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  1. @Berba11 Right now important is the hair grows out whatever the percentage is, maybe finastride can do some magic because I have long vellus hairs also When the hair starts to grow after transplant, many people say 4 months some says slow grower can grow after 6 months also, what is your opinion about growth timeline, i have no growth at 5.5 months rightnow. I will update after 2-3 months whatever the outcome is.
  2. @Berba11 Pls check my donor pic post Ops. they had spread the grafts because I already have 35% - 40% existing hairs they said, which are grown up you can see before pics in above reply, my crown is full and no need hair transplant, only my frontal part is gone and also I lost my hair in just 1-2 years of time so I thought it is not genetic and assumed it to be telogen effluvium or CTE, but my hair never came back after prp and other treatments so I went for HT. If these hair come back then atleast I will have 70% - 80% hair which can be good if it doesn't come then I won't do any HT because of trust issues and I will simply go for Wig atleast a wig will be 100% 😊
  3. @Rawkerboi and @Berba11 I went to sparkle cosmetics clinic in Mumbai, they have done many hair transplants and have good results. I am on finastride 1mg daily, I am worried about my results because 4000 drafts was a one day procedure, below you will see my post op pics and last is 1 month pic
  4. I and 25 years old and has Hair transplant via FUE technic, 4000 grafts in one day, it's been 5.5 months and there is no growth, Should I have to wait or consider that transplant has failed First pic is at 5.5 months and second pic is before HT
  5. I and 25 years old and had Hair transplant via FUE technic, 4000 grafts in one day, it's been 5.5 months and there is no growth, Should I have to wait or consider that transplant has failed
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