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Which ht clinic/doctor?

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I am 32 years old and would like to have my first HT. So far I thought about going to Turkey and have it done there. As I have heard that they have quite some experience in doing these surgeries. I am ready to travel, so this is not a a problem. The money is not important for me. The result is what matters. So far I thought about the following two:

  • Medical Exclusive Instanbul
  • HLC Ankara

however, I was not sure for which I should go? What is the better option?

Also I am not limited to Turkey. I also read about

  • Freitas, Clinica de Freitas, Valencia Spain
  • Ferreira, Bruno Ferreira, Porto Portugal

I am not that much into the topic, so I cannot say for myself which doctor/clinic would deliver the best result. So maybe someone here can give me an advice and tell me which doctor/clinic is the best?


Thanks for any help.

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I agree with @didu911all the excellent clinics you have listed except the first one, also why Turkey?  If you named those European surgeons and cost is not an issue, focus on them, they are two very good surgeons.

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31 minutes ago, Mark said:
  • Freitas, Clinica de Freitas, Valencia Spain
  • Ferreira, Bruno Ferreira, Porto Portugal

This is were I would start. Not Turkey. Take your time and look at doctors who turn out consistently excellent results on people who have the same hair loss and the same goals as you do. You can also look at Eugenix, H+W, and plenty more that are listed on the forum. All the best!

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Take a look at our recommendations. Submit some consultations, and research here


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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Thanks for your quick answers so far!


Ok, I see. Yes, I was afraid that they are overbooked and I wasn't sure if it is a good choice, even if I would get an appointment on the very long run, because I am not sure if they really treat me well and take their time then. This is actually what I was afraid of considering Turkey...


I should have said that I am from EU and want to do it in EU (includes Turkey). So H+W is not an option, as they are in the US, as far as I know. That also excludes Eugenix, travelling to India is not really an option for me.


Mh, now I am not sure what to do or where to go. I think only HLC would then probably offer me an appoitnment in the close future. But as you said Turkey would not be the first start. However, if these two from Portugal/Spain are basically also not an option, because yes, no answer and long waiting list, I am a bit lost now...

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Never let time dictate your choice, if the surgeon is good, they’re worth waiting for. You’ve been balding how many years? But you’re not willing to wait. That doesn’t make any sense. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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True, but actually it developed the last 2 years, so not that long and I really hate how it is now. So I want to actually have a "quick-fix". Although quick does not mean low quality. But sure, I likely have to accept waiting.

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1 hour ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

Take a look at our recommendations. Submit some consultations, and research here


Two questions

Why is Freitas, Clinica de Freitas actually not shown in the map? No reviews so far?

Also regarding Freitas: It is not said that I am treated by de Freitas personally, it could also be Dr. Carlos Eduardo Vieira. But he is also good?

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2 minutes ago, Mark said:

One question, why is Freitas, Clinica de Freitas actually not shown in the map? No reviews so far?

He’s on the map, he has plenty of reviews here too @BjornBorg is one off the top of my head.


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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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8 minutes ago, Mark said:

True, but actually it developed the last 2 years, so not that long and I really hate how it is now. So I want to actually have a "quick-fix". Although quick does not mean low quality. But sure, I likely have to accept waiting.

Unfortunately, no such thing as “quick fix” with surgery. It takes time to research, and even the hair itself takes a full year. Never go in with a “quick fix” mentality, you’ll be disappointed and anxious. Hair fibers are a quick fix. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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If you want an instant change in your appearance, book your first surgery with a top surgeon you’ve listed above. While you wait (3 months to a year) you can experiment with your medications you’ll need for the rest of your life. You’ll see some hair return over those months and will be able to monitor side effects and read through this forum which will be incredibly valuable for your upcoming surgery. Once your date gets closer, you’ll have a wealth of knowledge around your 5 to 10 year plan which in most cases will include a 2nd surgery. You’ll also be able to communicate with the doctor/clinic in an informed manner.  I would say the “quickest fix” would be about 2 years including the wait time for procedure. 

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2 hours ago, Mark said:

Sorry, I meant Ferreira, Bruno Ferreira. I cannot find him?

He’s not a recommended surgeon. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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24 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

He’s not a recommended surgeon. 

Ok... but I don't get it, I thought he would be a good choice, it's just a long time waiting?

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15 minutes ago, Mark said:

Ok... but I don't get it, I thought he would be a good choice, it's just a long time waiting?

I believe only doctors that pay the inclusion fee get included in this forum recommended list but he’s high rated.


As for Turkey, I would feel comfortable with Dr Turan, Dr Bicer, HLC their gloveless technique is great and the other high rates are Demirsoy, Pekiner and keser though i haven’t seen their technique so can’t say. Dr Gur is also recommended but again haven’t seen his technique.

Dr Bisinga in Belgium is also great though very expensive.

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A quick fix would be to get a hair piece with all respect. I waited three years to have my surgery and I had already found my chosen surgeon. I spent this time doing more research on everything hair loss/hair restoration related. You have to remember that you have to look at your surgical results in the mirror everyday for the rest of your life. If the right surgeon for your needs means waiting a year or so then that’s time we’ll spent. All the best!

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HLC is a decent clinic. They perform doctor led surgeries and seem very honest and transparent.


Never heard of that other Turkish clinic. Just be aware 99%+ of Turkish clinics are hair mills. It’s literally a minefield in that country


In terms of the EU, de Freitas, pinto, couto, and  bisanga are some of the best. Not too sure about wait times but I wouldn’t rush anything like this- you can end up regretting it for the rest of your life.

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4 hours ago, Gatsby said:

A quick fix would be to get a hair piece with all respect. I waited three years to have my surgery and I had already found my chosen surgeon. I spent this time doing more research on everything hair loss/hair restoration related. You have to remember that you have to look at your surgical results in the mirror everyday for the rest of your life. If the right surgeon for your needs means waiting a year or so then that’s time we’ll spent. All the best!

Trouble with that is his hair would change appearance drastically to super dense with hairpiece then his natural hair would look completely different with HT. It’s hard to hide something like that and a huge commitment once you’re seen with a hairpiece. 

I only wear hair concealers and it’s a struggle because now the people who have seen me with toppik will be shocked to see my thinned bald head then again with toppik. That beats the whole purpose of using hair concealers.

Just think he should be aware of the commitment both hairpieces and concealers require more so hairpieces because you become a nw0 and then can’t go to a balding nw3 or 6 or whatever he is right now. Even you said you let everyone know you’re wearing a piece so the pressure was off

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5 hours ago, Euphoria said:

Even you said you let everyone know you’re wearing a piece so the pressure was off

Yes you raised some excellent points. At some point you have to 'own' your decisions because they all have consequences. Whether it's the scabs and ugly duckling stage post op, the change from bald to hair with a hair piece, Shaving your head and having SMP, etc. The list goes on. But you take the power back when you face this challenge because you are in control and people have very short memories. I have just come back from a catch up with two very close friends. I never told them that I was going to have a hair transplant in January. I wore a beanie as it's freezing here in Melbourne. I deliberately removed my beanie once I sat down and one of them asked me how I grew my hair back! I could have lied and said it was from magic new drug but told them the whole back story over the past two years. Both have known me when I was a teenager and made the mistake of having surgery, hair pieces, SMP, etc. Anyway my point is that they didn't know it was a hair transplant until I told them. It's now four hours since seeing them and they have moved on. People have very short memories (even our closest friends).

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