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A New Surgical Instrument for FUE Procedures

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The Introduction of a New FUE Instrument

By Dr. Alan S. Feller






I would like to announce the unveiling of a new tool designed specifically for the performance of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) surgery. It is my hope that every doctor already performing FUE surgery, or those who would simply like to start offering this wonderful procedure to their patients, will explore this new tool and perhaps add it to their own clinical practice.


Incorporated into its design are practical solutions to problems that have plagued the FUE industry since it's introduction to the Western Hemisphere in 2001. Deleterious forces resulting in graft damage during FUE procedures such as: Torsion, Traction, Compression, Overheating, and Desiccation are addressed and minimized using this new instrument like none other.


This tool also offers the unique combination of LOWERING operator skill level requirements while actually RAISING the quality of each and every extraction. This translates to faster 'ramp-up' times for new doctors interested in adding FUE Hair Transplant surgery to their practices; as well as making for easy and near seamless integration into clinics that already offer FUE to their patients.


This device allows not only for greater quality of extraction, but greater speed as well. Much greater. And all without any extra risk to the grafts themselves. The same cannot be said of other FUE tools on the market.


All these unique benefits result in far less fatigue for the doctors, technicians, and patients. It's important not to forget this all important (but often ignored) human factor because in the end any 'work product' will only be as good as the vitality, enthusiasm, and confidence possessed by the doctor and team at the time of the procedure.


The obvious purpose of the tool is to facilitate the FUE procedure for practitioners; but that is only part of a far greater strategy: the sparking of a new and legitimate industry that's inclusive of ALL practitioners-novice and veteran alike.


The bigger picture is to elevate the current 'cottage industry' status of FUE to a more mainstream role in hair transplantation; and to forever strip away the mystery, hype, and secrecy with which it has been unnecessarily surrounded by since it's inception.


All clinics are welcome to this tool. I will not veil it in secrecy nor will I falsely claim it as the 'magic wand' of FUE. As a veteran FUE practitioner I could claim this device solely for my own HT clinics and advertise it as such to gain a competitive edge.


However, for this field to grow, the credibility and exposure of the FUE technique must increase, and I can think of no better way to achieve this than offering a device that makes it easier for hundreds or thousands of other doctors to get into the FUE field themselves. Once they get a taste of the success I've had with FUE over the past 7 years, a greater number of doctors will join the FUE ranks. More successful FUE practitioners means greater numbers of satisfied patients, and thus a more popular procedure with ever increasing demand. Everyone wins.


My company, Advanced FUE Tools, Inc. is not just some name I slapped on the door of my current HT practice clinics just to sell a few tools. Rather, it is a well supported and financed group of businessmen, master-machinists, draftsmen, technicians, problem-solvers, thinkers, and attorneys, who have dedicated themselves to the development of this product for years. Like an actual FUE procedure, TEAMWORK is what made this device not only a reality, but a clinically practical and useful one at that.


I've used this tool, or fundamental aspects of it, through various generations of such devices for just about every FUE procedure that I've posted on the web since 2003. This means it has been used and tested for years.


Each component of this device taken in-and-of itself separately, or combined as one device, has a proven 'real-world' track record. This established pedigree was something I insisted on for years before going public with it. Now is the time for this tool to join the pantheon of practical medical devices that helped form and shape hair transplantation into the enormously successful industry it has become.


I have avoided lengthy technical detail in this write-up as I felt it went beyond the scope of an introduction. Doctors may of course contact me directly if they have any specific questions or concerns.


I will be offering much more information and multi-media about the device in the near future, but wanted to introduce not only the device, but some of the thought and philosophy that made the design and production of this new FUE instrument a reality.



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Wow. Scintillating! Congratulations and kudos on reaching the point where you feel comfortable enough in taking this public!


Without getting into technicalities or nuanced specifics....how do you see this elevating yield, as well as what is a "max"-like session in one procedure?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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BRAVO Dr. Feller!

i applaud your write-up wholeheartedly.


i wish you HUGE success with this tool performance-wise as well as distribution-wise and i hope that it gets sold like hot cakes.

now that this tool is out there in the open for the whole world to see, perhaps a strong oversea demand for it in some third world countries will kick in. again i applaud you for sharing your knowledge openly and exposing the "not-so-secret-now" electric fue tool for all of us. your last statement "I will be offering much more information and multi-media about the device in the near future" shows just how good of a man you are and a real-deal character.


keep up the good work dr. F and keep pushing the envelope!



one thing that i want to ask you dr. F is (i'd be kicking myself all night if i didn't), now that this tool speeds up the extraction process and makes the job that much easier, any chance that your fue price will drop down couple of bucks from the big 10?

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Dr Feller.


Thanks. I found your write up very interesting and informative. I think that its great that you have shared this not only with fellow doctors but also on this and like forums so that the patients can actually get a little of the insight that is an FUE procedure.

I wish you all the luck with this product and look forward to other doctors comments and in time patient results with this piece of equipment.


The Feller does it again!!!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Dr. Feller,


I applaud you for your detailed and realistic write-up of a seemingly advanced tool that can assist surgeons and their staff dedicated to improving on the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique.


If you get a chance, it would be interesting to see a video demonstration on how this tool works, technical details explained, close-ups of the extracted follicular units to see the viability of the grafts, and close-ups of the donor area.


Thanks for not only working to improve the FUE technique at your clinic, but for sharing the data with your peers for the betterment of all patients.



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Dr Feller,


Is this the patented Feller Punch that you have been selling on the market for years (.8 and .9mm punches). If not, and this is something new, how does this punch deal with the 3 forces (that you often mention) that are detrimental to FUE success (Torsion etc?)

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One more question (icon_smile.gif) -- will this impact people becoming universally/equally suitable for FUE, who otherwise wouldn't be? Or, will it mainly boost the harvesting ability in those who already are solid "candidates" to begin with?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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LMAO! icon_biggrin.gif


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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some excellent follow-up questions/requests were being asked by this community but I think mine is the most important icon_wink.gif


LOL @ PGPs link video

the lady that was recording all that was cracking me up with her hilarious comments icon_biggrin.gif

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I'm pleasantly surprised at the response the announcement of my new instrument has generated. I realistically expected only one or two comments, so I thank EVERYONE for chimming in.


While in surgery today (FUE) I've also received calls from several doctors who are interested in adding this device to their own practices.


I will address each comment and question later today after I finish my procedures.


Again, thank you all for participating.


Dr. F

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  • Senior Member

Always good to see innovation, and any tool that can enhance the FUE procedure and possibly improve yield, even in less experienced hands, is good for everyone. Looks like a strange alien pen. Sexy icon_smile.gif



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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Petchski - the alien pen thing, you're right! It's been bothering me for ages, but I now realise that Doctor Feller is in fact Doctor Who.


Think about it:

- secret passion for inventing

- regularly helps hapless Brits

- attractive assistant

- non-descript building seemingly larger on the inside and full of technological marvels

- and now he's invented a sonic screwdriver (see attached pic)!


I think we should all be told the truth.


On a more serious note, nice work. I'd be keen to see some multi-media about this and to learn if and how this device might increase the sort of yields usually associated with FUE.


17 Feb 09 - 3,200 FUs by strip surgery (Dr Feller)


My Hair Loss Website

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Dr. Feller,


One thing I must bring up to the community falls into the 'Hype' category.

As you are aware that FUE is mostly overhyped and inconsistent results have been the norm as of recent.

My question to you is how is this tool any different?

You are usually a strong component about transparency and openness and what amazes me is that recently you have been going on a 'slagging' campaign against the Neograft machine (etc.).

Whether it works or not remains to be seen, but could this 'slagging/mocking' of the machine have to deal with the fact you are just trying to market this new product/invention.

I also have to say in (nearly) every post when talking about FUE you always state that in order to move FUE forward the three forces that are detrimental to FUE success have to be addressed.

What annoys me is that if your tool really addresses these components then why didn't you state long ago that you had a tool to deal with these issues as opposed to bringing the topic up time and time again as though you yourself were looking for an answer?

Rarely ever did you state that you had a tool to deal with these issues and what more led us to believe that you weren't performing FUE as much as strip and preferred strip over FUE because no one had invented a way/tool to deal with these detrimental forces (torsion, traction, compression).

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but until other doct's use this tool and consistent results are seen this could be just another 'hyped' up product,

which once again gives the good procedure (FUE) a bad name!!

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Dr. Feller --


I'm curious to know... As this tool will lessen the probability of "Torsion, Traction, Compression, Overheating, and Desiccation" for doctors, do you now eventually see FUE moving in a direction to compete, or even replace strip surgery anytime in the near future? Or, do you still see its primary place as remaining as an adjunct to strip?

Congrats on the new invention!

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Thank you all for asking some very thoughtful questions. I should make it clear that this tool is only useful as PART of a particular method. I guess we'll call it the 'Feller FUE Method' for descriptive purposes even though I've never officially named my particular style of FUE.


This tool is NOT a magic wand that will simply allow the novice to extract like a pro in one day??¦ but this tool, combined with my methods of FUE, is the CLOSEST the FUE industry has come to it yet. It will NOT extract EVERY graft on EVERY person 100% of the time, but it WILL maximize the success/failure ratio as well as final growth yield compared to ANY other method-disclosed or non-disclosed. No question about it.


I will address all your concerns as best I can.


To begin, I'd like to set the record straight about my disclosures over the years.

I solved the problems of Torsion, Traction, and Compression years ago and disclosed it right on this site back in 2003, demonstrated it an Arkansas ISHRS meeting in a live surgery demonstration AND Video in 2003, described it in the leading Text on Hair transplantation published in 2004, and informed dozens of doctors over the years as to my methods.


I have never held that information to myself and never denied the information or the custom tools themselves to any doctor who wanted them. Furthermore, I NEVER sold any of my Feller punches for profit and NEVER billed any doctor to teach them my FUE method.

Because I was positive that my Manual method of performing FUE was solid, I disclosed it openly and transparently-consciously avoiding the 'hype' and the 'wishful thinking' of those who would frame it as something it wasn't.


My motorized method was a different animal altogether. I designed, tested and used many different devices, but none of them were reliable enough to offer to other practitioners. I had reached the limit of my personal ability and realized I had to recruit professionals to bring this tool to fruition WITHOUT jumping the gun. Working with a team takes TIME, and I wanted to make sure this device had a real world track record before I offered it publicly. Now, it does.


I instantly understood the problem of using spinning punches on delicate tissue like FUE grafts back in 2003, but it took me time to be able to describe them and then come up with an appropriate solution. What AMAZED me is that no one else in the FUE field was seeking to do the same BEFORE offering their 'technology' to the public. Rather than diving in like so many other clinics did, I held back and engaged in methodical experimentation and observation until I was as sure as I could be that I had the most practical and useful solution.


Why are 'spinners' bad? Because they whip around at approx 7,000 rounds per minute. That creates A LOT of torsion and A LOT of friction. Friction creates heat- and heat causes injury and desiccation. Think of an 'Indian rub burn' and you'll get the idea.


This tool Oscillates through a very small arc. This means very little torsion force and 75% less friction. Combine this with a Feller punch which was designed to reduce friction in and of itself and you are left with an FUE instrument that produces the least of the two detrimental forces motorized tools inflict on FUE grafts: Merciless Torsion and Searing Heat. Then apply the Perforation technique during delivery of the grafts and you have a method that address all the Manual FUE problems AND the Motorized FUE problems.


Does it work?


Look at all my FUE presentations online from 2004 to the present. All of them have been performed using my particular FUE method with either some aspects or all aspects of the tool. The FUE surgery I did on Spex is only one example that most people online are familiar with. I will be supplying video that demonstrates me and other doctors performing FUE using my method and device.


More to come.


Dr. Feller

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  • Senior Member

Likewise...where is the Neograft thread you're referencing Parable?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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In short, the neograft machine is just a spinning punch. But rather than using a simple electric motor, it uses compressed air to spin the punch. Just another way to skin the cat, albeit more unnecessarily complex and expensive.


The neograft also features the use of suction to aid in the extraction process. This suction serves no useful purpose and is indeed a danger to the graft in that it will increase the chances of desiccation due to the continuous airflow over the graft.


But those aren't my biggest objections. The real problem is that this device requires the graft to travel through the punch and down a tube. Many FUE grafts splay out at the deep root, which means the chances of it getting clipped by the sharp edge of the punch is quite high.


The second problem is that as the graft is being desiccated while being sucked through the punch and the tubing, it is also being physically traumatized as it slams against the walls of the tubing as it travels on it's tortuous path toward the collection basin after which the graft has to be picked free of the other debris that travelled with it.

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I love inventions generally and everything that has to do with good technology coming out that will make things better for us...


edit:i just understood it is only for extractions it just that it looked a bit like the choi implanter


If not, is it like a drill?you spin the top left and right and the bottom drills?(not very scientific i know but i dont know how else to express it)

should we believe everything?

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