</span>


I agree but also wearing good hair poorly and I think if people really inspect your hair closely they may notice.


<span class="ev_code_BLUE">'Come on...when these guys started wearing hair, cell phones were huge boxes you had to plug into your car and you had to connect your cell phone antenna to your car if you wanted to use it, remember''</span>


Agreed, phones like hair systems have radically advanced but I don't think there at the stage in which they are 'undetectable'. Now that's not a problem if you are in a loving relationship like yourself and you can share all secrets but a lot of people want a result in which they don't need to have to share with a loved one.


I am genuinely interested in hair systems. I know a fair amount about the modern ones and have been to conferences to see the best of the best in hair replacement. There is no doubt that they are good if done correctly but I have never seen one that is 'undetectable'. I use to be a member on the Toplace forum and you would read people saying how good their systems looks and that they were 'undetectable' but when I met them in person, I could see the thin mesh lining their scalp. And with the 'thin skin' type the highline was never quite natural to the eye.


As Bill has mentioned, if you could attach some high definition photo's of your highline exposed and your hair parted than you would be competing along with the same scrutiny in which others here on this forum are subjected to. It is also your chance to prove us doubters wrong! I would be the first to admit it!


Also, let's not forget you are female. Wearing a hair piece for female can be very different in terms of how you may need to wear your system and in terms of detectability.


I will just say again that I in no way want to bash hair systems and degrade people who choose to wear them. It's possible that one day I may wear one too??! I just want to be realistic about what they look like by learning more.


<span class="ev_code_BLUE">'the rest of the people out there who see baldness for the disease that it is (yes, disease; a bodily reaction out of your control) they know that they can do something about it' Quoted by THG</span>


Not sure I agree with that. By that definition, everyone on Earth is born diseased as even normal aging is a bodily reaction out of our control.


<span class="ev_code_BLUE">'I noticed that the pictures I posted are really poor quality, so I'm going to search for my hairline pictures and post some of those so you can see the quality that I'm talking about. Hope to have them up by tomorrow'</span>


That would be very good of you and I look forward to seeing them.


<span class="ev_code_BLUE">'do YOU want to be with a woman whose tits hang down to the floor and are full of celluloid when her harness comes off, or one that had her tits surgically removed from breast cancer but FOOLED YOU with some FAKE cushions under a bra ?' quote by Labrat69</span>


I do have to say that I don't agree with that comment. I misread it and do not agree that I mastectomy patient should have to visually disclose to people that she hasn't any breasts.


Anyway I'll stop now as this reply is getting very long. When I originally read the threads I could understand the views that Labrat69 was trying to express but do feel they were said brazenly! I do feel that THG and yourself have made some great points and that you're trying to help people by showing them viable options! There is a clear divide in people's opinion and your way of being will selectively filter out the people you do not want to associate with and that's a good thing. As long as you're happy and don't care about negative comments then you will always come out on top.


Happy hair wearing.




PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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Hi Blond


I won't answer for Lynette, but I'll comment on the part quoted from my earlier post.


'the rest of the people out there who see baldness for the disease that it is (yes, disease; a bodily reaction out of your control) they know that they can do something about it' Quoted by THG


'Not sure I agree with that. By that definition, everyone on Earth is born diseased as even normal aging is a bodily reaction out of our control.' - Blond


There's a difference between disease, and 'diseased'. It's all about semantics. If you say "Hey, that guy has a disease" then there's an element of mutual understanding going on there. If, on the other hand, you say "Hey, that guy's diseased!"... well, sounds kind of derogatory, doesn't it?


Ageing. Glad you brought it up because, in today's twenty-first century, super-self-conscious frame of mind (and living), isn't ageing a COSMETIC disease? A bodily reaction that's out of our control? Thankfully, we can do something about that, if we wish. And that's what this whole thing is about, really. Hair, teeth, eyes, nose, face, breasts - whatever - there's an option out there so we can walk out into the world looking and feeling the way that we want. Isn't that what it's all about?


Semantics; using words with negative or positive connotations to provoke a response or illicit a feeling or a reaction in the reader.


Just like you re-posted your last reply taking the emphasis off of the negaitive comments and changing the tone and reception of your points. Before that little alteration of wording it came across as being quite confrontational and negative, BUT, it now reads as being quite open and receptive. Which is cool.


Disease, or diseased? There's a huge leap between the two. But I get what you're saying. But I don't agree icon_wink.gif



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'Just like you re-posted your last reply taking the emphasis off of the negaitive comments and changing the tone and reception of your points. Before that little alteration of wording it came across as being quite confrontational and negative, BUT, it now reads as being quite open and receptive'


Agreed, that's why I edited it. I felt like a bit of an arsehole after reading it back to myself. I didn't feel it reflected what I truly felt as it was negative and you guys are just trying to help others. So I apologise.


There's a difference between disease, and 'diseased'. It's all about semantics. If you say "Hey, that guy has a disease" then there's an element of mutual understanding going on there. If, on the other hand, you say "Hey, that guy's diseased!"... well, sounds kind of derogatory, doesn't it?


Again I think you're refering back to the unedited version, I agree that it certainly has a more negative connotation (but at the time that was what I was going for as a spin on words). Anyway, let's agree to disagree about the disease definition thing.






PhD (Experimental and Clinical medicine)


1.25mg Finasteride

Minoxidil 5% (EOD)

Nizoral 1% (x3/week)


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Hi Blond,


Sorry it has taken me a couple of days to get back to the board! I had a Birthday on Saturday and it was a busy weekend! icon_biggrin.gif I did read your first post on my iphone and thought to myself, "He didn't understand"...then when I read your second post, I was glad that you went back and re-read my comments.


Your second post was right on the money!


I'm not going to make this a huge post tonight since I have a client to work with in 30 minutes and I need to prepare a bit, but here are a few thoughts:


If I lived in a PERFECT hair world, in order of preference, here is how it would play out for me...


I would have been born with gloriously thick, curly, shiny, hair that I could wear in any style I want, it would never go gray and it would stay that way until the day I died. Ahhh...I can hear the harps playing...somebody pinch me. Ok, so it didn't work out that way for me.


Next best thing. I tried to figure out what the cause was and have it fixed. Nope..no such luck. Can't fix the genetics.


Next move? Research Hair Transplants. I wasn't a candidate, but you can believe that if I had been, it would have been my choice. I am of the opinion that you can't beat a head full of living, growing hair...even if you have to touch it up a bit.


The last frontier - non-surgical solutions - I've done it all. There isn't anything I haven't tried over the past 25 years. Wigs, weaves, extensions, concealers, toppers, sprays, pills, potions, lotions, magic wands...the list is endless. I made most of them work during each phase until I found something better.


Like you, I always want to know what is out there in case I may need to use it.


Now, with regard to hair systems - I'm not trying to "sell" anyone on any one solution. I'm here sharing what my solution is as an option for others to look at. It's the best option that I have found for me. Again, it's not my first choice, but my first choices weren't available for me.


You will NOT get me to say that my hair system is 100% undetectable - 100% of the time. What I WILL tell you is that there is technique, a maintenance schedule and products that can help you to achieve a VERY natural look. How often you have that look is up to you.


I will also tell you that I do not believe you, or anyone else, would ever know I was wearing hair if you sat next to me in any public area.


I typically take my hair off and put it back on every 4-5 days. It takes me exactly 30 minutes AND I shower too. I do it all myself in my bathroom. I use 6 products. I only use products that I check the MSDS sheets on so that I can be certain of the health risks involved.


I appreciate your comments about me being in a loving relationship - and I will revisit all the comments tomorrow, but just so you know, when I started dating my "now husband", I only told him that I wore hair. At the time we met, it was extensions. Through the years, I have changed my methods MANY times. He still does not know today exactly how I wear hair, what my hair systems are, how I put them on or take them off...he has never seen the hair, or the products. He can't tell where my "real hair" stops and the "system hair" starts. Since he's been an engineer for 30 years, I'm impressed. ha ha!


More tomorrow!



p.s. I haven't forgotten about the pictures...

DISCLOSURE: I teach people how to order, wear and maintain non-biological hair AND an hourly rate applies! :)


I do NOT represent any hair company, I do NOT sell any products and my only clients are the people who need my services.


The type of coaching that I offer - personal phone calls, web-casts, video/picture sharing, email - all in a private environment - is what I am passionate about. I feel strongly that there are people who want to learn in a safe, private exchange by communicating with someone who ACTUALLY wears hair.


My desire is to help others learn how to wear hair confidently and quickly for a fair, affordable price.

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  • 9 months later...
  • Regular Member

To Lynnette!


I am just newbie to this site. ws searching online for a hair system and somehow got to here. started reading this post from the start and glued to it and read a couple of ur posts as well and ws impressed by your reasonable and convincing replies.. it no doubt ws an interesting post with a good debate n discussion from 2 contrasting viewpoints.

the whole post ws very educating for someone like me who is just weighing his options and partially quite excited abt getting a good hair system.


I was just wondering if u had posted ur pics which u promised u will on some other thread?? the close up pics which u said u will post in reply to bill's post? incase u havent then kindly do post them at ur earliest so that ppl like me who still r in quandary do get one more reason to go for hair system


I am 31 , have thinnin hair started using concealors toppic etc for the last one but now thinking of movign forward .

Hope to hear from u very soon.

Edited by crossbow
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
I have seen some guys with hair system and you will know that it's not natural. Nobody will have a such dense hair when you are in your 50's so I hope people make some wish decision about hair system

not true...my dad is 46...and has thick jet black hair....one strand is thick as heck...never seen such thick hair most people cant believe hes 46 when he has longer hair and clean shaven

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  • 3 months later...

Been wearing one for 5 years. Im 34. NOBODY knows, nobody CAN know, I pay for good systems and maintain them very well, myself, takes about 30 minutes. I have a great gf i met while wearing one, told her a few weeks into the relationship, she doesnt mind, in fact she likes the fact im so open and honest with her. Been with her 2 years now, things are great :) So to the `dork` who posted all those useless observations. Bite me :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

Im sorry guys but a hair system , toupee is still a wig whatever way you dress it up .I agree with the earlier poster that most women find wigs abhorent ....imagine the scenario you get the woman of your dreams back home who cant detect the " undetectable system" as others claim and then in the bedroom she ruffles your hair and off it comes.Or a windy day strolling down for a picnic and a gale force wind lifts it clean off like a dead rat into her chicken soup.


For those that say "no one knows " I think is delusional as there are so many different lights / angles / humidity levels in day to day life that make concealing it impossible.


Another concern is what stage do you tell your new partner you have "an undetectable syrup " glued to your head ? Just as you wander off to bed together or drop it in at a restaurant after ordering the pate by simply stating " look ive a rug glued to my head , are we still ok for later or is it all bets off so to speak?"


Ive lost hair myself so understand the misery that it brings and can see why women want a system as a womans hair is much more integrated as part of her femininity/sexuality but for a man its not the same.


I had a relative who used to wear an "undetectable system" and it wasnt long before the sniggers started around the neighbourhood until it reached a creschendo one morning on a bus packed with school kids when around 15 kids aged 7 to 14 started screaming oi wiggy much to his embarrassment resulting in it being snatched off and used as a football.Imagine every litte snigger you hear wondering if you have been "busted " in day to day life....I couldnt live like that

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Thats rough mate but u accentuated my point. A hair system only works for u if u already have a partner, and being very open abt it, meaning all ur friends etc should know u r on it.. though u will defn get some insensitive comments at times. They will not know how hurt u r but trust me, those comments will come. You will feel more self conscious and in the end, done, all confidence gone, worse than before u donned that hair piece


If i m in that dilemma, i will just shave it. Thats making the best decision in the worst case scenario...

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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Beemark, errrrr i think u missed a couple of my posts. I wore it for some time but i just could not take the pressure associated with it as per my previous post. I said many times, maybe its just me, but i think u cannot deny some of the cons that come with it. Ultimately, it depends on the individual whether he can accept it. It just did not work out for me. I felt even worse after donning it

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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WB: My apologies - you are correct; I did not read all of your posts.


The bottom line is that it is a cost/benefit situation. For me, the benefits far outweigh the costs. And of course, by "costs", I mean more than just the cost of the system and supplies; you need to be willing to take the time to maintain the system properly.

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  • 2 months later...
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I had a hair system for 3 months before I decided to have a surgery. It has been 2 months since the surgery and can't see the results yet but I am happier than ever.

yet, it does look fantastic the days you leave the salon. WOW, nobody can notice.. The coast of maintaining a good hair system is high. To maintain is a second job and on the top of that if you like to work out, be outside, practice sports, water sports, ski .. forget it.. it is not for you.. for a few minutes during the day, I felt good about it. for the rest 23 hours I felt misareble. if you are a canditate of hair transplant. go for it !


Thanks for sharing this nice topics.

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Thats rough mate but u accentuated my point. A hair system only works for u if u already have a partner, and being very open abt it, meaning all ur friends etc should know u r on it.. though u will defn get some insensitive comments at times. They will not know how hurt u r but trust me, those comments will come. You will feel more self conscious and in the end, done, all confidence gone, worse than before u donned that hair piece


If i m in that dilemma, i will just shave it. Thats making the best decision in the worst case scenario...


I do agree with your point, while im against hair systems in general, but if you already have a partner who knows you as you are, and you both agree on this hair system thing, then it could be a little more acceptable. you will still get comments from other people no matter what though.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Find it sad that someone who had a bad time wearing has to come on here and try and feel superior.


Plenty of peoples lives have been ruined by HT's, plus the more HT's you see you can begin to spot them like bad wigs. HT's are like wigs if you go to the right places the results can be flawless.


If you want to take the risk on ht's great good luck, if you want to take a risk on wigs good luck.


We are all in this together and you should try and be positive not take the piss.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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to the person who says Im against hair pieces because well If I meet a girl im going to have to tell her im bald and she will leave me... tahts ok youre entitled to an opinion.....


however I would rather look in the mirror with my new hair everyday and smile then think for the next 10 years,,, well what if I meet a girl


I had a non surgical hair replacement.. im a totally new person....

Im on cloud 9....


and if a girl says to me well I cant date you you have fake hair.. well... Im just gonna tell her dont let the door hit you on the way out...

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Having been a wearer for nearly 20 years in my opinion the only person who believes the hair system is undetectable is the wearer. You convince yourself nobody knows, you even forget you've got it on - but believe me nobody else does. The only reason others don't say anything is because most people don't, not to your face anyway.


I thought I got away with it more in my early 20s, probably because it was hard to believe someone that young would be wearing a wig. As I got older I became an object of ridicule, despite the fact nobody would ever say it to my face.

Edited by HairToday72
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