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5.5 months and No growth after Hair transplant

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I and 25 years old and had Hair transplant via FUE technic, 4000 grafts in one day, it's been 5.5 months and there is no growth, Should I have to wait or consider that transplant has failed 

Edited by Yashpatel1998
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  • Valued Contributor
5 hours ago, Yashpatel1998 said:

I and 25 years old and had Hair transplant via FUE technic, 4000 grafts in one day, it's been 5.5 months and there is no growth, Should I have to wait or consider that transplant has failed 

It’s not looking very promising. 

Which clinic did you go to? And do you have pictures immediately post-op so we can see the work?

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Posted (edited)

You are just 25 years of age with aggressive hairloss. I hope you are on Finasteride. You need to upload better photos. The current photo's are quite zoomed in.

If possible please share the pictures which you must have received from clinic

Edited by Rawkerboi
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@Rawkerboi and @Berba11

I went to sparkle cosmetics clinic in Mumbai, they have done many hair transplants and have good results.

I am on finastride 1mg daily, I am worried about my results because 4000 drafts was a one day procedure, below you will see my post op pics and last is 1 month pic  





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2 hours ago, Yashpatel1998 said:

@Rawkerboi and @Berba11

I went to sparkle cosmetics clinic in Mumbai, they have done many hair transplants and have good results.

I am on finastride 1mg daily, I am worried about my results because 4000 drafts was a one day procedure, below you will see my post op pics and last is 1 month pic  





Whilst I think it's fair to say that not many of these grafts looks to have survived, I think it's also worth pointing out that this doens't really look like 4,000 grafts. And if it is 4,000 grafts (I'm confident it's not), I don't understand the strategy to spread them out so thinly all over the scalp. The planning and placement of the grafts could never have achieved a visual improvement; it was doomed to failure one way or the other. Normally what you'd do in your situation is use all 4,000 grafts to rebuild the hairline and frontal third and first half of the midscalp, and then in a second session 6-12 months later look to get as much coverage going back into the crown as possible. Textbook example of this would be @Bandit90's case - also done in India.

Given your level of loss, the wide, linear U-shape hairline seems a poor choice - it should be higher, narrower and more mature looking. I don't know why they've gone so aggressive right out of the gate (particularly given your age), other than obviously not being a very good clinic.

At 5 and a half months you still have more growth to come, but the placement of the grafts won't give much visual improvement regardless of whether they grow or not. I'm not saying any of this to alarm you and I hate to give negative feedback to someone at this stage of the journey, but equally I see no value in sugar coating things and I wouldn't want anyone to be anything other than brutally honest with me in similar circumstances to what you find yourself in.

That's the bad news. The better news - potentially - is that that they didn't actually extract 4,000 grafts. They certainly didn't implant 4,000! So one of two things has happened: they managed to take out 4,000 but did a bad job with the grafts and implanted much less than 4,000 (fingers crossed this isn't the case), or... 4,000 grafts were never removed from your donor area to begin.

If it's the latter - and I hope it is! - you've a much better chance at getting a fix up and recovering the situation. Do you have any immediate post op photos of your donor?


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Pls check my donor pic post Ops. they had spread the grafts because I already have 35% - 40% existing hairs they said, which are grown up you can see before pics in above reply, my crown is full and no need hair transplant, only my frontal part is gone and also I lost my hair in just 1-2 years of time so I thought it is not genetic and assumed it to be telogen effluvium or CTE, but my hair never came back after prp and other treatments so I went for HT.

If these hair come back then atleast I will have 70% - 80% hair which can be good if it doesn't come then I won't do any HT because of trust issues and I will simply go for Wig atleast a wig will be 100% 😊



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1 hour ago, Yashpatel1998 said:

they had spread the grafts because I already have 35% - 40% existing hairs they said

Definitely not true. You’re a full blown NW6 at 25 years old with the top portion of your crown virtually gone. You have a small amount of native hair across the scalp, but certainly not 30-40% of your native hair remaining. 

If you look at @Bandit90’s thread, you’ll see his first surgery was 4000 grafts for the frontal third, part of the midscalp and temple points. The visual coverage as well as the sheer volume of grafts looks significantly different from yours. It seems impossible to me that you’ve had the same number of grafts implanted. 

1 hour ago, Yashpatel1998 said:

Pls check my donor pic post Ops

Area of extraction is large (a good thing typically), which does hint at a lot of grafts being extracted (probably a bad thing in your case) but it’s honestly very, very difficult to say from those pictures. 

2 hours ago, Yashpatel1998 said:

I will simply go for Wig

Wigs come with their own challenges. They often don’t look great, but even when they do, there’s maintenance to consider. But moreover, a lot of guys try to hide the fact they have a wig through stigma. That can weigh heavily on a person and is something to consider. 

If you’re going to rock a hair system in secret, you may find life gets harder rather than easier at times. If however you’re willing to “own it” and have the confidence and personality to pull it off then fair play to you - you’ll be fine. 

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Right now important is the hair grows out whatever the percentage is, maybe finastride can do some magic because I have long vellus hairs also 

When the hair starts to grow after transplant, many people say 4 months some says slow grower can grow after 6 months also, what is your opinion about growth timeline, i have no growth at 5.5 months rightnow.

I will update after 2-3 months whatever the outcome is.

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Berba11 said it all well!…You had this done at “Sparkle Cosmetic clinic”?!…you’re kidding right?…really?!…once again, the photos tell the whole story…the photo of your donor post-op is one of the worst I have seen and IMHO, looks more like a battlefield that several techs or doctors were learning extractions as newbies…and the hairline work especially the design again shows someone with very little to no experience or skill, the descending graft placement makes little sense as Berba pointed out…and my premonition is that a much lower negotiated price was the driving factor in your decision to choose “Sparkle Cosmetics”…and then you are surprised with the lack of growth?…really?…and if you are willing to resort to a wig, why would you waste your money and your lost donor to an unproven cosmetics company?😳🫨🙄

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Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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You went to a Hair Mill and your HT was botched. If you really wanted to get into Wigs then why did you botched your head?

Hair Systems come with their own challenges, it's not as easy as it look's, especially in your country India where the climate is Hot and Humid.

It's safe to conclude your HT was bad and it will be a miracle if you see any growth now. I am quite interested to know the cost per graft of your HT.

At the age of 25 you should be on medications like Finasteride and research about HT. In country like India, there are lot of Mills and very few Clinic's are doing HT ethically and providing good results but yes they are not cheap.

@Berba11 has explained your case quite well and even @gillenator 

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20 hours ago, Yashpatel1998 said:

I and 25 years old and had Hair transplant via FUE technic, 4000 grafts in one day, it's been 5.5 months and there is no growth, Should I have to wait or consider that transplant has failed 

Unfortunately @Yashpatel1998 the damage was done before any anesthesia was applied. The real detail is not just in your results immediate post op and now but in the name of the clinic that you chose 'Sparkle Cosmedic Clinic' and the lack of research that you have put into your choice of clinic. Having said that you are on finasteride which is good so stay on this medication (I'm not a doctor). Allow everything to grow out until 12 months and then assess your donor. If in the in future you are happy with the results then all good and well. However in all honesty you are looking at a repair and the donor appears to be vandalised to some degree so please do not be in a hurry to do anything else. Spend as much time as you can researching results that you like and in the future see who are the surgeons performing these elite procedures. All the best.

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20 hours ago, Berba11 said:

If you’re going to rock a hair system in secret, you may find life gets harder rather than easier at times.


This is so true. I hated wearing a hair system. I was always afraid people could tell my hair was fake. That feeling was worse than being a NW 6.


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(formerly BeHappy)

I am a forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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15 hours ago, Al - Moderator said:


This is so true. I hated wearing a hair system. I was always afraid people could tell my hair was fake. That feeling was worse than being a NW 6.


I wore hair systems for 11 years and regretted every single day I had to wear them!

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Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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1. They have placed hair in the back much too far apart. Even if they grow 100% it's gonna look like nothing was done here. 

2. Even in the hairline where the grafts are relatively dense, the growth is poor. 

In general, you need to visit a proper hair transplant surgeon for getting assessed. As spacing to this extent and in this stage of hair loss, seems a littles ridiculous. 


Ps: I don't understand why people resist do much to accept that make pattern hair loss is genetic. It is not a sign of defeat, rather would help in making a proper choice. I also wonder how come the clinic didn't tell you that it is a genetic problem? 

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Thats not even close to 4,000 grafts. I'd say closer to 1,500-2,000 grafts.

They also dont look like they implanted properly.

My advice is try to get your money back and go to a reputable for a 2nd HT

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